Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

PokeGAF, I'm in need of advice.

I have Pokemon X, which I got the day of release and have been playing it since. I don't really play competitive, but I like breeding competitive pokemon for the Maison and some random online matches.

Lately, I've been learning French on my own and since X/Y have several languages, I restarted my game in order to start a new in French. It's been a blast and feels like a completely new game, partly because of the different names and because I don't understand everything. Also, since I'm learning, I get to talk to more people and inspect everything I can to learn more.

My problem is that... since I've playing X for a while, the story and the routes are boring to me after traversing them so many times. That's why I'm eyeing ORAS.

Pokemon Emerald is my favourite Pokemon game, being the first one I bought with my own money and the one I've spent the most time in. I find the Hoenn region second only to Sinnoh and I like the regional pokemon the most. I haven't played it since Pokemon Pearl was released, though.

I want to immerse myself into the ORAS Pokemon world so I can practice and learn French, so I want the story, the people and the world of Hoenn in ORAS to be interesting. I remember the interviews, swarms, contests and stuff. Emerald was full of things to do besides battles and capturing (although maybe I am blinded by nostalgia). I a way, they helped make the world feel interesting and alive.

I'm worried about the Pokemon selection, though. I love Kalos because there's a huge variety of Pokemon available, thus helping me getting more Pokedex entries and reading them in french helps me learn. But if the Pokemon variety is like the one from R/S... I doubt I'll get that many different Pokemon.

So, my question is:

Do you think ORAS provides an interesting, "rich" experience, in terms of world building and not in battling, or should I stick to Pokemon X for that?
ORAS tends to focus more competitive battling.
Wild pokemon isn't as diverse as X/Y from the get-go, but you're able to chain pokemon encounters to obtain stronger pokemon with better IVs and Egg Moves.
ORAS's singleplayer is fun, I recommend it. Liked its singleplayer even more than XY.
This is just a Battle Competition, not the new format.
I know. It's still hilarious to me that they're making a tournament that's purposefully based around 2 really good mons.


Na, look at the Top 12 of those competitions. It'd be pretty much identical.

But wouldn't this ban more Pokemon simply because it includes any Pokemon that has ever been in the top 12 including the ones being used in the current Underdog format?


Lupinko: you still trying for shiny story Lati@s? Totally not worth it. Plus fact you have to keep it in-game if you want to soar. Glad I said screw story one. Eon Ticket one is just a better experience. Just going to get Shiny Latias from AS. Though, can't continue my shiny Coballion hunt until next week at earliest.


Pokémon that finished among the top 12 in any 2015 Double Battle Online Competition are banned.
If we only go with ICs:



But wouldn't this ban more Pokemon simply because it includes any Pokemon that has ever been in the top 12 including the ones being used in the current Underdog format?

No. It's Double Battle, not Special Battle. Plus it seems to be talking competitions and not Battle Spot seasons, so that'd just be the International Challenges and the others (will it count Pikachu Cup?).

So, basically the list Firestorm just posted.
Yen's slowly going up so within the next hour or so I'm gonna buy either OR or AS off the JPN eShop to play through labor day weekend. So that leaves the question of...

...OR or AS? EDIT: Gonna have to swap SD cards due to space issues. Just put 5K yen on there for now, I'll decide which one to get in the morning.


Lupinko: you still trying for shiny story Lati@s? Totally not worth it. Plus fact you have to keep it in-game if you want to soar. Glad I said screw story one. Eon Ticket one is just a better experience. Just going to get Shiny Latias from AS. Though, can't continue my shiny Coballion hunt until next week at earliest.

I really want Timid Gold Latias though. I mean I own 6 ORAS (NA ORAS cart, OR eshop / JP ORAS cart, AS eshop). Lol

I just hatched in succession recently:

Shiny Scyther
Shiny Bagon

And caught a shiny Lilipup when trying to catch different natured imposter dittos. Lol

That doesn't even count shiny Starly from a little further back. Lol

I'm trying for shiny Gible right now.


Lupinko: you still trying for shiny story Lati@s? Totally not worth it. Plus fact you have to keep it in-game if you want to soar. Glad I said screw story one. Eon Ticket one is just a better experience. Just going to get Shiny Latias from AS. Though, can't continue my shiny Coballion hunt until next week at earliest.
I don't think this is actually true, I've heard of people who've traded away their in-game Lati@s and were still able to soar.
Hi, guys I've almost finished my Gen 6 Caught/Bred living dex.
I just need these Pokémon (If anyone has them to spare):

(Well I also need Mew, Meloetta, Genesect, and Volcanion as well, but they haven't been realeased in gen 6 yet as far as i'm aware)


I don't think this is actually true, I've heard of people who've traded away their in-game Lati@s and were still able to soar.

Everything I've read says otherwise, but would be good to know if true. I don't think the bs of blah blah story one is worth it though. Takes far too long.

Lupinko, ahhh I guess you are sticking with it then for the guaranteed nature then? I can see that. I find story one just totally not worth it for what I wanted though. Which is good because it saved what little sanity I had left, haha.


