Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

GF Employee A: It seems that some people are actually playing our games legitimately this gen.
GF Employee B: Oh my fucking god that's horrible. How can we fix this?
GF Employee A: Let's remove the pentagon rule so that things like old events and moves you can only get on things like Gen 3 games and Pokemon XD are legal. That should get our hack rate to the target of 100%!
GF Employee B: Unfortunately, we'll only ever be able to reach 99.9%.
GF Employee A: Huh? Why?
GF Employee B: Randy Kwa.


Game Freak might as well give trainers a "build your own pokemon team" option next gen if they really don't care if people bring haxs to fight legit mons. Although it's kinda cool I can battle with some of my Gen 5 bros now, I feel conflicted...


O-obviously, it's a trap to make hackers relax so they get caught, right?

You can EV train as well. Maybe use a combination of vitamins, wings or Super Training?

With EV training how much is required to see the stat change? +4? +8? +12?

That would be better than throwing rare candies at it.

Same applies with vitamins and wings because I think for vitamins those are +10.

Edit: according to nuggetbridge if I understood it right, any Story or Eon Latias at Timid flawless 31 / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 is 97 / x / 68 / 80 / 92 / 88.

I may have thrown away two flawless then, but I think the first one had 30 IV Hp since I checked with a rare candy. I so don't understand the EV/vitamin method arggh or the IV calculators online are misleading when it comes to fact checking.
Wait a fucking second Serebii. This:
The Special Battle rules for Season 12 have been revealed. Season 12 will run from September 15th 2015 to November 17th 2015 and runs on both X & Y and Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. In this Special Battle ruleset, both XY and ORAS games will be competing with eachother in the rankings, despite battles being separate for each league.
It doesn't say that anywhere in the Japanese announcement, and the English announcement backs up my reading there. How I'm reading these announcements is:

For XY the "Special Format" is Singles with Pentagon Rule.

For ORAS the "Special Format" is everything else not having the Pentagon Rule and Special just being normal Singles.


Big game changing news has occurred.

On the Pokémon Global Link, it has been announced that in the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire games, you will now be able to compete in Rating Battles using Pokémon that have been transferred from the Generation V games, dropping the blue pentagon requirement. It's not currently known if this will continue beyond Season 12 but will be active as of September 15th 2015.

This means the Double Battle on Battle Spot Rating Battle won't be that accurate for VGC team testing from now on.

lmao what a joke. I'm not touching Battle Spot anymore.
lmao what a joke. I'm not touching Battle Spot anymore.
Considering both the English announcement reading like a regular Special format announcement and this format getting mostly very negative feedback, I will be shocked if November's rotation doesn't bring back the Pentagon rule and special formats that are actually special instead of Singles with the pentagon rule (which is this format; disregard what Serebii's site says, it's wrong here. It's just Singles with the pentagon rule, no mingling of ratings or anything like that).

Sucks for people who need to practice for November Regionals though.


Wait a fucking second Serebii. This:

It doesn't say that anywhere in the Japanese announcement, and the English announcement backs up my reading there. How I'm reading these announcements is:

For XY the "Special Format" is Singles with Pentagon Rule.

For ORAS the "Special Format" is everything else not having the Pentagon Rule and Special just being normal Singles.

You're right somewhat, but the Japanese wording was well off that even my friends, native Japanese speakers, weren't sure.

I said from the get go that the Special Battle rules were confusing in Japanese and to wait for the English one. Calm down :p
I highly doubt they'll drop the pentagon rule midway through a VGC season. And considering how vocal people have been about this, expect the pentagon rule for a nice, long time.
I said from the get go that the Special Battle rules were confusing in Japanese and to wait for the English one. Calm down :p
Fine, I'll be calm. :( That said, were the confused by this line by any chance?
For future reference, that's always there. lol. Also good to know that even native Japanese speakers can be confused at times. Makes me feel better. :p


We will be on the same ruleset as we've been on since January until at least October Regionals are over. I expect we'll get a new ruleset for January 2016 around November or December. I would expect the Pentagon rule to stay. My bets are on the format not changing or GS Cup.


We will be on the same ruleset as we've been on since January until at least October Regionals are over. I expect we'll get a new ruleset for January 2016 around November or December. I would expect the Pentagon rule to stay. My bets are on the format not changing or GS Cup.

Yeah, I've been expecting GS Cup for 2016 for a while.

I don't think it won't change though, that has never happened. The only time there was no change in metagame (no new forms/move tutors in the generation) they used GS Cup rules - 2010 since HGSS had nothing new.
Managed to get to the point where I am SRing Latias.

Not going to go down the rabbit hole lupinko or Muku went down though. Just getting one that's decent since I can SR as many Latias as I want in OR (thanks save back-ups).
After many hours of breeding, biking in circles around the Battle Resort and grinding Blissey bases, I have finally completed my living dex! Well, almost... I'm missing Yveltal, and I have no idea how I'm going to get one. I have X and while I wouldn't mind buying Y just for it, I would mind playing all the way through Y, especially with Z or X2/Y2 most likely right around the corner. I'd probably be okay with putting it on hold until those games come out because Yveltal will most likely be catch-able there. I'd just like to have Yveltal registered in my Pokedex for the Shiny Charm.

If anyone is willing to do a quick trade/trade-back so I can register Yveltal that would be totally awesome.


Muku did you ever catch that shiny Latias you wanted so much?

