Is it now one hour before Poké Bank opens is Japan?Are Eshop releases usually at midnight?
Thanks for the hook ups, Panzon! Got the Abra, Noibat, and some other treats.
Looking for;
Its not until you go back to the older games that you appreciate how much better the PC is in Gen VI. The search function (highlight Pokemon of certain types) and how quick it is to switch boxes and move things...
The worst thing is it might be weeks or never that I get to transfer anything making the chore of playing the old games worse (I've not even got to the point of the Gen V transfer minigame...and I have got a few pal parks to go in Gen IV plus Saphire to finish for Kyogre...currently at Gym 4...oh crud, the Lati...whatever too).
Apparently yes. Looking forward to getting past-gen starters in Wonder Trade this afternoon![]()
Transfer, yes. Move from boxes in XY, I don't think it'll care.
Will find out for you ASAP![]()
I have like 50 or more Pokemon that know HM moves in my Black 2.. that's gonna be a pain to delete all of them.Transfer, yes. Move from boxes in XY, I don't think it'll care.
Will find out for you ASAP![]()
New (exclusive to GAF?) Hoenn easter egg in PokemonX/Y:Go to 2nd town, down the stairs,building on the left(pokeball shop),listen to the music
Bought Pokemon Y today, what pokemon can I not obtain unless I trade?
Outside of the birds I just need the Metang family. Long shot but does anyone have him in a Friend Safari? Would love you forever if you did.
When do we get pokebank? I almost forgot I have to transfer my pokes to black2
Hey, I actually do have a female Snorlax in a Luxury Ball for you if you weren't helped out already. x_x Sorry for the delay.The 27th IIRC.
I have a ton of extra beldum.Outside of the birds I just need the Metang family. Long shot but does anyone have him in a Friend Safari? Would love you forever if you did.
Man, Project M totally took me away from this game...
Hey, I actually do have a female Snorlax in a Luxury Ball for you if you weren't helped out already. x_x Sorry for the delay.
Still looking for it. I was wondering where you disappeared off to, lol. Can you do it now? If so, I can just turn on my hotspot and get on since I am at work. *sneaks in some pokemon time* lol.
Do you have any extra 4-5 iv snorlax?Doing my best to creep out of a sea of Roy and Mewtwo, heh.
Yeah, I'll be on in five minutes!
Edit: Whoah. I actually made a 6IV female Immunity Snorlax if you want that.
Do you have any extra 4-5 iv snorlax?
Doing my best to creep out of a sea of Roy and Mewtwo, heh.
Yeah, I'll be on in five minutes!
Edit: Whoah. I actually made a 6IV female Immunity Snorlax if you want that.
I have a female immunity snorlax but it only had 2 IVs. I will pm you when I get home from work. Will you be free around 4 est?females? Possibly.
Males, hell yeah.
Yeah, I don't need it lol. I gave you the wrong Snorlax. Give me a derpmon lolWoah, if you dont need that sure, I'll take it... o.o
Yes, I will!I have a female immunity snorlax but it only had 2 IVs. I will pm you when I get home from work. Will you be free around 4 est?
Um, they only update major first-party releases at midnight.Why isn't Poké Bank available in Japan yet, the anticipation is killing me :|
Yeah, I don't need it lol. I gave you the wrong Snorlax. Give me a derpmon lol
Too late lol. Trading again.
This is the best trade ever right here.
Haha, enjoy it.
I guess I know what I'm breeding next!Enjoy the perfect HA modest squirtle with egg moves dragon pulse and aura sphere in a luxury ball!
Does anyone know?I don't know if it was ever announced but can we access the pokebank on the pc to organize? Would be nice if it was possible...
Why isn't Poké Bank available in Japan yet, the anticipation is killing me :|
May the RNG Gods be nice to you.Just got a JPN Modest Charmander with 5 perfect IVs and the solar power ability. Funny thing is I was gonna try to breed him today since I just realized I don't have any of the original starters with the correct natures and IVs. The person on the receiving end got a modest Larvesta with 5 perfect IVs though so it's a win win. This is what wonder trade should be all about
Now time to see if I can get a shiny perfect Charmander. Wish me luck guys
It'll be 10am JST which is just under 8 hours from now
Here are the version exclusive pokemon.
Did you try PMing one of the guys in the safari thread sheet?
May the RNG Gods be nice to you.
I have a ton of extra beldum.![]()
Happy Holidays, Trainers! We wish you the best of luck in your holiday #Pokemon battles!
I have several 4 iv Beldum and Destiny Bond Ralts if anyone is interested.
Apparently yes. Looking forward to getting past-gen starters in Wonder Trade this afternoon
I have a bunch of spare Espurr and possibly Munna. What do you need them for?
EDIT: Yep, got a spare female Munna. It's leveled a bit from the Day Care, but it should have some egg moves available at the move relearner. Do you need the hidden ability?
What do you mean?Btw, what's the significance of a Japanese Region Pokemon?
We'll find out soon...Im still kind of confused on tutor moves from gen 5 and breeding in gen 6. Will a Volcarona with Giga Drain be able to pass it along to another Volcarona through breeding in gen 6?