All right, I can go online now if you're ready. Gimme something good!
Can Togekiss learn Defog Pre Bank?
How about 4IV seedots with 4 egg moves?![]()
How about 5 IV seedots with 4 egg moves?
I'm online now!
Can I have a Seedot?
Sure, as soon as I finish trading with NEO0MJ. I don't remember If I have you added FC: 1263-5864-8502
Don't think so.
Thanks, Tiamant!
Thank you too! I'd say we've saved each other a lot of time![]()
Usobuko said:Can Togekiss learn Defog Pre Bank?
Diggersby tho?
Welcome to my world. In Gen 5, whenever I bred for shinies, I only bred just to get a shiny, didn't really care about the abilities, but this gen I want to get competitive shinies that I like. It killed me that my first MM (Froakie) for Gen 6 had terrible IVs and the wrong ability.I just hatched a shiny froakie but it has the wrong ability........... I'm just shocked and appalled. Goddammit.
Oh wow, they're (well, Smogon) actually banning Mega Gengar? I don't even think he's THAT good...
Wow really? I didn't think Mega Gengar is that good either.Oh wow, they're (well, Smogon) actually banning Mega Gengar? I don't even think he's THAT good...
I'm pretty sure if Pokemon Z has B/W + B2/W2 move tutors, I will buy it. Some new Mega Evolutions ( bound to happen ) would be icing on the cake. After X and Y, I find it hard to go back to the previous iterations.
What are the common solutions to stats boosting pokemons? With priority moves being much more readily distributed than previous generations, I'm usually more concerned with defensively set ups.
Besides, roaring/whirlwinding, unaware Clefable/Quagsire?
Oh wow, they're (well, Smogon) actually banning Mega Gengar? I don't even think he's THAT good...
There's Malamar, whose attack Topsy-Turvy inverts stat changes. Clear Smog is a base power 50 move with limited availability, but hits everything but Steels and negates stat changes just like Haze.
A new one working its way into the metagame is Sniper "Ragecrit" Kingdra, who uses Scope Lens and Focus Energy to bring its crit rate to 3x (100%), as crits not only ignore the opponent's stat changes, but your stat drops, as well. Crits got nerfed to do 1.5x but Sniper ups them back to 2x. Additionally, since the guaranteed crit ratio is linked to the items and not the high critical hit rate of a given move, Kingdra's entire remaining movepool is consistently doing double damage and ignoring stat changes on top of STAB.
The key move of the set is Draco Meteor - even though it harshly drops special attack, Kingdra doesn't give a fuck because it's still landing consistently Unaware, double-power hits on virtually everything in the metagame. Surf / Hydro Pump hits all fairies hard with the exception of Whimsicott, and Hidden Power Fire can be used for type coverage against it and potential Ice or Steel-type opponents.
To put it in perspective, a guy over on Smogon ran some damage calculations against some of the premiere special walls of this gen and Draco Meteor / Hydro Pump bare minimum 2HKOs just about everything in the metagame, save for 3HKOing Blissey.
The main problem is that Kingdra's defensive stats aren't great, nor is its speed, thanks to using Sniper over Swift Swim. I've been mitigating that with Focus Sash Combusken running Protect / Reversal / Focus Energy / Baton Pass. You gain speed boosts, use Sash to get pumped, and then I pass it to Assault Vest Kingdra with Draco Meteor / Hydro Pump / Hidden Power Fire / Clear Smog (to handle Azumarill and potentially lower stat changes from Belly Drum). Just make sure you kill off any potential priority spammers before Combusken is out.
Come to think of it, has any set like this flown under the radar in previously-viable gens before? Kingdra's had the Draco Meteor / Sniper option available since HGSS, iirc.
There's Malamar, whose attack Topsy-Turvy inverts stat changes. Clear Smog is a base power 50 move with limited availability, but hits everything but Steels and negates stat changes just like Haze.
