Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed

Yeah, okay. Found a link there earlier but says promotion has ended. However, there is a pastebin link on a reddit I found that has 1000 codes. I just took one off there and it worked. Yay.

I'm unsure whether to say Nintendo HK was incompetent with their promotion website or Pokemon fans are too hardcore. (Or both.)

As a test, somebody (as in one person) managed to generate 1000 codes in 50 seconds.

So I'm not surprised Nintendo HK took it down early (was meant to go on for several days).

Hopefully they bring it back up, but I guess most people who wanted a code probably have one now--or they can salvage the pastebins ^^;;;


Ah, so they ended it sooner rather than running out?

Helps if you go somewhere mid bin if you don't want to work your way through. I chose #666 and it worked. Vivilion came to my rescue. (That's how I chose my # haha.) first try.
I ended up nabbing code 838 from the pastebin. Shame the FB way died so quickly.

I'm going to also be suffering form Rayquaza fever since I'm currently at Delta episode about to catch that one.


Yay! I managed to get a code for one of those HK shiny Rayquaza! We didn't get the distribution event on Denmark so this is awesome! Thanks for pointing that out, everyone :) I chose code 402


Actually it seems that you can redeem on English, Japanese and Korean for PAL. It's just Spanish, French , German and Italian that you can't. Btw, do you know if what people are saying about some of the Rayquaza having Thunder Punch is true and if so what causes some Rayquaza to have Thunder and others to have Thunder Punch? Both of mine (PAL: Japanese, English) have Thunder.

I think Hegarol meant the games are locked when it comes to serial codes, which they are. Although I don't know how GF made the distinction between English PAL games and other languages. The ingame language setting is unrelated to this.

Is the HK Rayquaza thing done? Went to bed I guess shortly before that thing popped up here last night. Not sure where to post the email and all... but not seeing anything that makes me think it's still going.

I grabbed like 12-13 yesterday.

Ah, so they ended it sooner rather than running out?

Helps if you go somewhere mid bin if you don't want to work your way through. I chose #666 and it worked. Vivilion came to my rescue. (That's how I chose my # haha.) first try.

Ah that's good, maybe I'll try to fish from that pastebin too. Lmao
Ah, so they ended it sooner rather than running out?

Helps if you go somewhere mid bin if you don't want to work your way through. I chose #666 and it worked. Vivilion came to my rescue. (That's how I chose my # haha.) first try.

Got a Shiny Rayquayquay, thanks Muku! Gonna SR that thing when I have the time.


You're welcome guys. :) glad it's helping yall get one too. Not sure how much of Internet is fishing from it now but figured I'd share before it got too crazy. XD just happened upon it while trying to figure out deal on it.


So Emolga came out super fast but unfortunately not Motor Drive and 31 in the wrong place.



Well I guess Brown is a Lighter Black.

Crap, is it black? Always thought it was a really dark brown. LOL, so much for paying attention.

Preying... depends on Pokemon that is shiny, haha. Looks okay. Kind of like original coloring better. I guess I'm just not a fan of slight changes or lighter colors on the shiny. Hate things like Froakie where it's like the smallest of tint changes. And shiny Espeon.. dear god, what were they thinking.


Yeah regular Is black, shiny is light brown.

Anyone have access to friend safaris for Frogadier, whatever Chespin turns into and Wartortle? I need them with HA, female in. premier balls. I had them before but it got nuked on that other game save. I was going to ask for Noibat but I think I have that FS hopefully.


Yeah regular Is black, shiny is light brown.

Anyone have access to friend safaris for Frogadier, whatever Chespin turns into and Wartortle? I need them with HA, female in. premier balls. I had them before but it got nuked on that other game save. I was going to ask for Noibat but I think I have that FS hopefully.

I was going to check, but I guess I put X in my other 3DS to trade to ORAS at some point because I'm stupid, so I lost my FS progress lol...

I have premier HA Squirtle, but not Froakie or Chespin, I have Fennekin though lol.

Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/friendsafari was super useful when I was working on my luxury ball HA collection, though.


Do yall think we'll get anything like the dream world stuff in B/W again? At time I didn't quite appreciate it for what it was, but looking back now I'd wish I'd done more in it.


Do yall think we'll get anything like the dream world stuff in B/W again? At time I didn't quite appreciate it for what it was, but looking back now I'd wish I'd done more in it.

