Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed


I don't need anything back, breedable or any fancy female ball mon would be nice, like dream or love. But not required.

Well, since I skipped every gen between I and VI, I don't have anything in dream and love balls :p

I don't think I have anything useful for more experienced players..


Well, since I skipped every gen between I and VI, I don't have anything in dream and love balls :p

I don't think I have anything useful for more experienced players..

Nah, it's fine just give me anything. I am on my way home right now, if you want we can do the trade.


My Friend Code is 5043-3233-7615 / Black Mamba English ingame name or ブラック Japanese ingame name.

I can also give you a 6IV Ditto for convenience, free of charge.

I would be very grateful :p

Mine is 0662 - 2917 - 1693

Ingame game is R


Congrats Random!

Oh and I've completed my living dex, I just finished off both Japanese AS (eshop and cart), I'll do this for my other games too.

Now time to SR for Shiny Latios. Lmao

I brought my Aegislash from X along so. Lol
Aw thanks <3

Right now I'm Masuda Method-ing it up with my brand new Shiny Charm. I'm going for a Shiny Charmander to start with and if it doesn't take an eternity I'll go for Shiny Pawniard afterwards.

So far I've got nothing but 3 boxes full of 5 IV Charmanders. They're Timid and Blaze because I'm not huge on Solar Power and I prefer Charizard Y, especially the Shiny versions. I already have both a male and female 6 IV Timid Blaze so I don't really need any of these Charmanders. I always feel bad doing mass releases so I usually Wonder Trade all my rejects, but if anyone here wants one I'm sure that I have some 5 IV flawless ones, in that Attack is the only bad IV. So yeah, anyone can feel free to shoot me a PM if you want one.


Speaking of awesome, Japanese players have found a way to rng XD without using an emulator, so doing it all on a GameCube or Wii. It's all confirmed for the Japanese version, but probably can be used for the NTSC U or PAL versions, since there's apparently a slight timing difference.

Which is great for me because my computer can barely run Dolphin, and I am playing Japanese XD.

Singing Kanghaskhan, Tri-Attack Togepi, Lugia and the number birds, oh my!

Hustle Togepi is remedied thanks to Gen 6's wonderful Ability Capsule. :D

I even used that on an inner focus Abra (naive) when trying to farm for synchronizers in LG.


Haha wow, less than 20 SRs.


I love you Shiny Charm.

And my synchronizer worked, timid.

Kinda crummy stats I think I'll check in a bit.

Edit: should I keep this?


Completely awful stats, but hey he's shiny and timid! I can always go for better stats on my OR games, or should I keep going? Lmao


lupinko, keep it and get a better one on a different cart. Throwing it away would make Muku cry.

Yes it would. LOL.

Haha wow, less than 20 SRs.


I love you Shiny Charm.

And my synchronizer worked, timid.

Kinda crummy stats I think I'll check in a bit.

Edit: should I keep this?


Completely awful stats, but hey he's shiny and timid! I can always go for better stats on my OR games, or should I keep going? Lmao

I'd say keep it. Always the other game to roll with better stuff. Also... congrats! :D Was it Eon Ticket version?

Latios wasn't too bad SRing. Heatran and so far Cobalion have been awful.

Latios : 207
Lugia : 176
Heatran : 2247
Cobalion : 1826 and counting (still going for him, but haven't been able to squeeze much time in to SR for him while unpacking here)


Neo Member
Decided to get back into shiny hunting after a long hiatus last night. Shiny Charm pays off, too - got my shiny Heatran a little after midnight. Synchronize failed, but I don't really mind all that much.

Next up will be Regirock.


Decided to get back into shiny hunting after a long hiatus last night. Shiny Charm pays off, too - got my shiny Heatran a little after midnight. Synchronize failed, but I don't really mind all that much.

Next up will be Regirock.

Yeah, my syncs just don't seem to catch for when things pop shiny. ;_; So I stopped with trying for Cobalion. I figure I'm just happy if I can get it shiny. (Worse comes to worse, some of these I can sync shiny on OR if I REALLY want to.)



I'd personally see if I could go for better stats.

I know it's laughably bad haha.

lupinko, keep it and get a better one on a different cart. Throwing it away would make Muku cry.

Haha, yeah I wouldn't want to do that. And I do have 3 other games (NA OR cart/eshop [story Latios] and JP AS cart [Eon Latios] to try Latios on (technically 5 but two of those! JP OR cart and NA AS cart, are currently used as farming carts).

Yes it would. LOL.

I'd say keep it. Always the other game to roll with better stuff. Also... congrats! :D Was it Eon Ticket version?

Latios wasn't too bad SRing. Heatran and so far Cobalion have been awful.

Latios : 207
Lugia : 176
Heatran : 2247
Cobalion : 1826 and counting (still going for him, but haven't been able to squeeze much time in to SR for him while unpacking here)

Ah okay, and yeah it's the Eon ticket one on my JP AS eshop version.