A new one working its way into the metagame is Sniper "Ragecrit" Kingdra, who uses Scope Lens and Focus Energy to bring its crit rate to 3x (100%), as crits not only ignore the opponent's stat changes, but your stat drops, as well. Crits got nerfed to do 1.5x but Sniper ups them back to 2x. Additionally, since the guaranteed crit ratio is linked to the items and not the high critical hit rate of a given move, Kingdra's entire remaining movepool is consistently doing double damage and ignoring stat changes on top of STAB.
The key move of the set is Draco Meteor - even though it harshly drops special attack, Kingdra doesn't give a fuck because it's still landing consistently Unaware, double-power hits on virtually everything in the metagame. Surf / Hydro Pump hits all fairies hard with the exception of Whimsicott, and Hidden Power Fire can be used for type coverage against it and potential Ice or Steel-type opponents.
To put it in perspective, a guy over on Smogon ran some damage calculations against some of the premiere special walls of this gen and Draco Meteor / Hydro Pump bare minimum 2HKOs just about everything in the metagame, save for 3HKOing Blissey.
The main problem is that Kingdra's defensive stats aren't great, nor is its speed, thanks to using Sniper over Swift Swim. I've been mitigating that with Focus Sash Combusken running Protect / Reversal / Focus Energy / Baton Pass. You gain speed boosts, use Sash to get pumped, and then I pass it to Assault Vest Kingdra with Draco Meteor / Hydro Pump / Hidden Power Fire / Clear Smog (to handle Azumarill and potentially lower stat changes from Belly Drum). Just make sure you kill off any potential priority spammers before Combusken is out.
Come to think of it, has any set like this flown under the radar in previously-viable gens before? Kingdra's had the Draco Meteor / Sniper option available since HGSS, iirc.
If this happens I would seriously give thought to quitting this gen right there and then. Its ridiculous to go on the air about they won't do DLC as they would have to make something that is worth $1 and yet charge $40 for some move tutors you'll most likely need to stay competitive (welcome to trading cards 101)...until next gen they pull this classic tournament rule out "raised in Gen 7 more prankster parting shot, stealth rock everything or whatever other semi-broken tutors we add".I'm pretty sure if Pokemon Z has B/W + B2/W2 move tutors, I will buy it. Some new Mega Evolutions ( bound to happen ) would be icing on the cake. After X and Y, I find it hard to go back to the previous iterations.
If this happens I would seriously give thought to quitting this gen right there and then. Its ridiculous to go on the air about they won't do DLC as they would have to make something that is worth $1 and yet charge $40 for some move tutors you'll most likely need to stay competitive (welcome to trading cards 101)...until next gen they pull this classic tournament rule out "raised in Gen 7 more prankster parting shot, stealth rock everything or whatever other semi-broken tutors we add".its going to be Dazzling glean that get removed from TMs and egg moves. right?
Hopefully now if egg moves do get added they'll get patched into base XY.
One thing I don't get is why is SnipCrit Kingdra making its way back to the metagame when crit was nerfed in Gen 6? Was it because it gain new moves this generation?
Good timing for my Kindra to run Flash Cannon, then.Maybe I'll start running mega gardevoir with lucky chant. :3
Maybe I'll start running mega gardevoir with lucky chant. :3
Today Gengar OHKOd my Kingdra with Dazzling Gleam (and I still haven't switched his HP EVs to speex), so yeah he's still not worth having checks for or anything. Baton Pass Speed Boost could be amazing on him though, or Agility.
edit: Sticky Web I guess
Sticky Web is a great and non risky way to give your team a speed boost. As awesome as it is baton passing quiver dances to Hydreigon if I loose my Venomoth before that I just wasted an entire pokeslot for nothing.
Shame that it does nothing to Flying types or Pokemon with Levitate.
Finally was able to correct my Scyther EV spread ... missed it by 2 points, and had to wait 2 days to get the right berry ...
Now I need a bit of help to evolve it, anyone up ?
Anyone else really disappointed that you can't watch uploaded battle videos by searching for certain pokemon anymore?
Yeah it really sucks hard that they removed this possibility, loved randomly browsing for games.