Won't you have more when PokeBank releases?I have a dozen things to EV and train. Joy. At least I'll have options when I'm done!
I have a dozen things to EV and train. Joy. At least I'll have options when I'm done!
Is battle Mansion a good place to practice battling?
I would think the 3 Pokemon rule would damage it's value as a practice ground.
Sorry Spiritfox. I'm locked in le wow right now. I'll get to you in 5 mins.
I really need to start taking note on who can learn dazzling gleam.
Neo, we're Venomoth bros! So happy to see more users of this awesome poke![]()
Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Shame you KO'ed mine on the first turn ;_;
And I really like your team, makes me feel dirty for using a mega and Hydreigon >_<
Why Pokemon don't level up automatically in Battle Maison? Now I need to level up my Pokemon to 50, thanks Gamefreak ¬¬
Haha well, half of them didn't get a chance to get used due to Pinsir wrecking me down![]()
Goddamn. Mega pinsir still 2HKO mega lucario after memento?
GGs neomj. Man nothing on my team can take a hit save for tyranitar.That Avalugg is super bulky.
Am I the only one here who nicknames his Pokemon?
I do try to nickname my Pokemon, but I forget to most of the time and end up being lazy about it.Am I the only one here who nicknames his Pokemon?
I was thinking about starting to nickname my team. It's a reversible thing as they're originally mine, right?
But yeah, after playing with a somewhat bulky team that could come in a few times without a worry it's definitely a change of pace to having to play with a team that is pretty fragile. Need to think more about what's the best way to ensure that I can get in and setup.
Get a Scolipede with the ability Speed Boost, make it hold a Focus Sash and teach it Baton Pass, Sword Dance, Protect and an offensive move that fits your team. It's really hard to stop that.
Yeah, I've tried that on showdown which works to some degree, but I'm still fairly attached to the pokemon on this team. I have a venipede when I need it, but I'll futz around with this team a bit more.
I nickname my Pokemon all the time. Sometimes they fit a theme, like Seiryu and Longryu for my Charizards X and Y, or Rojo and Azul for my Gardevoir and Gallade. And sometimes they're just random, like Herbert for my Greninja.
Blaziken works too, though he's more fragile.