I always nickname the ones I keep for myself. If it's gonna be trade bait it won't be nicknamed.
Sorry for jumping in with a random question, but is there a reason I can't use my gen 5 pokes in rated battles on ORAS? That was when I first got into "real" battling, and now I can't use my old favorites
Edit: worth noting I bred them myself, their legitimacy is not in question
To try and block hacked Pokémon and reset the metagame without people using moves from events over a decade old, they instituted a policy of only allowing things created in Generation VI. Unfortunately, it backfired when people found ways to hack in Gen VI
I remain a little surprised they haven't countered the event stuff by introducing tutors or expanding the move relearner capabilities for those pokemon. It seems like a much more effective way of putting things on a level playing field (and the Silliness of Victini's signature move V-create being not only Event only but found on Rayquaza's would go away).
Giving tutors for event moves completely removes the point of event only moves
Event only moves from a decade ago you're struggling to have a metagame involving seem like a reasonable exception. And I'm a puzzled by event only signature moves like V-create on a "Why?!" level but that's a separate issue.
Hahaha. I was going to use a Skyform Shaymin in Enter the Dragon Type. Got the moves all setup, got a Life Orb and then realized it reverts when you put it in the Battle Box If I was taking this seriously instead of only playing to get Aumaura I'd be really annoyed right now.
What the... I was going to use it too, but I SR'd a flawless Bold instead of a Timid. Well, I was going to use it for fun battles too, but that's a shame...
Also, my team still isn't ready for the dragon cup, but I guess there's still some time to train.
Currently got Rayquaza, Diancie and (Level 1) Milotic. Any suggestions for a fourth Pokemon? Was thinking Bisharp maybe to counter some fairies/dragons and counter Intimidate with Milotic.
That is lame as fused Kyurem does not revert.Hahaha. I was going to use a Skyform Shaymin in Enter the Dragon Type. Got the moves all setup, got a Life Orb and then realized it reverts when you put it in the Battle Box If I was taking this seriously instead of only playing to get Aumaura I'd be really annoyed right now.
Remember to level up Milotic (otherwise it will be level 1). The metagame is very varied and there is a rift with have/have nots in regards to using uber. Plus with the whole bring 4 only makes it hard to make a balanced team (as you pick the 4 most suitable of the 6 normally)Also, my team still isn't ready for the dragon cup, but I guess there's still some time to train.
Currently got Rayquaza, Diancie and (Level 1) Milotic. Any suggestions for a fourth Pokemon? Was thinking Bisharp maybe to counter some fairies/dragons and counter Intimidate with Milotic.
That is lame as fused Kyurem does not revert.
Remember to level up Milotic (otherwise it will be level 1). The metagame is very varied and there is a rift with have/have nots in regards to using uber. Plus with the whole bring 4 only makes it hard to make a balanced team (as you pick the 4 most suitable of the 6 normally)
I'd be inclined to use some sort of support and Thundurus could be good. You can taunt many setup (unless mental herb holding) or dark void (though you have M-Diancie to reflect that) problems away and you could always roll the dice with good old swagger plus prankster thunder wave is all kinds of annoying to deal with (especially if you have a threat on the field).
But if you're more comfortable with offensive pressure from Bisharp (Sucker Punch is good stuff) go with that as I just don't know how good support can be.
No matter what you do some games will before turn 1 really.
Speaking of which I notice my locked battle box has some moveset errors. I really wanted something to have thunder wave for backup speed control.
That is possible. My understanding was the match making tries to match even players but if there few players available it will match anyone which can be a problem for low end players if they keep being matched up with much stronger opponents who just take the 2 points they get and move on.Pretty sure I just got lucky and/or matched with low-end players.
Oh yeah, I made sure to them Level Up my Pokes. I had some spare time (tried to watch the eclipse, but too cloudy) so I got Milotic and Bisharp to Level 100 through the Blissey Bases XD
Thanks, I'll try Thundurus next time. Always wanted to try the genies, but I don't have any comp ones right now (I did RNG a shiny Landorus a while back, but it was for a trade). I assume he's pretty much Zapdos with Prankster? o___o
Bisharp's doing well for me so far, although I'm not smart enough to use Sucker Punch, so that feels like a wasted slot.
Also, I seem to have done slightly better than Joe so far. 8 matches and all of them wins so far. My team doesn't seem that great either; I had two mock battles with a friend and got wiped out. (Or maybe he was too good; he did get into Top 32 in nationals last year.)