Everything I've read says otherwise, but would be good to know if true. I don't think the bs of blah blah story one is worth it though. Takes far too long.

Lupinko, ahhh I guess you are sticking with it then for the guaranteed nature then? I can see that. I find story one just totally not worth it for what I wanted though. Which is good because it saved what little sanity I had left, haha.

You actually don't need Lati@s to soar. I've confirmed it myself.
Wait where did my money in my bank account g-
Yen's slowly going up so within the next hour or so I'm gonna buy either OR or AS off the JPN eShop to play through labor day weekend. So that leaves the question of...

...OR or AS? EDIT: Gonna have to swap SD cards due to space issues. Just put 5K yen on there for now, I'll decide which one to get in the morning.
...Oh, right. I'll be financially fine but oh my god I really need to hide my card from myself when I'm really tired.

I'll go grab my 32 GB card in a bit, set things up, and then download AS.


Ugh I want to start battling again but I'm just too lazy to come up with teams and then deal with breeding/EV training. I'm kinda starting to miss how frustrating the RNG is :p


Just got done taking a 4 month break from pokemon.

Went to shake some of the rust off on Battle Spot and got like prison shanked in all my matches, it was brutal.

Need to watch VGC 2015, heard it wasn't the most diverse but i just like watching to see some of the plays and strategies the pros make.


Just got done taking a 4 month break from pokemon.

Went to shake some of the rust off on Battle Spot and got like prison shanked in all my matches, it was brutal.

Need to watch VGC 2015, heard it wasn't the most diverse but i just like watching to see some of the plays and strategies the pros make.

Watch the Seniors final. It was hilarious and diverse.


Just got done taking a 4 month break from pokemon.

Went to shake some of the rust off on Battle Spot and got like prison shanked in all my matches, it was brutal.

Need to watch VGC 2015, heard it wasn't the most diverse but i just like watching to see some of the plays and strategies the pros make.
Though the Pokemon choices were the same the Masters final is one of the best finals we've got in a long time IMO. Basically every year for the past five years or so has been a blowout so getting a close game was really awesome even if it was probably hard to follow with the Japanese text.

If you wanna watch a blowout, Senior finals exists too. Also because as I've been saying since the beginning of the year, Skill Swap is the most fun move in the game!


What the...I just received a shiny Rayquaza in wonder trade, hahah. It's in a cherish ball and has the trader's OT, so I can probably assume it's hacked, right?


Should I keep this non-shiny Latias or keep going?

30 - 31 / 0 - 3 / 20 - 23 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31

Edit: I tossed it, shiny or 5IV flawless or bust.


Toss, I've had better non-shiny ones that I tossed : P

I still haven't gotten anywhere near a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 though : /

Sorry about not finding time to trade, how about later tonight for sure?

Also I'm going to just go for flawless 5IV Timid non-shiny or Shiny Story Latias now.

But I will admit I haven't SR'ed enough.

After Gible who should be next for my competitive shiny mon?

Honedge - Premier Ball/Quiet
Fletchling - Premier Ball/Adamant
Emolga - Dream Ball/Timid
Mawile (I already have a shiny adamant caught in the FS but I want a competitive one in a Love Ball, also shiny) - Love Ball/Adamant
Vulpix - Dream Ball/Timid
Larvitar - Premier Ball/Jolly

Actually who allows for the fastest high number of eggs and hatching from those?


I've tried Pokemon games over the years and never really got into them. Pokemon Y finally hit the right notes for me with the extra streamlining and the modern graphics. It helped that the game seemed to be designed for new players. We have been playing these games for about 200 hours and finally finished them a few weeks ago.

I was kind of burnt out on the game and didn't feel the urge to complete the pokedex or even explore the few end game caves. I bought Alpha Sapphire shortly before completing Y to get the limited time gift at the time, but after finishing Y, I had a bit of regret since I was burnt out. I had spent a lot of time grooming certain pokemon, hatching eggs, searching for specific natures and abilities, quite often to ultimately leave those Pokemon in the PC shortly afterward. I also used the official printed Pokedex book to plan out my party and evolutions.

Last week I started Alpha Sapphire up and was immediately back into the groove. This time, to prevent overload, I decided I would only catch one of each Pokemon. I wouldn't care about nature or ability, just catch the first one of each that I come across. I am also not touching Pokemon-Amie, Super Training, or even the PSS (for now, I will trade later). I have not read anything about this game, plot or otherwise. I have no guide or pokedex. All of this is making the game very enjoyable for me.

This game is fantastic and fun. Everything feels well-done. My daughter is reading the Ruby/Sapphire Pokemon Adventures Manga (I am currently still on Gold/Silver series) and she really likes how the books match the game. I am having a blast, just dealing with whatever comes my way and not being concerned for min/max on my team. I have read about "nuzlocke" runs and I could see myself doing that in the future.

