Deified Data
This was a trend in this thread?! Perfect. If someone has a Brave or other -speed nature one with 0 Speed IV and 2 - 3 31 IVs I'd give you a Quad Charmander and/or Gible for it!
Yeah, he was trendy a few days ago. I was gonna breed one but I didn't have any Phantump in my FS that had their hidden ability. Might just breed one with Natural Cure now.
I've been running Return/Giga Impact/Earthquake/Sucker Punch myself. Fake Out's usefulness in Doubles in intriguing.Mega Kangy is awesome in the Maison. I've only used her in Doubles however.
Send her as one of your leads. Use Fake Out on the Pokemon that can threaten your other Pokemon the most. She's pretty bulky so she'll likely survive any hit that isn't a Fighting move. Fake Out is effectively a 2HKO on most Pokemon. Return is freaking deadly; it's a OHKO on a lot of Pokemon that isn't resistant to it. Sucker Punch for priority but I don't depend on it. I have Power Up Punch as the last move but I only use it when I know it can faint a Pokemon (does crap damage as 2x and I wouldn't even use it against a 4x weakness 'mon like Aggron). If you do manage to get a +2 from PUP, that's game. It dents even Skarmoy hard at full HP. But it's still no good against a 4x like Bastiodon, Aggron, etc.