Pretty sure I just got lucky and/or matched with low-end players.
BTW, here's one of my tougher battles: Youtube
Oh yeah, I made sure to them Level Up my Pokes. I had some spare time (tried to watch the eclipse, but too cloudy) so I got Milotic and Bisharp to Level 100 through the Blissey Bases XD
Thanks, I'll try Thundurus next time. Always wanted to try the genies, but I don't have any comp ones right now (I did RNG a shiny Landorus a while back, but it was for a trade). I assume he's pretty much Zapdos with Prankster? o___o
Bisharp's doing well for me so far, although I'm not smart enough to use Sucker Punch, so that feels like a wasted slot.
Also, I seem to have done slightly better than Joe so far. 8 matches and all of them wins so far. My team doesn't seem that great either; I had two mock battles with a friend and got wiped out. (Or maybe he was too good; he did get into Top 32 in nationals last year.)
Pretty sure I just got lucky and/or matched with low-end players.
BTW, here's one of my tougher battles: Youtube
Wait, I can't even trade Jirachi, Victini, or Keldeo?
Ugh, I'll never get Mew or Arceus.
Can't GTS trade for them no. They're event Pokemon which prevents them from being traded that way. Though, haven't done any random trades with folks lately on the PSS, but you can trade them manually like that. Or of course can always ask if folks have any extras here they're willing to part with.
Really wish they'd release Mew Stateside some kind of way.
Wait, I can't even trade Jirachi, Victini, or Keldeo?
Ugh, I'll never get Mew or Arceus.
Give it a year. Would be very surprised if we don't get a Mew around the 20th
Wait, I can't even trade Jirachi, Victini, or Keldeo?
Ugh, I'll never get Mew or Arceus.
20th of what?
I'd love to finally get my own Mew. Yeah, maybe you can trade for one (if legit) but I like getting them through events. Still remember getting some older event legendaries I have. In fact, actually decided to use Genesect in my Black play through.
I worry they'll do something silly to get it though too. I would walk all over the city to go where ever they were having it though if I had to. Not like I'm not used to walking. Only issue in States is lack of sidewalks at times. XD I'm too used to walking everywhere. (Yeah, in neighborhoods in Japan you didn't have sidewalks and all, but folks were used to pedestrians sharing road in that case.)
Are you going for a living dex or just completed pokedex? If not a living dex, you can totally borrow my Arceus.
Actually, Zserv has a good question. For a living dex or just to own?
Logic also dictates that Pokemon International should try to make more Japanese-only event Pokemon available to international players, but who knows with this company.Anniversary, coming in February. Logic dictates that we'll get the first Mew event in 6 years around then![]()
Going for a living Pokedex, thanks for the offer though.
Logic also dictates that Pokemon International should try to make more Japanese-only event Pokemon available to international players, but who knows with this company.
Logic also dictates that Pokemon International should try to make more Japanese-only event Pokemon available to international players, but who knows with this company.
If more places were willing to hold events, then we'd have more events.
We get practically all the important ones. The ones we don't get are either a) ridiculously minor, or b) would lose all form of context when brought over.
Distributions don't exist to give Pokémon, but rather are a special bonus for attending events, special shows etc. and as such, many (Sing Piplup in Gen V for example) would not make any contextual sense, and that's why we don't get them.
They could easily come up with new things to deal with the market.
For instance, Pokemon Center stuff in Japan is done in life, in the US, they can hand out codes with orders you place on the site.
They could give you birthday Pokemon if you subscribe to Pokemon Bank and have a Global Link account, etc.
CoolSpeaking of events, Germany is to get a shiny Charizard next month
I can't nickname Pokemon. Ever.
it's also one of my peeves when doing wonder trades lol.
Speaking of events, Germany is to get a shiny Charizard next month
Any kind soul willing to help me evolve my kadabra in an hour?
My FC: 4442-1557-9051
It's been an hour, you still need help?
I'm not sure if you want an offensive or defensive one, but Cradily has access to Recover and can tank a lot of super effective hits with investment into its special defense; Stockpile can help a defensive Cradily as well. It's super slow though, so rock slide flinching is pretty much out of the question with the amount of teams using tailwind, but infestation + toxic might be hilarious. And Giga Drain for extra healing just because you can.Any tips for using Cradily in VGC? I'm thinking of running an infestation set.