Oh cool, Diancie!
Is everything set, or can we reset for IVs? And can it be shiny?
Reset for nature/IVs. Can't be shiny
Live! (for Europe)
Someone tell me what to reset for pls. Thx.
Game Freak is truly the master of removing features for no reason.
I wish the trainer customisation and Pokeathlon from HGSS returns in some form for future games. I prefer them to contests.
Battle Frontier would also be nice.
*stalks Masuda's travel itinerary for hints to G7's region*
Second time today I've had the game just lock up and give the power off message. Not cool.
Dude, what is wrong with your 3DS?? Did you download the game? Could be your SD card.
Oh hey Diancie is up in NA.
OR/AS only, right? I suppose I should finally pick up an NA copy of it this weekend.
(Move/ability/item details on Serebii to save space.)For those of you who are attending Gamescom in Germany from August 5th to August 9th, several new Serial Code events have been announced. At Gamescom, you will receive a code card that gives you access to 2 Pokémon for your Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire games. These Pokémon are selected by Game Freak Battle Director Shigeki Morimoto, competitive ready and are the following
Heard about the Gamescon stuff earlier, but not the special HK Pikachu. I think their problem is they tend to reuse a few Pokemon for 'events'. Or at least it sure feels like it. I wouldn't turn down an event (like I loved Dragonite, even though I had HA/Extreme Speed one already), but at same time there are some Pokemon they like to use a lot. I think bonus on Dragonite was they haven't over done it like Pikachu.
Though with Outbreakchu, I think it's pretty cool. Especially since this year at it they'll be having a Shiny Pikachu. Which reminds me, is it going to be same Pikachu this year? The same base 5? Will Shiny Pikachu replace the female one or will it be an additional one to them all? Haven't really seen much about this years Outbreakchu.
I haven't played for ages but I plan to SR for Diancie. You can't lock the nature, right?
It only triggers if you leave the pokemon centerDoes the event trigger that horrible megastone story if you already got it?
Need to know for SR.
I was SRing my Diance when I realized something important... I'm never going to use it for battles.
Ended up with a sexy Adamant after that.
Going to build a vgc team built around Hawlucha. Pray for me.
Na man, Hawlucha is a fantastic Pokémon. I went like 17/9 in the Enter The Dragon-type Competition (didn't do all my battles) and Hawlucha was my MVP. It one shotted Mega Mewtwo X, Primal Kyogre, 2HKO'd a Xerneas. It's ridiculously badass.
What was your move set?
Na man, Hawlucha is a fantastic Pokémon. I went like 17/9 in the Enter The Dragon-type Competition (didn't do all my battles) and Hawlucha was my MVP. It one shotted Mega Mewtwo X, Primal Kyogre, 2HKO'd a Xerneas. It's ridiculously badass.
Yea the idea I have right now is for it to hold like a persim berry or lum and swagger it so I can open up a move slot instead of using swords dance. There's also meowstic with safeguard and swagger shenanigans. Theorymon has me all excited.
If I hear another Charizard event, I'm just gonna...
Oh, today, Nintendo of Korea announced another Shiny Charizard event. So they had 3 Charizards last year and at least two shiny ones this year?
Yeah... Pikachu ain't so bad in comparison. Here are the details (basically a reskin of Cafe Pikachu).
If fortune smiles, I'll hopefully pick up a few, since I'm going on holiday around those months.
Hmm, I haven't looked too much into the Outbreakchus, but I was under the impression it was just one this year. Maybe they thought last year was too complicated? XD
At the least, it's shiny, so more casual folk will be interested.
Holy mother of Arceus, ANOTHER Charizard event? How many shiny 'zards do we need? Guess everyones going to be toting shiny 'zards this gen.
Pikachu felt like a lot last year, but that's because I had the Outbreakchu's, Cafe 'chu, and feel like I'm missing a 'chu... I know it's kind of the face for Pokemon, but wow. Reskin of Cafe Pika is disappointing, but you know that collector side..
Is there only the one 'chu this year at Outbreakchu event? That's kind of lackluster. Not really an event but something else. After you have like 5 or 6 last year.... it's not an event but a blip on the map, LOL. Shiny is cool, but would be nicer if they replaced like the female one or something.
Only one so far, but who knows, maybe they'll have another hidden unannounced female Pikachu
I noticed the OT for this Diancie is Hope. Is that someone from anime or something? Darn my obsessive collectiveness. Now I see it's a different OT, this one has to go in my collection. Guess it still leaves me one extra to trade. But yeah, OT caught me by surprise.
Holy mother of Arceus, ANOTHER Charizard event? How many shiny 'zards do we need? Guess everyones going to be toting shiny 'zards this gen.
Pikachu felt like a lot last year, but that's because I had the Outbreakchu's, Cafe 'chu, and feel like I'm missing a 'chu... I know it's kind of the face for Pokemon, but wow. Reskin of Cafe Pika is disappointing, but you know that collector side..
Ah crazy. Hope they have more for folks. Last years Outbreakchu, while freaking scorching was amazing. I joked to my husband while we were running around Yokohama for them that I was like a real life trainer catching my Pikachu, haha. It was a fun experience. By time I went, near end, all locations had been noted on the internet. Which was a godsend, because it was too freaking hot to go wandering aimlessly for them. Some of them were outside.
I know, right? I was joking that TPC is gonna have Charizard as the the Worlds event to troll us. But I'm starting to get scared that I'll jinx it...
Hehe, Cafe Pika is still cute though; I love its fancy ribbon. The fun thing about this new one is its OT: Satay King (the name of the restaurant). I need it just for the ridiculous OT XD
Ah... just reading your impressions last year was amazing. I loved the pictures too.
EDIT: I love Diancie's OT as well. As soon as I saw it on Joe's screenshot, I knew I had to grab... some.
Almost got a box full of Hope now : D
Pokemon x Satay King
This one in July, Satay King will and world-renowned popular works Pokemon hold cooperation activities! There will be a special Pokemon food and drinks will also be included this time limited privilege cooperation activities. In addition, more limited product variety of activities, the exclusive worldwide shipping! Of course other exciting activities. Please continue to keep updating this special page! (Satay King Cuisine usual supply)
Is anyone around to do me a trade evolution for my haunter and kingdra and rhydon? Also still looking for (just data trades) for
If you have a few moments, I'll finish up these battles and nab these Pokemon out of Bank to help you fill up your data, plus evolve your Pokemon. Just send me your FC. (Mine is in my profile, use non JPN one.)
Edit: I've got them on X ready for ya. Have an extra Kyogre you can just keep if you want.