That shiny rayquaza![]()
Yeah, bit jealous. See the US PC has the 9" normal Rayray... but I want dat Shiny one.
That shiny rayquaza![]()
Just these four right now
Thought about the Pikachu party theme, but it's so busy.Little too busy for me. The sleeping Pikachu one is adorable but I kind of have fallen in love with the Hanafuda one... maybe I'll wait for it to never come.
I still haven't been able to find the female Pikachu. I'm starting to believe it's a lie and the store just wants me to stare at that background for hours.
I went with the sleeping Pikachu and love it. The Pikachu party theme just looks like a visual, gleeful shriek.
Thank PokeGods for that then. Okay, more Legendary hunting and Battle Maison fighting then.You can face Deoxys again after you beat the Elite 4 again.
You don't need to buy both versions, they are just a way for Game Freak to get more money out of people because each version has "exclusive pokemon" found in the wild but it's easy to find someone who will trade you the version exclusives (as long as you are on the 3DS games since they still have Internet connection). Having two games per release is just tradition these days.Never played Pokemon. I was thinking of jumping onboard for the 3DS games. Do I buy just one or both titles? Why are there two games a release? Should I buy X and Y in addition to the latest Omega and Alpha ones? Should I go back for any of the DS games?
You don't need to buy both versions, they are just a way for Game Freak to get more money out of people because each version has "exclusive pokemon" found in the wild but it's easy to find someone who will trade you the version exclusives (as long as you are on the 3DS games since they still have Internet connection). Having two games per release is just tradition these days.
X/Y have more pokemon as a whole (found naturally in the wild, not total), but ORAS has more features (I.e. Megastones) and that's where most of the playerbase has moved on to if you are interested in the multiplayer aspects. But if you are not interested in the multiplayer I think the single player campaign of X/Y plays better for newcomers.
The older DS games I would recommend are SoulSilver/HeartGold, White/Black and White/Black 2. I didn't personally care for the Sinnoh games (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum) but if you are interested in those just get Platinum.
If you only ever plan to play Pokemon once and don't intend to use the multiplayer features, X or Y are the best bet IMO. Otherwise grab Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire and don't bother with the older entries.Never played Pokemon. I was thinking of jumping onboard for the 3DS games. Do I buy just one or both titles? Why are there two games a release? Should I buy X and Y in addition to the latest Omega and Alpha ones? Should I go back for any of the DS games?
My birthday is coming up, should I get my birthday event Glaceon in English or Japanese? Not that it matters really since I'll get another next year.
And on payday I'll get my Hoopa movie ticket preorders for double Arceuses + double mystery event bonuses.
Also for people on scrap it expires 4/30, which I have to get my Keldeo/Shaymin farming in full swing.
Don't forget to register for the Enter The Dragon Type competition so you can get a HA Amaura
OMG Hanafuda theme today?! So glad I waited...
I feel dumb. How do you register for the tournament again?
I participated in the Battle of Hoenn, but I swear TPC never makes it clear what you're supposed to do.
YepAll three in the US today. Europe from tonight probably, also
Global Link site -> Log in -> Online Competitions and it should be at the top
And yes I want that Charizard theme.
Is it up now, or just some time today? I guess I'll find out later when I play a little. /dance
Will be up in 2 and a half hours
Global Link site -> Log in -> Online Competitions and it should be at the top
I wanna breed a dragalge for VGC use. Quiet or modest?
So nobody will help me evolve my haunter D:
Should be able to, yeahCan you participate with two versions in the tournament on ONE global link account or do you need a second account to enter the tournament with the second version?
I enjoyed the story in the Black and White games and their sequels but part of the reason for that was because Game Freak tried to change up the formula a bit with them. There isn't REALLY a reason to buy the older games except out of curiosity or if you want to explore the different pokemon regions.Is it just more of the same or is there a compelling reason to go to older releases like story or charm?
I just hatched a 5 IV Quiet Honedge. 16 IV in Speed should be low enough to use competitively, right?
Edit: For VGC rules.
Still looking for someone to help me trade evolve my haunter
thanks, I've sent the pmI can help you, PM me your FC.
I just hatched a 5 IV Quiet Honedge. 16 IV in Speed should be low enough to use competitively, right?
Edit: For VGC rules.
I was testing my cousin og3DS, and after getting out of a game (a demo of a shooter) it popped up in the home screen a gift. And it was Pokemon Shuffle for free. Why is that? Lol
Ok, think I'll breed both of them. Thanks <3Definitely Quiet if you're using Trick Room. If not, Modest can outrun Aromatisse, Amoonguss and Mega Abomasnow while Quiet won't if they aren't running -Speed natures.
Never played Pokemon. I was thinking of jumping onboard for the 3DS games. Do I buy just one or both titles? Why are there two games a release? Should I buy X and Y in addition to the latest Omega and Alpha ones? Should I go back for any of the DS games?
I got Umbreon last year in Japanese. But I wasn't going to restart my JPN game in English. I'd say go with whatever you feel like. Maybe JPN this year, and ENG next year?
Yeah, mostly done with scrap myself. Prepping my JPN X game to be playable again since I sacked the save file for Shiny Rayquaza farming. Just gotta catch some Pokemon and trade the Pokemon back with items today. Then gotta set up JPN AS for an actual play through. I have to claim my Eon Ticket, Victini, Shaymin, and Keldeo. Have to get that done like next couple of days so I don't forget. But guess Eon Ticket code lasts longer than I thought. But gotta get that trio. Fortunately I've already finished my Shaymin farming (to trade, have 20 in all).
Jump in and as the resident PokeDon Corleone, I can definitely make you an offer you can't refuse.