Aside from Porygon2 and Mega Venusaur, are there any more tanks or stallers?
I'm looking to breed and train a Mega Pinsir. Does anyone have any advice on builds? I'm thinking of going for Jolly with Return, Quick Attack, Earthquake, and Sword Dance. Has anyone played with one? How does it do?
Aside from Porygon2 and Mega Venusaur, are there any more tanks or stallers?
Aside from Porygon2 and Mega Venusaur, are there any more tanks or stallers?
I'm looking to breed and train a Mega Pinsir. Does anyone have any advice on builds? I'm thinking of going for Jolly with Return, Quick Attack, Earthquake, and Sword Dance. Has anyone played with one? How does it do?
That's why I only go with PokeGAF now. Unfortunately, I don't really have any friends that are into it as I am.Though, I would like to casually just get all Vivillon, but don't think that's possible.A lot of us are probably in that same boat though.
PokeGAF is the best kind of GAF. I wouldn't be having nearly as much fun with this game without your guys' help and comments and the like.
On a random note, I was testing one of my teams on simulator and adamant scarf Tyrantrum with 252speed outspeeds Talonflames (the tyrant cares not for brave birds and who runs scarf Talonflame?) so it's definitely a lot better than I thought and acts as a check to one of the biggest threats in the game.
Sorry, Crimson. Didn't realize I brought such an annoying team. Those battles would have gone a lot faster if I didn't fuck Pinsir over both times LOL.
Tropius coming through in the end. You should definitely teach Slowbro Slack Off. Then it will be truly unkillable.
Yeah, my Slowbro used to have Slack Off, but I never really used it so I put on Fire Blast instead and being poisoned and seeded, it'd just have dragged things out.
I'm pretty horrible against any kind of stall.
With you're Tropius having Leech Seed, Roost, and a Harvest Sitrus Berry, the only hope I had were possible crits on Fire Blast.
Is it possible to have 6v6 singles ratings battles?
I hate 3v3 battles.
Nah. 3v3 is the game these days.
Ugh, seems like a very bad oversight considering 6v6 is what's used in SP and what they push on the show (Unless that changed).
3v3 feels like i'm hamstringing myself every time.
It's not even 6v6 in the single player. It's mostly 6v2-3 until you get to the champion or your rival.
Best set and evs for Mandibuzz? Just got me a 5v shiny Vullaby with foul play and knock off and I wanna use it so bad haha.
What ability as well? Overcoat or big pecks? It has overcoat atm but I can change that if big pecks is better
What nature is it? If it has a attack hindering nature Foul Play is better. On the other hand, Knock Off can mess up walls and Choice users. Overcoat is superior to Big Pecks since it blocks powder moves now.
You want to build bulky for her, since she's basically a wall.
Bold Nature. Any EV spread recommendation? full hp/def or hp and def/sp.d?
What is the recommended build for Mega Alakazam? The speed and special attack on it are ridiculous but I don't really know what attacks to give it. I am using Psychic, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, and Dazzling Gleam. I was going to add Recover and Future Sight but I can't think of any situations in which it would be useful.
OceanBlue! Where are you haha, I wanna Masuda a nidoran hahaha
I'm going home now!
Edit: I just got home, but you're probably asleep already.![]()
It's that scarf'ed Focus Blast, isn't it?Damn I just lost the 50th battle in Super Singles
Oh well
My IGN is Haruka. I'm on right now.Nope. Sup? What was your ign?
thanks btw, I appreciate it
Yeah, it caught me off guard.It's that scarf'ed Focus Blast, isn't it?
My IGN is Haruka. I'm on right now.
Thanks, now I'm gonna be up longer hahaha, I'll shoot you back one of the perfects when I get em.
L.O.R.D, are you okay with me passing around the mew for cloners so they can give to people who want them in PokeGAF?
Btw, it's shiny mew with 6IVs. I will attach a leftover since everyone who wants it can have another lefties. Pick Up ability pokemon sucks, I know because I have one![]() someone give me the map for the EV spread for horde battles ?
can someone give me the map for the EV spread for horde battles ?
Recover is useless, he's not bulky enough to make use of it. Future Sight would hit hard, but unless you've given up trying to keep him alive (or are going to swap him out), it's not that useful. Just go for as much coverage as you can.
Oh! Swap Psychic with Psyshock (it does physical damage but calculates damage based on your SpAtk), so you don't get walled by Blissey or any other special walls.
yah, its okey
i myself , conning that mew as much as i can
3 days from now, it will infected the GTS
after a week, we will see someone put mew and asking for magikarp or bidoof
I've maxed out style in Lumiose (10k stone price, bought a ton of premier balls one by one and worked at the hotel for about 10 days straight). I've even just spent 560k on the expensive clothes (musical notes flew out of me), but I still can't get into the boss area of Lost Hotel for that last skate trick. Help me, GAF.
Down to me with a half health Haxorus vs a Gale Wings Talonflame. The next Brave Bird from him would have given him the win. But he used Roost. So I won.
I'm sorry random Japanese guy.
I've been through that very same list multiple times, but I think what must have happened is that I assumed the 360 jump one was the floor 360 and skipped it. Got the trick, did it once, and I'll probably never do it again. Got the TM though. Thanks.You need to get the 4 skate tricks in Lumiose first. See here.
Crawdaunt is very frail so I went 252 ATK and Speed for mineI'm not sure how to EV train Crawdaunt. Attack and Speed, or Attack and SpDefense/HP?