I hope not. I mean, dream balls are neat. But having a large feature of the game be simply flipped off sucks and it's why I didn't like the idea throughout the generation. They even tied berries to it x.x

I regret not keeping more of my original dream world females though due to how passing down balls ended up working -.- I ended up breeding most of my HAs onto new pokemon instead, making me have to collect more dream ball Pokemon now lol.

Edit: Also dream world's time limit and stuff and the general sluggishness of global link just doesn't make for a good time. Doing daily dream world felt more like a chore than a game.


Do yall think we'll get anything like the dream world stuff in B/W again? At time I didn't quite appreciate it for what it was, but looking back now I'd wish I'd done more in it.
Dream World itself was awful. I'd even rather pay microtransactions than have to play tedious flash games to unlock content.

It'd be interesting if Pokemon GO acted similarly to Dream World though. Get special Pokemon in the real world with GO and send them to your main games.
Dream World encouraged you to use as many carts as you could and play through amazing flash games every day on all said carts in order to have the highest chance of actually getting what you wanted. It was an excellent system that I really hope to return someday.

Fuck Dream World. I want my time back.


Haha I don't mean in the original form it was in. In all honesty, I hated the fact it was out of game, and probably why I didn't put as much time into it. But if they had some connect online within game kind of thing for it, I think it'd be interesting. But maybe that's just me. Just no more of the web portal crap. It wasn't even the hour time limit that bothered me, just having to log into a browser that did.


I was going to check, but I guess I put X in my other 3DS to trade to ORAS at some point because I'm stupid, so I lost my FS progress lol...

I have premier HA Squirtle, but not Froakie or Chespin, I have Fennekin though lol.

Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/friendsafari was super useful when I was working on my luxury ball HA collection, though.

We're still up for our other trades but turns out I have FS of all the starters except for Frogadier.

So if anyone could catch a female HA (protean) in a premier ball, then that would be totally cool.

Edit: thanks to Randomly Nameless for the Premier Ball female HA Frogadier!

I'm currently breeding premier ball white Flabebes with egg moves. Taking a break from shiny Honedge. I'll be doing all the colours but only blue will have HA. Also all will be in premier balls.
Anyone still playing XY? I need help evolving my Karrablast. So if anyone wants to trade real quick, it would be much appreciated.

ign is BUZZ, friend code is in my profile.


Anyone still playing XY? I need help evolving my Karrablast. So if anyone wants to trade real quick, it would be much appreciated.

ign is BUZZ, friend code is in my profile.

I'd help ya out but I'm at work right now. And I actually have you on my Friends List too I think.

Anyhow now that I have 5IV Flawless Timid Latias, I can finally continue playing AS (I still have other ORAS games to try again for Shiny Latias so it's not a big deal).

I'm currently EV training both AS Timid Latias and Emerald Mild Shiny Latias. The latter has decent stats and I want to make use of its mixed nature just to be original (yes, I know Special Based Latias is default for good reason, no need to preach otherwise).

I'm looking at:

Mild @ Life Orb
100 HP / 152 Atk / 252 SpA
Zen Headbutt STAB flinch chance
T-Wave / Thunderbolt
Dragon Pulse / Draco Meteor
Recover / Roost / Wish

Or would I be better off with:
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA instead?

This would just be for added diversity. But my actual VGC team(s) would only use Gen 6 native mon.

But yeah for this Latias I want to make due with it. Any ideas?

Edit: I found two good builds for mild Latios, and one of them can be used for Latias. I RNGed mild shiny Lati in emerald due to my original TID/SID combo. Glad that's done with.
So I decided to try that soft reset thing with the Shiny Rayquaza and I rolled

30-31/29-29/30-31/29-29/28-29/30-31 Jolly Nature

Is this good cuz if not...


It's fine, but if you're not in a hurry you can keep going.

I had potentially a 30-31/24-29/30-31/30-31/30-31/30-31 Latias that I tossed because I didn't understand how to Super Train to check definitive IVs a couple of weeks ago. And with patience, I landed 31/9/31/31/31/31 last night, of course on and off I was trying to SR for shiny since launch of last year but eh.

Also for Rayquaza, it can use most natures and for optimal has three in Jolly, Naive and Adamant.


still looking for someone to trade my Karrablast with. i'm here for another hour or so.

I can trade with you now.

Edit: To go with popular opinion I'm looking for a super fast Latias/Mega Latias EV build for Timid.

I'm looking at using KyleCole's build from YouTube.