The Dexnav is an amazing addition, even if I am not using it for the intended purpose (to find the optimal ability/nature). Just having the game show a map of all the Pokemon habitats, berries, and such is very welcome. The indication of having caught every Pokemon in an area is a godsend for someone who isn't using an external pokedex or guide.

I have just defeated the first gym. My crew currently consists of Treecko, Winggull, Whismur, Ralts, Nincada, and Dustox.
My current run is to catch all the new mons in an area (since DexNav tells me if I've done so) and then swap out the highest leveled mons in my team for them. Not a quick run, but it's been the most fun I've had with a Pokemon in years.


lol just beat a guy using Hoopa Unbound, Mega Ray, Darkrai and Blaziken in Battlespot Doubles almost single-handedly with a Pikachu.

It's times like this I wish I had a 3DS capture card. xD


So for mr shiny naive salamence that's 31/18/31/31/31/31 with intimidate I would like to keep DD in both mega and non mega.

EVs: 4 Atk/252 SpA/Spe

Life Orb - Reg/Salamencite
Fire Blast
Outrage or Dragon Claw or Earthquake / Doubleedge
Dragon Pulse or Draco Meteor or Earthquake

I'm weighing my options now between DP and DM.
So for mr shiny naive salamence that's 31/18/31/31/31/31 with intimidate I would like to keep DD in both mega and non mega.

EVs: 4 Atk/252 SpA/Spe

Life Orb - Reg/Salamencite
Fire Blast
Outrage or Dragon Claw or Earthquake / Doubleedge
Dragon Pulse or Draco Meteor or Earthquake

I'm weighing my options now between DP and DM.
I prefer Draco Meteor for the sheer power, but you'll probably want a reliable STAB too. No Normal type move for Aerilate?

Also, it's cool. I may be busy tonight, but definitely by the end of this week as I'm on vacation starting next week : P


I prefer Draco Meteor for the sheer power, but you'll probably want a reliable STAB too. No Normal type move for Aerilate?

Also, it's cool. I may be busy tonight, but definitely by the end of this week as I'm on vacation starting next week : P

Ah okay for our trades, and I would use Double-edge for Aerilate if I went Mega on this one, the other one is for Life Orb if I decide to run a different Mega instead like Scizor or Mawile.

I agree on DM for sheer power, but DP is more consistent.


Big game changing news has occurred.

On the Pokémon Global Link, it has been announced that in the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire games, you will now be able to compete in Rating Battles using Pokémon that have been transferred from the Generation V games, dropping the blue pentagon requirement. It's not currently known if this will continue beyond Season 12 but will be active as of September 15th 2015.

This means the Double Battle on Battle Spot Rating Battle won't be that accurate for VGC team testing from now on.


Uhm, that's pretty shit to be honest. Given how easy it was to make broken stuff on the older games that hack checks still don't stop, I expect this to become a horrible time to battle competitively.
Uhm, that's pretty shit to be honest. Given how easy it was to make broken stuff on the older games that hack checks still don't stop, I expect this to become a horrible time to battle competitively.
You evidently haven't been following the Gen 6 hacking scene then. It is now just as easy in Gen 6 to hack Pokemon as in Gen 5.


You evidently haven't been following the Gen 6 hacking scene then. It is now just as easy in Gen 6 to hack Pokemon as in Gen 5.

Them unlinking PID and IVs was the monumentally stupidest thing Game Freak have ever done. They made it so Power Saves can edit IVs and it doesn't flag up as hacked.

Before Ironhax, and a brief period last year, it would have been really hard to hack.

From October 10th 2013 to December 25th 2013 was a golden age for Pokémon.


So on this shiny run which do you think will happen first?

X: hatching shiny Jolly Gible via Masuda Method and Shiny Charm (I'm at like 11 boxes now though)
Y: shiny random nature Fennekin starter
LG: shiny random nature Zapdos
AS: shiny Timid Latias or non-shiny 5IV flawless Latias (31/x/31/31/31/31)

Edit: I just got this Latias:

30–31 HP; 10–13/30–31 Physical; 30–31/31 Special; 30–31 Speed

97 / 50 / 68 / 80 / 92 / 88 Somewhat Vain

How much can I trust Veekun and psypokes that this is 5IV flawless?

Joe's calculator says:


Ugh, toss or keep?

Edit: I tossed it, it checked out as a what Joe said.

Edit: wait isn't it guaranteed 3 perfect IVs? I may have tossed a flawless. :/

Edit: using Marilland and some rare candies, a second one at Mischeivous came up at:

HP 31
Atk 24
Def 30, 31
Check at LV37(+4 levels)
If stat is 82, IV is 30 - 30
If stat is 83, IV is 31 - 31
SpAtk 30, 31
Check at LV51(+18 levels)
If stat is 132, IV is 30 - 30
If stat is 133, IV is 31 - 31
SpDef 31
Spd 30, 31
Check at LV51(+18 levels)
If stat is 145, IV is 30 - 30
If stat is 146, IV is 31 - 31

I only have 5 on this game so ehhhh.
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