That's just the way it goes sometimes lolJust fought a klefki with prankster, swagger and foul play. Really caught me off-guard because i never trained or really battled one competitively until now.
I lost to a keychain.......
That's just the way it goes sometimes lolJust fought a klefki with prankster, swagger and foul play. Really caught me off-guard because i never trained or really battled one competitively until now.
I lost to a keychain.......
Just fought a klefki with prankster, swagger and foul play. Really caught me off-guard because i never trained or really battled one competitively until now.
I lost to a keychain.......
Just wait till you meet that Mega Gallade that's carrying Trick Room for some reason and pretty much destroys your entire strategy in one swoop.
That's interesting. Mega Gallade already has a decent speed stat.
Would you like one? I have a couple extras. You can just have it.
Yes please, thats very kind. Is there anything you'd like in return?
Is it worth buying both games? I've got a $25 certificate on BB, and $30 on GS. I'm thinking of picking up both games, but not sure if there's any point to it with Online trading. Oh, and have I missed important events, or mystery gifts?
That's some new tech for sure.I ran into one a couple of days ago and it was crazy. I used Tailwind to start up and everything just went downhill from there. I still can't believe it.
I was planning to get the shiny charm before hunting for mirage legendaries, I want to get at least one shiny..
But it just occurred to me that I will need those legendaries to even get the charm![]()
Actually, I'm still at ~300 (~450 in X) so it will still take a whileWhich legendaries do you need for your dex chase?
Actually, I'm still at ~300 (~450 in X) so it will still take a while
But, since the only games I played before X were red and diamond (and just briefly), I just have Xerneas, Zygarde, Kyogre, Rayquazaplus Celebi and Shaymin now, but they aren't required, right?
I'm still missing everything![]()
Lol wow, look what came up for me, Mischievous too.
I should get back to Shaymin SRing one day.
I forgot to say earlierThat's supposed to be traded, oh well not anymore. Lol
I'll see if I can come up with some scrap cards before it ends next Wednesday.
Oh right, the Shiny Birth Island Deoxys entry deadline is coming up, it's 2128 JST as I type this.
I forgot to say earlier
Last time I saw that list, there were repeated numbers
Lol wow, look what came up for me, Mischievous too.
I'm jealous. I wish NA would have events for mythical pokemonI really missed out when I lost interest in the series for a few years.
I'm jealous. I wish NA would have events for mythical pokemonI really missed out when I lost interest in the series for a few years.
In the new online tournament, I have discovered a new hate: Moody dark void smeargle. Dark void in general is just complete bull, especially in doubles
It reinforced my hatred of Spore. Spore needs a nerf to the same accuracy as Will-O-Wisp
Though the RNG was not in my favour at all today. Every Scald used against me Burned me
Anyone have a female love ball togepi? I'd like to breed a Togekiss.
It's not the same as redeeming it yourself but from time to time PokeGAF gives away mythicals, events, and usually nowadays we don't give away clones too.
There were recent Shaymin giveaways for example and this weekend I'm going to raffle off 4 Shiny Birth Island Deoxys I RNGed.
I think Spore is fine as it is. Very few Pokemon actually get it and it can only target a single Pokemon. If anything I think Will-O-Wisp needs 100% accuracy like Spore.
Will-O-Wisp has a far wider pool of Pokémon with it, and considering how much the status infliction it gives nerfs Pokémon, that would break everything.
What would it break? It isn't nearly as debilitating as sleep and you can still usually see it coming from miles away. I hate seeing games go south due to that 15% miss chance.
Burn halves the Attack stat of any Pokémon inflicted with it. You don't see having a 100% burn move would be broken as hell?
No? Thunderwave is 100% and more than halves a Pokemon's speed stat. Is that broken? Unlike sleep and paralysis, with burn you are at least guaranteed to still get off a move after being inflicted. There are tons of Pokemon that don't even care about having their attack stat dropped.
Speed is one thing, physical attack is another. If there was a 100% Burn move, it would be broken and the metagame would shift drastically.
Why would it be broken? Is a 15% accuracy boost really enough to shift the entire metagame? WOW already hits most of the time anyway. In fact with Mega Kangaskhan being everywhere there's already been a spike in WOW and Intimidate usage. I find it hard to imagine it would shift much more.
All these updates, I'm legit starting to think that the Battle Frontier might be coming soon.
As for Burn, it's not broken it's almost necessary at times Considering how much Physical completely destroys special in everyway.
Physical walls can be broken easily by physical attackers. Special walls like Blissy and Chancey eat that shit up. Doesn't help that every special attack now has a physical version in some way.
Stopping a Special sweeper is far easier than stopping a Physical sweeper.
All these updates, I'm legit starting to think that the Battle Frontier might be coming soon.
As for Burn, it's not broken it's almost necessary at times Considering how much Physical completely destroys special in everyway.
Why? These patches are bug fixes. They've not added any content whatsoever.
Don't misunderstand me. I never said Burn was broken. I said that a move that inflicts Burn with 100% accuracy would be broken.
You're looking at this from the wrong angle. Don't look at 85% Burn from the perspective of the victim, look at that 15% miss from the perspective of the person using WoW.If you've got everything riding on a 15% miss from Will-O-Wisp saving you, you need to spend some serious time rethinking your approach to the match up. The thought that you'll do nothing and maybe get lucky should never go through your head; you should always be looking to actively counter the move.
So if you're already preparing for WoW as if it were 100% likely to hit you, what difference would it make if it (or another move) actually was? Other than the few cases that occur now where you luck out thanks to the RNG, things would turn out exactly the same. Doesn't sound all that broken or game changing to me.
Just to be sure. All of the Pokemon I catch in Pokemon Y, can I use those in Omega Ruby?
And how much space does the Pokemon Bank give me? And can I organize it, like I can organize the boxes in the game?
You're looking at this from the wrong angle. Don't look at 85% Burn from the perspective of the victim, look at that 15% miss from the perspective of the person using WoW.
You can't just throw WoW and assume it will land, you have to be prepared with an out in the event that it misses. The user must factor in the risk when deciding what to do, and that is what keeps WoW in check.
Would you say that 80% Stone Edge is the same as 100% Stone Edge, just because your opponent counter-plays as if it always hits?
You're looking at this from the wrong angle. Don't look at 85% Burn from the perspective of the victim, look at that 15% miss from the perspective of the person using WoW.
You can't just throw WoW and assume it will land, you have to be prepared with an out in the event that it misses. The user must factor in the risk when deciding what to do, and that is what keeps WoW in check.
Would you say that 80% Stone Edge is the same as 100% Stone Edge, just because your opponent counter-plays as if it always hits?