Which is 252 Spe / 144 HP / 112 SpA

I have my Gen 6 Timid latias fully trained at 252 Speed and currently training in HP. I was also wondering if this would also satisfy a Life Orb Latias if I decide to use a different Mega.

I really am going for straight up speed, the other Latias is 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe.

Unique spreads for EVs are tricky and I thought my experimental build of Lonely Palkia would work, but so far nope (I don't think it has good IVs but it's a shiny I SR'ed less than 30 times for in Pearl).


Sorta to bump the thread and kickstart discussion again but anyhow I just hatched a shiny Froakie yesterday, timid 31/31/31/31/x/31 but unfortunately it came out Torrent and not Protean. It's a bummer like the static emolga that hatched for me when I wanted motor drive.

Oh well back to breeding. I just went back to breeding a perfect 6IV Togepi female HA with egg moves. Currently doing the third egg move. Thankfully when time comes to breed my competitive Togekiss, I don't need HA and even if the shiny comes out hustle, I can always Ability Capsule it into serene grace.


Not being able to breed baby mons is what's keeping me from breeding a competitive clefairy at the moment, and it almost put me off breeding raichu a while ago but I eventually powered through that.

It's such a hassle to deal with :c


Nice! Mons like Togepi are a pain to breed since you have to evolve the babies to Togetic before you can breed. Nnnnngh

It's actually less painful in Gen 6 because after it hatches, you can put on a soothe bell and then run befriending power while you hatch other eggs.

I'm more bummed about the torrent shiny Froakie tho, I really wanted it protean to play. Sigh.

Lol I have so many VGC ready mons I'm too lazy to start training because I want to run shinies.

So far only three are ready as shinies (Bagon, Starly and Scyther).

For 6IV and 5IV flawless I already have ready:
Scyther (available as shiny)
Bagon (available as shiny)
Starly (available as shiny)

Thanks again for the Dream Ball HA Carnvaha with egg moves, I want to do a run of Naughty natured ones. Also the 5IV HA Snivy, I want to start breeding that in the future too.


I have only two shiny Pokemon, both just caught randomly in XY. Maybe someday, I will have enough to have a whole party.


Catching random shinies is both the hardest and most hardcore way. Bonus points if you didn't have a shiny charm.
Never heard of it.

I doubt that I will find any in ORAS, as I have a self-enforced rule to only catch one of each Pokemon, so I am doing fewer random battles.
Shiny charm is something you get after completing the National Dex that drastically increases the odds of getting a shiny. Some of us have living pokedexes just to get it easily on each of our fifty-eight gen vi games.


Shiny charm is something you get after completing the National Dex that drastically increases the odds of getting a shiny. Some of us have living pokedexes just to get it easily on each of our fifty-eight gen vi games.

This so much. I like, while playing, to have chance to find a shiny in the wild. Though think I've bred more than found in wild right now. But at this point I just transfer my whole living dex to new games and back just to get shiny charm right off the bat when I get to that point in game. Of course though shinies are what I go for right now. And it's made my shiny legendary hunt better. Though Cobalion is beginning to test my patience a bit. (Not more than Heatran at the moment though.)


I remember my first playthrough on Black, I made it to the elite four without a flier so I headed back to the first route to find a flying pokemon to use. The very first Pidove I ran into was shiny, I swear it is true, I couldn't even believe it myself. I still have her today and trained her up to take her to take on the Elite Four. Was definitely the most exciting shiny I ever got, no shiny charm or Masuda method involved~


I have like 7 random shinies this gen and I don't even have a charm. It feels good knowing this game likes throwing me a bone every once in a while.


I have like 7 random shinies this gen and I don't even have a charm. It feels good knowing this game likes throwing me a bone every once in a while.

That's lucky. I haven't ever seen a shiny in wild until this generation. And that was only because of shiny charm. Every time I started a new game this gen, I hope I find one without it. But never happens. (Feel lucky to even see them after having shiny charm.) Though I have always felt like I've had pretty poor luck in game.


Sorry, does anyone have a spare HA froakie/frogadier/greninja?

Gender, IVs, ball, moves~ doesn't matter, I just need one with protean

Thanks :p


I got a fair number of wild shinies in XY. Off the top of my head: shiny Furfrou three hours into the game, shiny Vanilite in a horde and some random egg shinies too. Didn't get a single one in the BW/2 gen.

First shiny was a purple Wobbufett in the Safari Zone in Ruby. I somehow managed to catch it
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