Latias? No. But I gave up on the story Lati@s. Played through AS and got Latios via Eon ticket as shiny. Working on getting the legendariy in AS shiny right now. Have had to put it on hold while I moved and getting settled in. I have OR up to the point of the story Latios so that when I am done, or mostly done with AS shiny legendary hunting I can pop over into that and work on it.

So far I have shiny Latios, Lugia,and Heatran. Was working on Coballion when I put it on hold, so that'll be next one I get.

Edit: Randomly, not at home at the moment, but believe I have an extra Yveltal if you would like it. Nothing required for it. Just send me a PM if interested.


Latias? No. But I gave up on the story Lati@s. Played through AS and got Latios via Eon ticket as shiny. Working on getting the legendariy in AS shiny right now. Have had to put it on hold while I moved and getting settled in. I have OR up to the point of the story Latios so that when I am done, or mostly done with AS shiny legendary hunting I can pop over into that and work on it.

So far I have shiny Latios, Lugia,and Heatran. Was working on Coballion when I put it on hold, so that'll be next one I get.

Edit: Randomly, not at home at the moment, but believe I have an extra Yveltal if you would like it. Nothing required for it. Just send me a PM if interested.

Don't forget about your modest Defog shiny Latios from me.


Don't forget about your modest Defog shiny Latios from me.

Oh I haven't. :) I'll probably end up using that one for combat. Ones I'm catching as shiny in ORAS are going to my shiny dex. Just as well because only one so far has sync'd up with right nature. Meh. Guess it's all good though.


Accidentally saved a shit Latias. oh well, not a big deal for me. At least this way i can move on lol

Did you make a save state prior?

I don't have it anymore since I tossed it but for an EV training example could you confirm that potentially flawless Latias was indeed that?

Timid / Mischievious
HP 97 / 54 Atk / 68 Def / 80 SpA / 92 SpD / 88 Spe
30-31 / 24-29 / 30-31 / 30-31 / 30-31 / 30-31

Just out of curiosity, because if she was flawless and I kept her, I wouldn't be on that stupid island still.

Oh I haven't. :) I'll probably end up using that one for combat. Ones I'm catching as shiny in ORAS are going to my shiny dex. Just as well because only one so far has sync'd up with right nature. Meh. Guess it's all good though.

Oh cool, anyway I'm trying to breed shiny Gible and I'm at 13 or 14 boxes now, ugh.

It's annoying because dragons take so long to hatch or at least Gible does.

I'm debating for the next competitive shiny breed to either be:
Mawile (5IV parent)
Turtwig (6IV parent)
Oshawott (6IV parent)
Scatterbug (6IV parent)
Vulpix (5IV parent)

Starly, Scyther and Bagon came in succession but Gible is giving me a headache.

I've been hatching eggs in X while trying to SR for shiny or flawless non-shiny Latias in AS, SR for shiny Fennekin starter in another X (for whatever), in addition to trying to SR shiny Zapdos in LG.
]I don't have it anymore since I tossed it but for an EV training example could you confirm that potentially flawless Latias was indeed that?

Timid / Mischievious
HP 97 / 54 Atk / 68 Def / 80 SpA / 92 SpD / 88 Spe
30-31 / 24-29 / 30-31 / 30-31 / 30-31 / 30-31

Just out of curiosity, because if she was flawless and I kept her, I wouldn't be on that stupid island still.
For that you just do 12 EVs in each of the five stats. If all of them go up by 1 then congrats, you have an EV.

And no save state because this is my JP digital copy. My Powersaves only works on American cartridges. But I can do save back-ups for my OR Latias so I'm good.


Yeah, those dragons take forever. I remember trying for a Dratini at one point. I gave up but will be back to that at some point. I had someone straight up breed me a shiny Relicanth so I didn't have to bother with long egg cycle. Traded an extra event for it. It's so awesome though I may use shiny Relicanth in my OR play through. (Well, catch it up in level and use it a bit.)

Edit: Ugh. Sorry to anyone I was going to get back to. Just realized I hadn't changed my time zone back a few zones since moving. Thinking I was on top of things and realizing I'm missing folks by hours now. x_x


By the way it looks like it records it via browser cookies and you can do the Google email trick to horde.

Also usually Nintendo HK codes are limited, so grab them while they're hot!

*goes back to hording codes*


Of course I didn't save it, since I'll SR it at a later time.

Yes, in the past events from Asia(non-Japan) worked for JP and english-PAL. No redeem for NA and non-english PAL.

Its redeemable on XYORAS btw.

Actually it seems that you can redeem on English, Japanese and Korean for PAL. It's just Spanish, French , German and Italian that you can't. Btw, do you know if what people are saying about some of the Rayquaza having Thunder Punch is true and if so what causes some Rayquaza to have Thunder and others to have Thunder Punch? Both of mine (PAL: Japanese, English) have Thunder.


Actually it seems that you can redeem on English, Japanese and Korean for PAL. It's just Spanish, French , German and Italian that you can't. Btw, do you know if what people are saying about some of the Rayquaza having Thunder Punch is true and if so what causes some Rayquaza to have Thunder and others to have Thunder Punch? Both of mine (PAL: Japanese, English) have Thunder.
Every Rayquaza has Thunder. It was a translation error on their part. It does not learn Thunder Punch.


Is the HK Rayquaza thing done? Went to bed I guess shortly before that thing popped up here last night. Not sure where to post the email and all... but not seeing anything that makes me think it's still going.
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