They might be getting the games data ready for a large patch. Since we had 2 decently sized ones Without any really major bugs need fixing.
You're looking at this from the wrong angle. Don't look at 85% Burn from the perspective of the victim, look at that 15% miss from the perspective of the person using WoW.
You can't just throw WoW and assume it will land, you have to be prepared with an out in the event that it misses. The user must factor in the risk when deciding what to do, and that is what keeps WoW in check.
Would you say that 80% Stone Edge is the same as 100% Stone Edge, just because your opponent counter-plays as if it always hits?
It's a bit different. With Stone Edge you have other options. You can use a higher accuracy rock move or just a different damage dealing move all together. When you want to inflict burn, WoW is pretty much your only option. All in all, I don't think WoW is disruptive enough that it needs to have low accuracy to balance out what it does when it hits. I feel the same about most low accuracy moves to be honest.
The thing about burns is that unlike Sleep and Paralyze, it also slowly drains your HP so it has more than one good use. 85% is fine considering it does a lot more damage in the long run than other conditions in the game.
Are we talking about vgc 2v2 by-the-way?The effect from other 100% condition moves like Spore or Thunder Wave are what we need to compare it to. Moves that will KO a Pokémon are a different ballgame.
I want to counter the claim that a move with a 100% chance to burn would be "broken" or shift the metagame. It would have a negligible outcome.
I disagree. Paralysis has the dual purpose of slowing down fast Pokemon and causing them to lose turns. A paralyzed Pokemon will have a chance of doing nothing every turn for the rest of the battle. That's a pretty strong effect and Thunderwave still got to be 100% accurate. A burned Pokemon can still recover HP or buff it's attack to make up for the drops but a paralyzed Pokemon can't compensate for losing turns.
Are we talking about vgc 2v2 by-the-way?
Burn is very much the most common status effect being flung around there (when there are physical pokes about). Accurate sleep has terrible distribution and an unreliable duration (it can last just 1 turn). Thunderwave has two immunities to deal with and tough competition from the other forms of speed control.
There's no reason to assume that. The last patch was just to force people to update to inject and this one just updated various bits of text, altered the name filters and fixed a few glitches that occurred and caused them to have to remove blocking nicknames on Battle Spot since that was causing disconnections.
There's no reason to assume that. The last patch was just to force people to update to inject and this one just updated various bits of text, altered the name filters and fixed a few glitches that occurred and caused them to have to remove blocking nicknames on Battle Spot since that was causing disconnections.
Do you have an idea about what text was updated?
Is it supposed to take forever to obtain your Digital Player ID? I fired up the Live Competition section of the menu for the first time ever, and I've seriously been on this screen to obtain my ID for about 12 minutes now. Am I... doing something wrong?
What on earth? Why doesn't it tell you that? Such sterling and intuitive design, GameFreak. Good lord.Haha, I had the same problem. You need to first register from within the game on the PSS Battle Spot. Then you can back out and obtain your ID.
I don't think Love Ball Togepi is actually possible. Only way to get Togepi in HG/SS is from the egg as far as I know.
Okay, what is going on? I went to Battle Spot within PSS, registered on, played an actual match via Battle Spot just to be sure I was registered properly, and went back to the Live Competition option from the main menu - it's still stuck on the "Receiving the Digital Player ID" screen.Haha, I had the same problem. You need to first register from within the game on the PSS Battle Spot. Then you can back out and obtain your ID.
Okay, what is going on? I went to Battle Spot within PSS, registered on, played an actual match via Battle Spot just to be sure I was registered properly, and went back to the Live Competition option from the main menu - it's still stuck on the "Receiving the Digital Player ID" screen.
I tell ya what this is not how I planned on spending my Friday night
EDIT: Oh... apparently it's because there isn't a competition going on right now. I thought there was one for April, but maybe I misread something somewhere
Would the servers really be under THAT much strain on a random Friday night six months post-launch? I don't know what else it could be though.Actually, there is one going on right now. Maybe the servers are just sucking at the moment.
Would the servers really be under THAT much strain on a random Friday night six months post-launch? I don't know what else it could be though.
More pressing - is your avatar... Chuck Schuldiner with a puppy?
Oh! That explains it, then.The live competition option on the main menu is for live, IRL competitions. For the Battlespot Tournament you just join Battlespot and choose the Online Competition option or however they named it.
Oh! That explains it, then.
Do you get anything for winning these "Battlespot" tournaments?
Can you soft reset for these hidden ability 'mons to get the right nature?You get Championship Points which are used to gain entrance into the World Championships. Sometimes there are participation prizes like rare berries or Pokemon with hidden abilities. I don't know if there is one for this particular tournament though.
Can you soft reset for these hidden ability 'mons to get the right nature?
Hidden abilities are such a joke. And not a funny one, either. There needs to be a more accessible way to obtain them.
Thanks. Sounds like it's worth the yearly subscription. I'm just scared of Nintendo shutting it down and then losing all of the Pokemon.You can bring all of your Pokemon from Y to Ruby, yes. (I can't think of anything in-game you can't bring over like the cosplay Pikachu in ORAS deal.)
Pokebank is pretty much your PC in-game on steroids. 30 Pokemon per box, 100 boxes. You can organize them way better in Bank. You can have categories for them. Like I have categories of like Pokedex, Shinydex, Events, 4 Trade, Breeding, etc. You can put boxes in the categories to keep them organized. Also can name each box as well. It's awesome.
