Went to Gamestops today, got a few codes, learned about the shiny XY legendary events. Good day. I'm in a pretty cheery mood overall actually. My living pokedex is finished.*
*Finished as in I got the shiny charm. As of the Darkrais from today, I'm sitting at 711. I'm still missing: Mew, Phione, Manaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, and Volcanion. All of which are scheduled to be filled up through the year bar the first and last ones.
I'm in such a good mood, that if there's anything anyone wants me to fetch them from my database, I'll go breed out for you.
Of particular note, I have several Hidden Ability starters:
Chikorita (Leaf Guard)
Cyndaquil (Flash Fire)
Totodile (Sheer Force)
Torchic (Speed Boost)
Snivy (Contrary)
Tepig (Thick Fat)
Oshwaott (Shell Armor)
And several spares sitting in my boxes unused:
Adamant Murkrow with Brave Bird and Drill Peck
Timid Amaura with Discharge
Timid Mareep
Naive Bagon with Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, and Dragon Pulse
Adamant Larvitar with Dragon Dance
Misc. Charmander with Dragon Dance and Dragon Pulse
Modest Togepi with Nasty Plot
Modest Houndour
Jolly Swirlix with Belly Drum
Adamant Beldum
PM me if there's anything you want.