What do the numbers refer too?I told you guys i was working a Pinsir team, now i finally made to 1700s, praise the bug!
1800s will prabably be a much harder wall thuough...
What do the numbers refer too?I told you guys i was working a Pinsir team, now i finally made to 1700s, praise the bug!
1800s will prabably be a much harder wall thuough...
What do the numbers refer too?
Weirdly enough it's also listed as an egg move so you can get it from any of the Dragonites floating around with it already.
I told you guys i was working a Pinsir team, now i finally made to 1700s, praise the bug!
1800s will prabably be a much harder wall thuough...
Jesus and I'm barely keeping up in 1500s, but to be fair i don't really have a set team, i just pick from the 4 boxes of competitive pokemon i have and roll with it.
Jesus and I'm barely keeping up in 1500s, but to be fair i don't really have a set team, i just pick from the 4 boxes of competitive pokemon i have and roll with it.
Battle Spot is also not nice to people trying to use uncommon Pokemon. I been running Mega Gardevoir lately and it's actually pretty tough using her with guys like Heatran and Metagross running around. It's killing me but I don't wanna give up. I wanna make it to 1700 with that mega but I'm failing badly lol
Battle Spot is also not nice to people trying to use uncommon Pokemon. I been running Mega Gardevoir lately and it's actually pretty tough using her with guys like Heatran and Metagross running around. It's killing me but I don't wanna give up. I wanna make it to 1700 with that mega but I'm failing badly lol
Battle Spot is also not nice to people trying to use uncommon Pokemon. I been running Mega Gardevoir lately and it's actually pretty tough using her with guys like Heatran and Metagross running around. It's killing me but I don't wanna give up. I wanna make it to 1700 with that mega but I'm failing badly lol
Devoted my playing session to making mega absol work and it was painful,Everyone knows exactly what to do when they see one and it doesn't help that absol's a complete glass cannon.
I was told to partner it with talonflame but he's on my personal banlist along with mega gengar.
Me First doesn't let your partner attack faster, you're thinking of After You. Me First uses the foe's attack at increased power, which is only circumstantially helpful (aiming it at Terrakion could be fun, as it's weak to its own fighting moves)You can use "Me first' to help a partner attack a threat before it kills you , i can imagine a Conkeldurr killing a Kangaskhan or a terrakion before it does anything or even a very fast hyper voice from the sylveon.
Me First doesn't let your partner attack faster, you're thinking of After You. Me First uses the foe's attack at increased power, which is only circumstantially helpful (aiming it at Terrakion could be fun, as it's weak to its own fighting moves)
You are right!
Devoted my playing session to making mega absol work and it was painful,Everyone knows exactly what to do when they see one and it doesn't help that absol's a complete glass cannon.
I was told to partner it with talonflame but he's on my personal banlist along with mega gengar.
So after my bad day with my latest team gimmick, I think I may revisit the idea I had about a team of Mega Evolveable Pokémon, only one of which will have the ability to Mega Evolve, just for the mind games.
Obviously usable ones
Since you're abandoning it, can you tell us what your non-gimmicky gimmick was?
Oh man. Just caught a Cubone, Rhyhorn AND saw an Onyx in the same cave in Pokemon Y. And I also got my first fossil ever I think, and it's a dragon woah!
The only other ones I have played in the series are Red and Black. I'll go buy Omega Ruby when I have completed Y.
Cubone and Sandshrew are like my crushes from Gen 1, so they are some of the most important to me.
Which reminds me, what am I supposed to use the Mystery Gift feature for in the main menu in Pokemon Y?
You get events like what I just posted, ok maybe not the same events that I just posted. But like that sorta.
Guess there's no more events in Pokémon X/Y, as they have directed their focus toward Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?
Lupinko, you need to add me on a friend on 3DS as well. Do you mind?![]()
Got my first ever shiny last night in WT. Chances its legit?
Also it evolved when traded, so I'm assuming it had to have been shiny prior to evolving (?)
Thanks! I have only started playing again this past week, so I feel fortunate. For the first time my goal is to fill out the Dex as much as possible. To get started, I have been wonder trading all my breeding rejects, and alas...Nice Lupinko!
QP3, you are pretty lucky through wonder trade. I think the best thing I got was a Gengar. Congrats!
Weird request: does anyone have a spare female ghastly in a moon ball?
Of course I can wait, no problemI do but I'm at work for the next 8 hours. I can get you one if you're willing to wait.
Got my first ever shiny last night in WT. Chances its legit?
Also it evolved when traded, so I'm assuming it had to have been shiny prior to evolving (?)
Seems like harder they try to stop the stuff, the worse it gets.
This stuff has always been around. I don't think it's getting any worse than it's always been.
Seems like harder they try to stop the stuff, the worse it gets.
Okay, can someone do some math for me? What are the chances of getting a 5IV (31/x/31/31/31/31) female Eevee with it's HA when using a 6IV Ditto and a 5IV (31/31/31/31/31/x) female Eevee as parents with a destiny knot?
I swear I been trying for the past two days to get one with no luck yet. I'm starting to assume it's extremely rare or something.
Personally, I refuse to accept that the golden age of gen 6 was when we were locked out of having access to tons of Pokemon, Abilities, and moves. The games are a lot more fun now that most of that stuff is available and we have move tutors again.