lulz fuck that Sucker Punch
Goddamnit High jump kick miss sometimes will ya.
No wonder blaziken is banished to ubers. >_> <_<
I didnt even use Mega Blaziken bro.
Eh I thought Outrage would hit me again.
Random in doubles.
God, I forgot I was scarfed. >_<
Damn, was hoping for a high jump kick.
Dat Sap Sipper. So glad I didn't go for Gooey.Goodra (sap sipper)
Depends on what role you want it to fill. If you're on the market for an unmatched lategame clean-up sweeper, definitely go for the Choice Band. Very little can survive a STAB Adaptability Aqua Jet that's been augmented by a Choice Band, and those that can will crumble before Knock Off.
If you just want an all-around versatile glass cannon, then I'd suggest a combination of Life Orb and Swords Dance. If you can force a switch and get a dance off, then you can wreck shop until one of The Daunt''s hard counters stops him in his tracks.
Splash Plate is also viable if you just want to kill things with Crabhammer and Aqua Jet though. There are actually a lot of items that work well on Crawdaunt!
Does anyone have Drilbur in their safari? I'm looking for one with Moldbreaker but the fine, upstanding gentlemen of the GTS keep taking my Dittos and giving me Sand Force/Rush despite my added comment asking for Mold specifically.
Hmm, I might give life orb a go then, because I want to use on a team based around scolipede's baton pass. Though the idea of a choice band adaptability boosted crawdaunt with some speed boosts and and sword dance baton pass down.... *drools*
You''ve gotta be careful if you want to Baton Pass to Crawdaunt. Ol' Dauntis is pretty squishy, and the absolute last thing you need is for him to be knocked out before you can even put his majesty to use. If you feel like living dangerously, perhaps you could attach an Iron Ball or Lagging Tail onto Scolipede so that the pass is guaranteed to happen after the opponent makes their move for that turn. It would make Scol much more vulnerable to a one hit KO, but also ensure that your team's lynchpin doesn't get unceremoniously ground into the dirt.
Awesome, thanks!I can trade you one. Or more if you want, I have a box full of them. My FC is 0404-6055-6338.
Awesome, thanks!
FC: 0387-9689-2248
Sure, just give me a sec to go get one.Mind trading me a Haunter? I need a Gengar for my dex.
Oops you're totally right.The only real problem with this team is that half of them are weak to Fighting, one of the most common offensive types in the metagame. The only member that can safely switch into a Fighting-type move is Aegis/Sableye, which leaves you in a sticky situation if said member is KO'd before going up against the foe it's supposed to counter.
Quick Guard and Wide Guard no longer have a chance to fail on subsequent uses. Quick Guard also protects from Prankster / Gale Wings attacks.I'm still in awe at how amazing Knock Off is this gen. Since basically every competitive Pokémon carries an item, it's guaranteed to both do 50% more damage on the first hit (which climbs to absurd heights when you add the bonuses from STAB, Adaptability and the Super Effective modifier) as well as throw a large monkey wrench into whatever strategy the opponent is trying to pull off.
Did any other moves that get buffed to the same degree? I know that Chatter got completely re-tooled, but it's still nowhere near as useful as the new Knock Off.
Quick Guard and Wide Guard no longer have a chance to fail on subsequent uses. Quick Guard also protects from Prankster / Gale Wings attacks.
Gotta rebreed Scrafty.
Only 7?Fuuuuuuck this shiny breeding bullshit.
Argh, I really don't feel like going at it anymore. Worst thing is that now I have 7 boxes of litwicks which will be a pain in ass to get rid of.
Fuuuuuuck this shiny breeding bullshit.
Argh, I really don't feel like going at it anymore. Worst thing is that now I have 7 boxes of litwicks which will be a pain in ass to get rid of.
Fuuuuuuck this shiny breeding bullshit.
Argh, I really don't feel like going at it anymore. Worst thing is that now I have 7 boxes of litwicks which will be a pain in ass to get rid of.
Only 7?
If you're going for Masuda Method, you have to be committed.
I...I would take a male/female pair of those off your hands when you're ready.
I will take one if it has good IVs.
Why do you people just let your boxes fill up, I never understand.