Just hatched a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Carbink. What stats should I train for?
HP and whichever defensive stat is boosted by your nature.
It doesn't look like we'll get two more so if you want we can do a 6v6 singles or doubles.I am in.
It doesn't look like we'll get two more so if you want we can do a 6v6 singles or doubles.
Okay we'll do both I guess lolAnything you want.
GG! I had no idea Mega Aerodactyl was that fast so I volt switched instead of ThunderboltThat was close. Mega Aerodactyl <3
I will change my team for doubles.
It's Modest, so I think Special Attack is boosted. Should I just go with Special Attack, then?
Nah, its Special Attack stat is terrible. Does your team need a physical tank or a special tank more?
(also if it were up to me I'd rebreed for a +Def/+SpDef nature)
I'm still in awe at how amazing Knock Off is this gen. Since basically every competitive Pokémon carries an item, it's guaranteed to both do 50% more damage on the first hit (which climbs to absurd heights when you add the bonuses from STAB, Adaptability and the Super Effective modifier) as well as throw a large monkey wrench into whatever strategy the opponent is trying to pull off.
Did any other moves that get buffed to the same degree? I know that Chatter got completely re-tooled, but it's still nowhere near as useful as the new Knock Off.
I was thinking of running Reflect and Light Screen along with Light Clay on it, and also Moonblast and Power Gem.
GG!That didnt go well this time for me haha.
GG Wazzy.
That was fun and I was surprised how little damage my scald did to your charizard.
Maybe we'll get lucky and some more peopel will want to do some multi's heh
mmhmmI need to breed some Pokes but I am too lazy to do it. *looks at game backlog*
Ahhh right right. Completely forgot about Droughts effects.Drought halves Water damage and boosts 1.5 Fire damage. The inverse happens with Rain Dance.
I need to breed some Pokes but I am too lazy to do it. *looks at game backlog*
I'm trying to legitimately fill in as much as my Pokedex as possible before moving on to Y for those few exclusives it contains, and I'd rather catch myself than trade with others. OCD.
So I ask a huge favor. Those of you that are still actively playing and offer the following Pokemon in your Friend Safaris, would you please consider adding me as a friend, even if only temporarily?
My details:
Mejilan (Firinel)
Sadly, I'm Poison type and have Ariados, Seviper, and Drapion on offer.
I live in the NE of the Continental U.S. (for a rough idea of my typical evening hours of availability).
I'm looking for the following critters:
Zebstrika (Electric)
Xatu (Psychic)
Girafarig (Psychic)
Heracross (Bug)
Dusclops (Ghost)
Spiritomb (Ghost)
Liepard (Dark)
Forretress (Steel)
Bronzong (Steel)
Excadrill (Steel)
Chansey (Normal)
Ninetales (Fire)
Breloom (Fighting)
Rufflet (Flying)
Maractus (Grass)
Muk (Poison)
Galvantula (Electric)
Palpitoad (Ground)
Cloyster (Ice)
Venemoth (Bug)
Nuzleaf (Dark)
Clefairy (Fairy)
If my own offerings suck too much ass, I am willing to breed eggs to help others fill their dexes.
I'm playing X, and even without the above (or their evolutions) my current dex counts are as follows:
150 (crown) / 141 / 146 / 523
Those are registered AND resident (as I keep one of every evolution of every Pokemon I have registered resident in my PC boxes.
My 200+ hour save file shows that I've seen 547, so far. 523 of 547 isn't too shabby, right?
If you're game, please PM me your FC, which of my requested Pokemon you have in your safari, and any egg requests you might have.
Could I have that brave Mawile?
I'm still in awe at how amazing Knock Off is this gen. Since basically every competitive Pokémon carries an item, it's guaranteed to both do 50% more damage on the first hit (which climbs to absurd heights when you add the bonuses from STAB, Adaptability and the Super Effective modifier) as well as throw a large monkey wrench into whatever strategy the opponent is trying to pull off.
Did any other moves that get buffed to the same degree? I know that Chatter got completely re-tooled, but it's still nowhere near as useful as the new Knock Off.
Sorry. Big post at the end of a page curse struck again...
Guys, I need help making a legit badass team. I'm gonna list off all the pokemon I have 5v'd and from there choose which 6 will make the best team! I'm new to battling so I need expert help!
Pokemon I have:
Ferrothorn, alakazam, noivern, aegislash, greninja, volcarona, metagross, aggron, garchomp, sableye, Delphox, rotom, Hydreigon, goodra, Kangaskhan, lapras, Tyranitar, espeon, togekiss, Excadrill, tyrantrum, scizor, and chandelure!
Anyone still battling?
Nope :/
I didn't realize these two out speed jolteon and Cinccino
There are no dick moves on Wonder Trade. You just give up what you're willing to give up; it's all in the name of fun.Just got the game today. So this Wonder Trade is a new thing. I had no idea what it was supposed to do. I offered up a junk Level 3 character and got a Level 27 Dugtrio in exchange. Was that a total dick move by me? Did I just screw over the other guy?
Choice band or life orb for crawdaunt?
Kanghaskan / Rotom-W / Goodra (sap sipper) / Aigislash OR Sableye / Tyranitar / Excadrill
Kanghaskan / Rotom-W / Goodra (sap sipper) / Aigislash OR Sableye / Tyranitar / Excadrill