And good luck on your hunts! I really wasn't expecting Shiny Latios to come out so fast though, this reminds me of when I got shiny Palkia in Pearl so many years ago and I did that under 30 SRs, that Palkia came out Lonely. I try to use him but his stats come out "decent according to IV dude".

I didn't even save until I got more opinions, I just left my LL on sleep while plugged in when I went to sleep.

I haven't completely started my JP AS cart yet, but I already loaded the living dex on that.

I'm also debating starting my NA OR eshop, I'd love to but then I couldn't breed eggs on NA X eshop, if only I had a second NA 3DS, like how I have two JP in a XY LL and white n3DS. Lol I actually did have two NA 3DS at one point,I got a launch Cosmo black for myself since 3DS launch was a few days from my birthday but I ended up giving it to a good friend as a gift when I got my Red XL.

I'm going to roll baby legendaries and mythicals so on that game, and maybe shiny Beldums again.

Cart JP AS:
Lv5 Jirachi Wishmaker / Timid
Lv10 Celebi Ageto / Modest
Lv5 Tornadus Dream Radar / Timid
Lv5 Palkia Dream Radar / Timid
Lv5 Hooh Dream Radar / Adamant

Eshop NA OR:
Lv5 Jirachi Wishmaker / haven't decided yet, I got many in LG, and two sitting in Pearl
Lv10 Celebi Ageto / haven't decided yet, I got many in LG
Lv5 Thundurus Dream Radar / Timid
Lv5 Dialga Dream Radar / Adamant
Lv5 Lugia Dream Radar / Modest

Nothing planned for Cart NA OR yet.


Blissey bases helps so much lol

I think my game is trolling me.. Got 00671 in the lottery

My ID is 00678...............

I remember I got 50678 a few months ago too lol


Lol what's wrong with me, I still haven't saved the game yet. The initial celebration has been replaced with so much doubt.

Those IVs are such a bummer, it's taken the enjoyment out of my game. :/


So why are you doing it?

Good question, I could just continue on with shiny hunting and playing the game, it's not like I don't have other games to play.

If it's good competitively I can roll with it, if not it goes to my collection.

Edit: I just saved it, so whatever.

Edit: I'm SRing for Dialga now, and I'm also breeding my Togekiss project, anyone interested in Dream Ball HA Togepi with Nasty Plot, Morning Sun, Stored Power and Extrasensory?

Obviously the one I'm breeding for competitive and I pray to Arceus shiny is going to be Serene Grace, but if it comes out Hustle I can ability capsule that. :D
So like, if I get Pokemon Bank on a JP 3DS I can use it with my NA copies of ORAS and XY, right?

Tried to get a breeding line going again for the past hour or two on my JP copy of AS and, like, fuck that shit. :X


So like, if I get Pokemon Bank on a JP 3DS I can use it with my NA copies of ORAS and XY, right?

Tried to get a breeding line going again for the past hour or two on my JP copy of AS and, like, fuck that shit. :X

Should be able to I imagine. Can use US bank with JPN games.


So like, if I get Pokemon Bank on a JP 3DS I can use it with my NA copies of ORAS and XY, right?

Tried to get a breeding line going again for the past hour or two on my JP copy of AS and, like, fuck that shit. :X

Yeah, Pokebank has no region lock, but unfortunately the 3DS does. That's how I transfer between my NA and JP 3DS, using both Banks.

Should be able to I imagine. Can use US bank with JPN games.

Exactly that.


Just caught this in less than 50 SRs!


Modest and I'll edit this post with the stats!

Edit: Much better than Latios.

Alert to Sounds.

30 - 31/30 - 31/14 - 15/28 - 29/24 - 25/30 - 31


lupinko: Sweet!! Congrats! Damn you have some good odds. Though guess I can same for first two I caught. Hoping with these more recent ones my odds get better on some others. x_x


lupinko: Sweet!! Congrats! Damn you have some good odds. Though guess I can same for first two I caught. Hoping with these more recent ones my odds get better on some others. x_x

I was actually able to hatch a 6IV Togepi last night but unfortunately it was male. I still have to hatch a 6IV female for breeding or at least get a consistent string of them before I try to MM breed.
As far as breeding goes I'm actually still trying to replicate the "newbie breeding experience" for laziness reference purposes. This is assuming you don't buy old games to RNG and you don't have access to a 6V Ditto. Notes so far:

-GTS is your friend. Always be the one putting up shit, though, and asking for levels 1 through 10 mons. Don't Seek for mons; doing so can make you lose your sanity.
-Luck on WonderTrade helps a lot. So use it. A lot. Yeah.
-Game gives you a Camerupt and since you don't need to fly anymore just use that as your half-number-of-steps-needed mon. I'm using Slugma though.
-Did I mention that GTS is your fucking friend? It'll save you so much time if you're doing it right and have some patience.
-General procedure is to start from Field and then branch out from there.

