Alright I have 8 HA Treeckos. I have no idea what the IVs are but they were bred with the 6IV Ditto so hopefully you get something good but no promises. Anyone who wants one just let me know. I was having horrible luck getting HA children and I was using a female too. I bred a full box and only got those 8.
I'll take one if you still have some,
I guess I have a couple of:
Hustle NidoranF
Immunity Gligar
No Guard Machop
Adamant Larvitar(Dragon Dance, Pursuit,Stealth Rock)
Tyrunt(Dragon Dance, Ele/Fangs)
Skill Link Shellder(Rock Blast)
Poison Touch Grimer
Technician Scyther
Moxie, Adamant Heracross(Rock Blast)
Modest Larvesta
Anybody using Porygon2 in battles? How susceptible is it to attacks/special attacks when accounting that no EV points have been allocated to its physical/special defense?
I accidentally trained a modest Porygon :\
Its okay.
I'm using a Quiet HP/SpAtt one in Trick Room.
A Focus Blast from Gengar only does around half damage.
I think it even survived a Close Combat from an Infernape.
Granted they're both faster than Porygon2 so they'd win against him unless Trick Room was already up and stayed up.