Show me. *taunts*
Nice match earlier, by the way. I should have tried PP stalling Destiny Bond more at the beginning; going for the kill that early was foolish.
And you might want to carry a Grass move next time![]()
That was my doom! Also I had 4 physical attackers.
It'll be down until they can encrypt system-to-system communication, probably.Why are rating battles still down? I thought maintenance day was Monday.
I just found that. I'm glad they are making significant strides to curb cheating.It'll be down until they can encrypt system-to-system communication, probably.
Disabled until further notice: are rating battles still down? I thought maintenance day was Monday.
Should have been done before. =/I just found that. I'm glad they are making significant strides to curb cheating.
Mawile and Kangaskhan are hardly something I'd call "impossible to deal with." Both are awesome megas. Mewtwo was already created to be ultra powerful so who cares if he gets a buff. You'll never see him anyway. Charizard also needed the buff. The only really top tier Pokemon who got a Mega Evolution were Tyranitar, Scizor and Garchomp who are not very popular Megas because people prefer to use their Mega slot elsewhere.
Mawile and Kangaskhan are hardly something I'd call "impossible to deal with." Both are awesome megas. Mewtwo was already created to be ultra powerful so who cares if he gets a buff. You'll never see him anyway. Charizard also needed the buff. The only really top tier Pokemon who got a Mega Evolution were Tyranitar, Scizor and Garchomp who are not very popular Megas because people prefer to use their Mega slot elsewhere.
I got three HP Ice Eevees. Anybody want one?
Let me rephrase that. I have 3 31/xx/30/31/31/31 Eevees that happen to have Hidden Power Ice.
Now that I think aabout it, a Normal / Steel type could be immune to both of Gengar's STABs.
It'd need a way to deal with Focus Blast, though.
Gengar STAB as in poison/ghost? Don't fairy/steel types cover that?
Gengar STAB as in poison/ghost? Don't fairy/steel types cover that?
May I please have one?I got three HP Ice Eevees. Anybody want one?
Let me rephrase that. I have 3 31/xx/30/31/31/31 Eevees that happen to have Hidden Power Ice.
I'd take one if you don't mind. Fc is in my profile.
May I please have one?
I probably won't be home for an hour though.
Sounds great. I'll be adding you two.
IGN: Calem
FC is in my profile.
I wonder what a normal steel type would be.
I would say a piece of ore, but we already have carbink.
You're the man thanks buddy.
I've seen few gengars running dazzling gleam.
Sounds great. I'll be adding you two.
IGN: Calem
FC is in my profile.
Gengar can learn Dazzling Gleam? Is this the new Aerial Ace?
You still got any spares?
I've had an idea for a "bread-and-butter automaton," that is, a Porygon-style artificial Pokemon, but one that's used in such a commonplace fashion that it would become the norm, hence the typing.
It'd be mostly white, but the eyes / head diamond along with the "racing stripes," etc. would be a deep blue. A benevolent company along the lines of Sylph Co. would manufacture them for security purposes. In terms of gameplay, it'd function a bit like Metagross mixed with Snorlax in that it has substantial special defenses and completely abandons any potential notions of speed. I don't know about abilities, but Analytic seems like a good fit - attacks get a Life Orb-level power boost if they move second.
In a metagame format, Assault Vest Valloroy would probably destroy and be a particularly noteworthy Gengar counter, with EV spreads ensuring you could survive at least one max-investment Focus Blast to retaliate with Mirror Coat.
No problem. I was kind of weird out when you showed me that shiny Zweilous though.
Sorry for whatever reason you showed up as an acquaintance and I thought you were a rando so I just showed my shiny. My bad. Hope I didn't psych you out.
Just one left. I'll go ahead and add you.
Fuck came in too late... Got any female 3-4iv eevees that have iv's in at least attack and sp.defense? I need one badly! If you have 3-4iv female with special attack that's fine too.
Really?I have never noticed that ribbon going between Sylveon's front legs before.
Anyone got decent IV Gabite to spare?
When Sylveon was announced I hated it.
Now I need to train one, it is so cute <3
I have a spare HABCdS Naive Gible with Rough Skin and Outrage if you want. Watch out though, that Special Defense is kind of low.
I have a non-HA one with HP, Defense, Sp. Defense, and Speed. Haven't gotten to breeding HA ones yet.
Sorry for the wait my mom decided to detour for some tortillas.Sounds great. I'll be adding you two.
IGN: Calem
FC is in my profile.
Sorry for the wait my mom decided to detour for some tortillas.
I agree.Not a problem at all. Tortillas are delicious.
I agree.
Thanks for the Eevee! I didn't know what to give you and the Nidoran caught my eye, sorry if it's unsatisfactory.
It's great. Saves me the trouble of breeding a Modest one.