Always thought Underdogs would be an interesting standard rule.
It's the current Special Battle ruleset that runs until the 14th
Always thought Underdogs would be an interesting standard rule.
Only Germany so far.That's good to know, which other non-Anglo countries have this Rayray? So I can just collect in those languages for myself.
I know. It's still hilarious to me that they're making a tournament that's purposefully based around 2 really good mons.This is just a Battle Competition, not the new format.
It's the current Special Battle ruleset that runs until the 14th![]()
If I'm understanding it correctly this is banning far more stuff including the top 12 of the current ruleset.
Na, look at the Top 12 of those competitions. It'd be pretty much identical.
If we only go with ICs:Pokémon that finished among the top 12 in any 2015 Double Battle Online Competition are banned.
But wouldn't this ban more Pokemon simply because it includes any Pokemon that has ever been in the top 12 including the ones being used in the current Underdog format?
Lupinko: you still trying for shiny story Lati@s? Totally not worth it. Plus fact you have to keep it in-game if you want to soar. Glad I said screw story one. Eon Ticket one is just a better experience. Just going to get Shiny Latias from AS. Though, can't continue my shiny Coballion hunt until next week at earliest.
I don't think this is actually true, I've heard of people who've traded away their in-game Lati@s and were still able to soar.Lupinko: you still trying for shiny story Lati@s? Totally not worth it. Plus fact you have to keep it in-game if you want to soar. Glad I said screw story one. Eon Ticket one is just a better experience. Just going to get Shiny Latias from AS. Though, can't continue my shiny Coballion hunt until next week at earliest.
I don't think this is actually true, I've heard of people who've traded away their in-game Lati@s and were still able to soar.
Everything I've read says otherwise, but would be good to know if true. I don't think the bs of blah blah story one is worth it though. Takes far too long.
Lupinko, ahhh I guess you are sticking with it then for the guaranteed nature then? I can see that. I find story one just totally not worth it for what I wanted though. Which is good because it saved what little sanity I had left, haha.
You actually don't need Lati@s to soar. I've confirmed it myself.
...Oh, right. I'll be financially fine but oh my god I really need to hide my card from myself when I'm really tired.Yen's slowly going up so within the next hour or so I'm gonna buy either OR or AS off the JPN eShop to play through labor day weekend. So that leaves the question of...
...OR or AS? EDIT: Gonna have to swap SD cards due to space issues. Just put 5K yen on there for now, I'll decide which one to get in the morning.
Just got done taking a 4 month break from pokemon.
Went to shake some of the rust off on Battle Spot and got like prison shanked in all my matches, it was brutal.
Need to watch VGC 2015, heard it wasn't the most diverse but i just like watching to see some of the plays and strategies the pros make.
Though the Pokemon choices were the same the Masters final is one of the best finals we've got in a long time IMO. Basically every year for the past five years or so has been a blowout so getting a close game was really awesome even if it was probably hard to follow with the Japanese text.Just got done taking a 4 month break from pokemon.
Went to shake some of the rust off on Battle Spot and got like prison shanked in all my matches, it was brutal.
Need to watch VGC 2015, heard it wasn't the most diverse but i just like watching to see some of the plays and strategies the pros make.
Pretty sure I'm only going to keep Toxic Spikes when I finish training it but it was fun putting all those egg moves into one Skrelp.
What the...I just received a shiny Rayquaza in wonder trade, hahah. It's in a cherish ball and has the trader's OT, so I can probably assume it's hacked, right?
It's one of those "Wow, GF's hack filter really is a POS" hacks.What the...I just received a shiny Rayquaza in wonder trade, hahah. It's in a cherish ball and has the trader's OT, so I can probably assume it's hacked, right?
It's one of those "Wow, GF's hack filter really is a POS" hacks.
Should I keep this non-shiny Latias or keep going?
30 - 31 / 0 - 3 / 20 - 23 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31
Wait, Illumise is pure Bug? Since when?
Toss, I've had better non-shiny ones that I tossed : P
I still haven't gotten anywhere near a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 though : /
I prefer Draco Meteor for the sheer power, but you'll probably want a reliable STAB too. No Normal type move for Aerilate?So for mr shiny naive salamence that's 31/18/31/31/31/31 with intimidate I would like to keep DD in both mega and non mega.
EVs: 4 Atk/252 SpA/Spe
Life Orb - Reg/Salamencite
Fire Blast
Outrage or Dragon Claw or Earthquake / Doubleedge
Dragon Pulse or Draco Meteor or Earthquake
I'm weighing my options now between DP and DM.
I prefer Draco Meteor for the sheer power, but you'll probably want a reliable STAB too. No Normal type move for Aerilate?
Also, it's cool. I may be busy tonight, but definitely by the end of this week as I'm on vacation starting next week : P
The newest special season is, uh... Okay. >_>
You evidently haven't been following the Gen 6 hacking scene then. It is now just as easy in Gen 6 to hack Pokemon as in Gen 5.Uhm, that's pretty shit to be honest. Given how easy it was to make broken stuff on the older games that hack checks still don't stop, I expect this to become a horrible time to battle competitively.
You evidently haven't been following the Gen 6 hacking scene then. It is now just as easy in Gen 6 to hack Pokemon as in Gen 5.
You evidently haven't been following the Gen 6 hacking scene then. It is now just as easy in Gen 6 to hack Pokemon as in Gen 5.