Welp, the things I do for a pointless gender sign.
I'd prefer to see a genuine in-game reason to breed. I mean, like during the story.
I'd honestly like to see some kind of stat boost if you have a mother and child (or two siblings) on the same team. Acknowledge the families you're creating
Would the game then acknowledge Pokemon inbreeding? I just put a Cottonee into the daycare with his own mother, and they're apparently getting along like a house on fire. I feel dirty.
If a family system was implemented, the game would be able to tell if the pokemon you were putting together were related. So, sure.Would the game then acknowledge Pokemon inbreeding? I just put a Cottonee into the daycare with his own mother, and they're apparently getting along like a house on fire. I feel dirty.
OMFG I found my Alpha Sapphire!
It was in my backpack, along with my copy of Youkai Watch 2!
I don't know what I'd do if I lost my Pokemon copies. I might cry. Once I had a copy stolen, I luckily found the thief pretty quickly.
I just got into competitive around October of last year and just barely have two boxes full because I burned out two months ago trying to breed a lot of pokemon for weeks straight. Next time I'm in the mood though I'm gonna breed a competitive Dewgong and Gogoat. I believe the last competitive pokemon I bred was Dedenne but I doubt I'll ever use it lolHow many "perfect" Pokemon do the rest of you have? I assume some of you that have been into this game competitively for a while now must have quite a few boxes full at this point.
I need a pokemon that is good against ludicolo and hydreigon, i'm having too much problems with them.
Mega-Heracross, Mega-Pinsir, Mega-Scizor, and Mega-Altaria come to mind, if you have a mega-slot available. Make sure you can outspeed Hydreigon, though. Maybe Mega-Beedrill, although he can't switch into, well, anything.
Scrafty, Togekiss, and Gliscor should be good non-mega options. Under Trick Room, Escavalier and Dragalge will annihilate them both. Bug, Poison, Flying, and Fairy moves are what you're looking for.
I'll be in in a bit.Little Cup Registration is live. Who's in?
Man I love Pokemon Y, just got my first bike woo! Thought it had been replaced by the roller skates. Also, my most haired Pokemon at this point is the Luvdisc I keep fishing up haha.
How is Pokemon Bank?
Do I need to exit my game and enter the Bank app everytime I want to move a Pokemon to my team? Or will my bank be accessible on the PokeCenter computer?
I started getting back into Sapphire this month and trained a few more Pokemon. I now have an entire box full of perfect Pokemon. Well, mostly perfect. Pikachu only has perfect speed and attack while Machamp only has like 29 or 30 IVs in speed but he is shiny and has a choice scarf anyway. In addition to these I also have a Jolteon, Sceptile, Garchomp, Charizard, and Snorlax that I use exclusively for doubles. Sorry for the shitty quality picture, I took it with a Vita.
How many "perfect" Pokemon do the rest of you have? I assume some of you that have been into this game competitively for a while now must have quite a few boxes full at this point.
I need a pokemon that is good against ludicolo and hydreigon, i'm having too much problems with them.
Man I love Pokemon Y, just got my first bike woo! Thought it had been replaced by the roller skates. Also, my most haired Pokemon at this point is the Luvdisc I keep fishing up haha.
How is Pokemon Bank?
Do I need to exit my game and enter the Bank app everytime I want to move a Pokemon to my team? Or will my bank be accessible on the PokeCenter computer?
How many "perfect" Pokemon do the rest of you have? I assume some of you that have been into this game competitively for a while now must have quite a few boxes full at this point.
Oh PSA, if anyone has Japanese ORASXY, I am giving away ONE Shiny Corocoro Code, no strings attached, I don't think I can redeem it in time. They expire in a few hours.
Finally got Pokemon Bank! Now I can bring my Pokemon over from Y and breed something for the maison.
Anyone got a good moveset/spread for Mega Kangaskhan for singles in the maison? And a team to go with it
As I don't have a Bank, I transfer my pokes between X and Alpha using the GTS
Well, I put a Buneary up to trade for a Rotom, but someone was faster and traded before I switched games.
Ok, this happens sometimes
But, I just noticed that this Rotom I recieved has 5 perfect IV lol
Put up a garbage Pokemon for trade on your target game and then trade your good Pokemon for it. That way if someone else trades you first you only lose a garbage Pokemon.
Both were garbage pokemon
I'm just trying to fill both games' pokedexes at the same time
Actually, its not like I don't wantJust curious, any reason of not wanting the bank?
Actually, its not like I don't want
I just have no way to pay for it (or for anything on Eshop) :/
No :/Ah, no Nintendo cards or anything?I know while in Japan was a bit of a pain to get a US one. Found a place online that would take my JPN card and send a digital code of card. Because no one has time to wait on that thing being shipped.
I really hope they announce the new game at E3. The thirsty is real here, this thread is barely alive, ORAS post-game sucks... I really hope they come up with interesting features.
Yep. The legendaries are all super easy to find & catch, the Delta Episode while cool for Rayquaza and Deoxys is really boring until then, and the battle maison is crap.
I'm really itching for the inevitable third game/X&Y sequel.