So far it's not completely horrible but only because of GTS and Wonder Trade. EDIT: Final note is that I don't recommend this at all but I guess that's besides the point.


If you can break people in trades GTS is wonderful, I needed a level 80+ poke that could learn soak so it'd be easier to catch Giratina, so I threw up a 6IV ditto on the GTS.

I also did this to get a high level skitty to help breed for egg moves in addition to completing my living dex.

Not just ditto but I also used Dream Radar legendaries.

I even got a shiny gen 6 Musharna recently which was wonderful. It came from a friend safari too. Given the circumstances I'm just going to assume it's legal, legit and not a clone because the typical player doesn't care about musharna and they wanted a 6IV ditto so bad.
Oh, on the bus ride home I got a 31/31/31/31/31/0 male Snivy which is perfect for breeding. Just need the 31/31/31/X/31/31 and this "newbie experience" is going places.


If you can break people in trades GTS is wonderful, I needed a level 80+ poke that could learn soak so it'd be easier to catch Giratina, so I threw up a 6IV ditto on the GTS.

I have a Smeargle with Soak, Spore, False Swipe and Simple Beam that I use for all my catching needs. Soak to get rid of anything that impedes False Swipe or Spore(since grass is immune now), Simple Beam to check for HAs. Love it.

Can't say I've ever used the GTS much. Never really liked the hassle of using it x.x
Can't say I've ever used the GTS much. Never really liked the hassle of using it x.x
Step 1) Put up reasonable trade offer.
Step 2) Go about doing the shit you normally do.
Step 3) Go back to what should be a successful trade If not, either withdraw the trade and put it up again (to bump it up on the list) or change your offer.

I don't see how it's a hassle TBH.


I have a Smeargle with Soak, Spore, False Swipe and Simple Beam that I use for all my catching needs. Soak to get rid of anything that impedes False Swipe or Spore(since grass is immune now), Simple Beam to check for HAs. Love it.

Can't say I've ever used the GTS much. Never really liked the hassle of using it x.x

We still have trades to do! :)

Step 1) Put up reasonable trade offer.
Step 2) Go about doing the shit you normally do.
Step 3) Go back to what should be a successful trade If not, either withdraw the trade and put it up again (to bump it up on the list) or change your offer.

I don't see how it's a hassle TBH.

Yeah it's convenient if you ask for stuff as opposed to looking for stuff.


Step 1) Put up reasonable trade offer.
Step 2) Go about doing the shit you normally do.
Step 3) Go back to what should be a successful trade If not, either withdraw the trade and put it up again (to bump it up on the list) or change your offer.

I don't see how it's a hassle TBH.

The actual process of using it is just annoying for me =p I can generally get anything I want faster myself, or by looking for exactly what I want elsewhere.

The actual GTS was super obnoxious to use prior to Gen VI, and in Gen VI I've had virtually no reason to bother.

We still have trades to do! :)

I'm ready whenever you are on that.


The actual process of using it is just annoying for me =p I can generally get anything I want faster myself, or by looking for exactly what I want elsewhere.

The actual GTS was super obnoxious to use prior to Gen VI, and in Gen VI I've had virtually no reason to bother.


I'm ready whenever you are on that.

Oh cool! How many do you got coming my way again? I forget, I just know it's a lot. I hope you like breedables in return and I hope to see if I can RNG you some older game shinies.


Oh cool! How many do you got coming my way again? I forget, I just know it's a lot. I hope you like breedables in return and I hope to see if I can RNG you some older game shinies.

Nah I wouldn't say a lot, just 45 haha =p But yeah I'm fine with whatever, though I'm especially fond of new dream balls and such to add to my collection.
The actual process of using it is just annoying for me =p I can generally get anything I want faster myself, or by looking for exactly what I want elsewhere.

The actual GTS was super obnoxious to use prior to Gen VI, and in Gen VI I've had virtually no reason to bother.
Oh okay.

I can usually get stuff I want off the GTS without really any hassle, though. Generally saves me time breeding and it made getting a Living Dex super duper easy.
50-ish Snivy in, I randomly got a shiny one. MM was a thing, Shiny Charm wasn't. It's also a female which is adorable. Timid, Overgrow (D:), 14-15/31/31/31/31/31.

Well, while I won't be using this beauty online or even in the Maison, she's definitely going into my ingame team!
No shiny charm. No MM this time, either. Like 4 Meowth in and SHINY.

...Why can't I have this kind of insane luck with things I actually want shiny!?
I'm going with getting trolled by both Hoopa and Arceus simultaneously.

Also got Bank set up. Glad to be able to finally put that Duplica Ditto on my Japanese game where it belongs. :) Doing organization right this time though. Already got a basic organization system set up and will expand it as needed. I am definitely *not* just tossing a ton of shit in there like I did with my NA Bank, where my Living Dex is nice and tidy but almost everything else is a giant mess. lol
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