This is an exact scenario that just happened earlier. Also as a note, the rng for what iv's are passed down are set for every egg before hand, and rejecting an egg resets the rng.What does resetting the RNG do that makes it preferable to just hatching dozens of eggs in a row?
Say I want to get a 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Jolly Breloom and I start out with a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Male Adamant Shroomish. There's three things I need: A Shroomish that is a female that has 31 iv's in attack and a nature of Jolly. So I breed the starting Shroomish with a Jolly Ditto (with no perfect iv's) and get a Jolly Shroomish with 31 iv's in Sp. Def and Speed.
Now that I have a Jolly Shroomish, and with a couple good iv's, I pair it up with a Ditto that is 31/31/31/31/xx/xx. So I put them in the day care, get 5 eggs, hatch them, and take them to the iv judge. I notice that 4 of my 5 eggs all have the same stat: XX/XX/31/31/XX/31. That means it's taking two iv stats (maybe three) from Ditto as seen by the two 31 iv's, and a 31 iv from the Shroomish. Notice how it does not have 31 iv's in attack. That means that the attack stat is not getting passed down by the Ditto, so I need to reset the rng for an iv distribution that passes down the Ditto's attack stat. Rinse and repeat a couple of times and then boom, I get a female jolly Shroomish with xx/31/xx/xx/31/31 which is exactly what I needed to get my perfect Breloom.
So yea, that's why I use that method.