I don't think so..Speaking of the next mainline Pokemon game, it seems some theories are circulating that ORAS was basically Pokemon Z.
It makes sense if you play the post game story.
So could Gen 7 be the next game?
I don't think Volcanion will have a new form or a mega, and I also doubt that 3DS will get another gen. Zygarde likely will though, probably two based on those moves.I don't think so..
Zygarde still doesn't have his trademark moves, and theres still one unannounced pokemon.
I believe Z will be released sometime by the end of this year or in 2016. And Volcanion will probably be distributed around this time too.
Shortly after, we will learn about gen 7, probably still on 3DS
Also, I have a theory~ by now, both Diancie and Hoopa have alternate forms, but Volcanion has none.
So, I believe his new form will be introduced in Z
Well, Black1/ White1 and the 3DS released in the same year (one year apart in Japan)I don't think Volcanion will have a new form or a mega, and I also doubt that 3DS will get another gen. Zygarde likely will though, probably two based on those moves.
2 unused pentagon hex values
This game is an emotional roller coaster ride during intense battles. I just had one where I felt every emotion possible from shock to anger to sheer joy. Good stuff.
I'm guessing his opponent will blame "hax" instead of realizing he played even worse than the Sheer Cold user. The Sheer Cold guy had no idea what he was doing with Pachirisu (Follow Me against Politoed + Klefki while Lapras is behind a sub...) but why oh why was Goodra trying to Thunder Pachirisu @_@Got sent this video of a battle in UK Regionals
How pissed would you be if you were his opponent haha
Hey lupinko we still need to trade
At work atm, free in 3 hours![]()
I'm trying to redeem all my Pokescrap stuff so I have free codes for pointless such as Potions x10 and Luxury Balls x10. So if you have a Japanese copy of ORAS or I think any of the Asian region ones that can read Japanese serial codes, then feel free to ask.
EDIT: I'm just going to post them here for anyone instead in a moment.
Got sent this video of a battle in UK Regionals
How pissed would you be if you were his opponent haha
Seems like the average player I faced during the IC where I was stuck in the 1400's so yeah nothing really surprising here.I'm guessing his opponent will blame "hax" instead of realizing he played even worse than the Sheer Cold user. The Sheer Cold guy had no idea what he was doing with Pachirisu (Follow Me against Politoed + Klefki while Lapras is behind a sub...) but why oh why was Goodra trying to Thunder Pachirisu @_@
Good luck. Haven't had any takers on mine either. I guess when time comes I'll redeem the Rare Candies right before it goes down. At least those are the only codes worth redeeming that aren't Pokemon anyway.
Iirc deadline is before 2359 JST 4/30. So yeah I'm redeeming mine like crazy. Haha
The Pokemon, not the potions and luxury balls of course.
Yep. Definitely the date/time. I memorized it at some point to make sure I got it done before then. XD Good luck! How many more ya got?
Not counting Rayrays, 13 Shaymin and 2 more Keldeos.
These are for trades of course.
I'm stuck with 1650 points in the battle spot, i need an strong answer to Mega Salamence and megagross but i don't want to use any top 12.
How do you beat a Kangaskhan and Scarf Smeargle lead in VGC?
Kangaskhan Flinches Potential Threats by using Fake Out that could stop Smeargle from using Dark Void.
Doesn't Prankster cancel that?
Fake Out has higher priority than Prankster.
How do you beat a Kangaskhan and Scarf Smeargle lead in VGC?
Kangaskhan Flinches Potential Threats by using Fake Out that could stop Smeargle from using Dark Void.
Lum Berry Terrakion with Double Kick will shit on that lead. If the Smeargle is using a Scarf it's locked into Dark Void and will likely be ineffective after that first turn. Sash is the larger issue usually.How do you beat a Kangaskhan and Scarf Smeargle lead in VGC?
Kangaskhan Flinches Potential Threats by using Fake Out that could stop Smeargle from using Dark Void.
Wow, Ken Sugimori actually commented on why there's no Mega Flygon in the Nintendo Dream interview. Seems they couldn't get a decent design.
Wow, Ken Sugimori actually commented on why there's no Mega Flygon in the Nintendo Dream interview. Seems they couldn't get a decent design.
...Poor Flygon.Wow, Ken Sugimori actually commented on why there's no Mega Flygon in the Nintendo Dream interview. Seems they couldn't get a decent design.
Hydreigon with Tailwind up.
Other than that, I have no idea. Suicune can take a hit from Salamence and OHKO it with Ice Beam. Aegislash deals with Metagross pretty well but I have no idea if he's top 12 since the Global Link is down atm.
And yet again, Garchomp continues winning.
Please just retcon Flygon out of existence so its fan can stop suffering like this.
I literally had Pokémon Y and Pokémon Omega Ruby in my hands today, and chose to rebuy Pokémon Y. I guess it'll be an easier way for me to get back into the Pokémon games, with having all 700+ monsters available to me, and it being the first iteration on the 3DS hardware with all of its new features.
The online community probably isn't as active as in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?
I'm stuck with 1650 points in the battle spot, i need an strong answer to Mega Salamence and megagross but i don't want to use any top 12.
Would someone possibly be kind enough to lend me a dialga? You apparently need both to unlock giratina.
As someone who uses Mega Salamence, the things that give it the most trouble are probably Cresselia, Rotom Wash/Heat, Thundurus and Zapdos. Milotic can also be a pain if it sets off Competitive.