Happy Birthday, Lupinko!!

Nice haul! That Pikachu is so... me. LOL.
You can go to the website, but it is in Japanese. If you need help though with it, let me know and I'll do what I can to help.
Requires you to register first. Then you log in and input the codes. When you reach milestones for stuff, it'll pop in a list below. You have to click button for it to reveal the actual code for the item/Pokemon. Memorized it claiming my 24 extra Shaymin plus my own Shaymin, Victini, and Keldeo, haha.
If you want to claim extra Shaymin/Victini/Keldeo, you'll need extra accounts. I basically had at end of it all 25 or so accounts to claim all the codes I had. HOWEVER! Aveyn gave me an amazing tip if you use GMail, you can use just one email and add dots in it to get it to work. For example, say my email is
mukusaregreat@gmail.com (it's not, and I apologize if this is anyones email LOL) you could use that for one account. Next time you sign up you could use a dot in middle of it.
m.ukusaregreat@gmail.com is how I started. I'd add a dot throughout my email til I reached end then would start over but with two dots. So after that round it'd go on to look like m..ukusaregreat@gmail.com and then m...ukusaregreat@gmail.com. Think I got up to 4 dots in my own email, but it's kind of short. They all go to your email inbox still when you sign up for accounts with dots in the email.