Thanks. Sounds like it's worth the yearly subscription. I'm just scared of Nintendo shutting it down and then losing all of the Pokemon.
Speaking of Pokebank, because I didn't use it to back up my most important stuff. I have lost everything on my Y eshop game when I accidentally wiped it as I was supposed to wipe my Y cart (which was in my New 3DS instead).
So I have basically lost basically 80% of my Gen 6 event booty, I still have WCs on other games and my primary game being eshop AS/eshop X.
But this has taken a huge chunk out of my pokemongaming.
I knew I should have gone out to watch Furious 7 instead.
As for my RNG sweepstakes I'm going to have to delay it. This moment is basically making me rethink everything and all my time invested in the events.
And it's not just my events but half of my breeding projects were on that game too.
I'm at a lost right now.
If I was younger I would be in tears right now, but at my age now I just have silence.
I don't know if it's karma or a wake up call or anything. =/
What a clusterfuckSpeaking of Pokebank, because I didn't use it to back up my most important stuff. I have lost everything on my Y eshop game when I accidentally wiped it as I was supposed to wipe my Y cart (which was in my New 3DS instead).
So I have basically lost basically 80% of my Gen 6 event booty, I still have WCs on other games and my primary game being eshop AS/eshop X.
But this has taken a huge chunk out of my pokemongaming.
I knew I should have gone out to watch Furious 7 instead.
As for my RNG sweepstakes I'm going to have to delay it. This moment is basically making me rethink everything and all my time invested in the events.
And it's not just my events but half of my breeding projects were on that game too.
I'm at a lost right now.
If I was younger I would be in tears right now, but at my age now I just have silence.
I don't know if it's karma or a wake up call or anything. =/
Sigh, I also lost almost all my gen 6 Shinies, bred or caught. All my Pokebank Celebis.
I just committed pokesuicide. :/
Again competitively I'm fine, game progression wise sure, and I still have my personal WCs (I lost a bunch on that y game tho).
But for trading I'm basically done, although I still have like 50+ shiny Coro Rayquaza and maybe like 10 Shaymin. But I'm kinda subdued to try and redeem them all (that's what got me into this incident because I wanted to speed up the process).
Ugh I lost both 5iv flawless Pokescrap Victini and Shaymin.
That was a lot of work, and now it's gone.
It's not just the time I invested it's also what my pokepals did for me to in helping me build that collection.
I'm done talking about this now. :/
Sorry to hear about your loss, Lupinko. It's shit like this that makes me wish Nintendo would allow save file backups. People invest a lot of time in these games.
It does but I'm not sure what the limitations on those backups are though. If my 3DS dies will the backups work on a new system? It also doesn't allow backups of Pokemon or Animal Crossing which is a shame because those are the only games worth backing up in my opinion.I thought the 3DS did do this? The Wii U doesn't.
Actually not sure if it works with cart based 3DS games.
Speaking of Pokebank, because I didn't use it to back up my most important stuff. I have lost everything on my Y eshop game when I accidentally wiped it as I was supposed to wipe my Y cart (which was in my New 3DS instead).
So I have basically lost basically 80% of my Gen 6 event booty, I still have WCs on other games and my primary game being eshop AS/eshop X.
But this has taken a huge chunk out of my pokemongaming.
I knew I should have gone out to watch Furious 7 instead.
As for my RNG sweepstakes I'm going to have to delay it. This moment is basically making me rethink everything and all my time invested in the events.
And it's not just my events but half of my breeding projects were on that game too.
I'm at a lost right now.
If I was younger I would be in tears right now, but at my age now I just have silence.
I don't know if it's karma or a wake up call or anything. =/
It does but I'm not sure what the limitations on those backups are though. If my 3DS dies will the backups work on a new system? It also doesn't allow backups of Pokemon or Animal Crossing which is a shame because those are the only games worth backing up in my opinion.
I haven't messed with it much honestly.
Weird about Pokemon/AC. You're right. Those are the games that needed it.
Agree, but I imagine they're afraid folks will use it as some kind of cloning method, yeah? How would they be able to do a backup without folks abusing it?
It's crazy how GF is just so obsessed with collecting meta that they're so many restrictions--single save files and such still.
Every abusable action (those that require forced saves) also updates the backup and changes the encription key (stored in the backup, and also stored in the game card/file)Agree, but I imagine they're afraid folks will use it as some kind of cloning method, yeah? How would they be able to do a backup without folks abusing it?
Thats terrible to hear :/
Every abusable action (those that require forced saves) also updates the backup and changes the encription key (stored in the backup, and also stored in the game card/file)
If you want to backup, it will replace the save with the backup if the two keys are equal (and thus, making it impossible to use older backups to clone things)
This (very simple) process has some flaws but it works. Its actually the same process I used in a college project this year
Its not hard to implement, its just that GF doesn't care.. Because even an average second year CS student like myself can find a solution. I'm sure they could find a (much better) solution if they wanted to
Acessing the bank falls on the "abusable actions" criteriaBut I think you forget about PokeBank. They throw everything into the Bank, then refresh their save with the backup. I think that's where the GF paranoia would begin about "cloning".Unless I'm missing something important that would counter that.