Damn this DexNav. This is the first time I've actually bothered catching lots of Pokemon, and looking for a Minun in Route 110 is infuriating. Has anyone had any success in Alpha Sapphire?
how is exp share in this game? In terms of balance.
Loved it in XY but hated how the game isn't scaled for exp share usage.
k I need to get in on that Pokemon Bank. Shame I can't transfer items. I have all those held items sitting in X/Y.
I trade them right back and laugh every time both of us are sending a Zigzagoon to the other.Though I'd wonder trade for a bit.
So much Zigzagoons
Okay, tested hoard training in this game. Weather does not affect Sweet Scent anymore. Hooray! 100% chance of hoards for that EV appearing:
Speed: Route 104
Attack: Mt. Pyre, inside
Def: Route 111
Sp.A: Route 119
Sp.D: Route 115
HP: That cave in Verdanturf town
So yeah, it's even better than XY. No Sturdy to deal with either. Pretty happy with EV training speed now.
Okay, tested hoard training in this game. Weather does not affect Sweet Scent anymore. Hooray! 100% chance of hoards for that EV appearing:
Speed: Route 104
Attack: Mt. Pyre, inside
Def: Route 111
Sp.A: Route 119
Sp.D: Route 115
HP: That cave in Verdanturf town
So yeah, it's even better than XY. No Sturdy to deal with either. Pretty happy with EV training speed now.
Okay, tested hoard training in this game. Weather does not affect Sweet Scent anymore. Hooray! 100% chance of hoards for that EV appearing:
Speed: Route 104
Attack: Mt. Pyre, inside
Def: Route 111
Sp.A: Route 119
Sp.D: Route 115
HP: That cave in Verdanturf town
So yeah, it's even better than XY. No Sturdy to deal with either. Pretty happy with EV training speed now.
There is trick that i hope they will never change: You can trade with yourself on the GTS.
went exploring around the mini mall and saw this
None of the hoardes I listed in that post have Sturdy so you don't have to deal with it when EV Training.What does this mean? I encountered a swarm of Magnemite and two of them had Sturdy.
Want to normal trade for my Zigzagoon; he's pretty dope.Damn, I've been WT-ing for awhile and still haven't received anything to swap in. :/
Edit: I just got a totodile with DD and ice punch... but I have my Milotic... >.<
Want to normal trade for my Zigzagoon; he's pretty dope.
What do you mean by that? Is it like a normal GTS trade or is there some sort of trick?There is trick that i hope they will never change: You can trade with yourself on the GTS.
What do you mean by that? Is it like a normal GTS trade or is there some sort of trick?
I want to trade in all of my battle items and mega stones (I know you can get all of them in ORAS).
I wish I didn't sell my other 3DS now...
Does the Diancie event still happen if you use the bank to transfer her?
What do you mean by that? Is it like a normal GTS trade or is there some sort of trick?
I want to trade in all of my battle items and mega stones (I know you can get all of them in ORAS).
YesDoes this have the annoying Soccer Balloon Training from Pokemon X/Y? I hated that shit so much, because as a first time Pokemon player, I didn't understand it at all. I want my Pokemon to be at their strongest, but having to grind the Soccer Balloons (that's what I call them, don't judge me) along with the usual levels and shit was too much.
Does this have the annoying Soccer Balloon Training from Pokemon X/Y? I hated that shit so much, because as a first time Pokemon player, I didn't understand it at all. I want my Pokemon to be at their strongest, but having to grind the Soccer Balloons (that's what I call them, don't judge me) along with the usual levels and shit was too much.
Does this have the annoying Soccer Balloon Training from Pokemon X/Y? I hated that shit so much, because as a first time Pokemon player, I didn't understand it at all. I want my Pokemon to be at their strongest, but having to grind the Soccer Balloons (that's what I call them, don't judge me) along with the usual levels and shit was too much.
Does this have the annoying Soccer Balloon Training from Pokemon X/Y? I hated that shit so much, because as a first time Pokemon player, I didn't understand it at all. I want my Pokemon to be at their strongest, but having to grind the Soccer Balloons (that's what I call them, don't judge me) along with the usual levels and shit was too much.
The pokebank is an easy way to send pokemons from one game to another without having two 3DSes. You can't send items, though. And yes, you can also use the bank to keep your pokemon, if your ingame boxes are full.
About the iOS pokedex, I don't know one, sorry.
They took a game not designed for Exp Share and slapped Exp Share onto it.
So yeeeeeeah....
If you raised 6 Pokemon evenly in past Pokemon games then the games were generally a good difficulty, not too easy but not too hard as long as you didn't skip a lot of battles.Exp. Share does not magically make the game significantly easier. It's a Pokemon game...
All I needed were Sceptile and Sharpedo. The old Exp. Share would've had the same results in that situation. The games are only ever really difficult if you either go in without really knowing what you're doing, or because you self-impose rules to make it so. Not really sure what people are expecting or why they're expecting it lol.
Gender is determined when the egg is generated which is when you grab the egg from the daycare man/boy.I posted something earlier about how I couldn't get a male Pokemon out of 50/50 gender ratios for twenty straight eggs... now I'm at 32.
When does gender get determined in breeding so I know when to save? This is SERIOUSLY pissing me off.
What do you mean by that? Is it like a normal GTS trade or is there some sort of trick?
I want to trade in all of my battle items and mega stones (I know you can get all of them in ORAS).
Gender is determined when the egg is generated. So by the time you grab the egg from the daycare man/boy it's already set.
You did some Pokemon Amie, so it gets some benefits in-battle I think.So... what does my pokemon hopping at the start of the battle mean?
...Considering that I RNG'd in old games by utilizing this, I want to know what the hell I was on when I made that post.It's only generated WHEN you grab the egg. So you can save before taking the egg and SR that way.
Daaaammmn sootopolis looks max cozy
That water reflection at night time mang
Otherwise yeah, the games are really easy if you raise even 5 instead of 6.