Awesome! Are you looking got anything in particular for it?Yeah, I have still have a few 5V absols.
Yeah. Sane for something with Dragon Dance. It's awesomeI love how a Volcarona with one or two quiver dance's can completely change the tide of a battle.
Awesome! Are you looking got anything in particular for it?
I have a lot of stuff. Larvitars w/DD and Pursuit, Tyrunts w/ Fangs and DD (eggs), Bagons w/ DD and Hydro a Pump (eggs), Togepi w/ Nasty Plot, Larvesta, Scyther, Ferroseed w/ Leech Seed and Stealth Rocks, Beldum, Ralts w/ Destiny Bond, Pinsir w/ Close Combat and Quick Attack, Eevees w/ WishWhat do you have?
I'm fine with whatever honestly. Got too many of them.
I have a lot of stuff. Larvitars w/DD and Pursuit, Tyrunts w/ Fangs and DD (eggs), Bagons w/ DD and Hydro a Pump (eggs), Togepi w/ Nasty Plot, Larvesta, Scyther, Ferroseed w/ Leech Seed and Stealth Rocks, Beldum, Ralts w/ Destiny Bond, Pinsir w/ Close Combat and Quick Attack, Eevees w/ Wish
Yeah. Sane for something with Dragon Dance. It's awesome
Talonflame would wreck that, though.I've made so many people forfeit with a double boosted Volcarona just because they don't know how to stop it.
I have a lot of stuff. Larvitars w/DD and Pursuit, Tyrunts w/ Fangs and DD (eggs), Bagons w/ DD and Hydro a Pump (eggs), Togepi w/ Nasty Plot, Larvesta, Scyther, Ferroseed w/ Leech Seed and Stealth Rocks, Beldum, Ralts w/ Destiny Bond, Pinsir w/ Close Combat and Quick Attack, Eevees w/ Wish
Whippy don't you dare take that Ralts with Destiny Bond
Talonflame would wreck that, though.
I've made so many people forfeit with a double boosted Volcarona just because they don't know how to stop it.
And also on a side note, I just realized I really want to train an Electivire. Time to find a good electric friend safari.
True, good thing I haven't seen too many Talonflame's lately. Azumarill wrecks it too with aqua jet.Whippy don't you dare take that Ralts with Destiny Bond
Talonflame would wreck that, though.
Fuck, might wanna breed myself one now... Luckily I got a friend who's safari has Electabuzz.
Fuck, I might also wanna breed a Magmortar...
GG. I was surprised though that M Absol lost the priority fight, shouldn't it be the faster 'mon?GGs NeonMJ, thought I had you but that mega pinsir can really wreck.
Volcarona is one of the easiest Pokemon to boost. Late-game it's even easier. Quiver Dance boosts Sp.Def and any contact has 30% chance to burn, covering both bases, it's ridiculous.I'm not sure what you would even do in the first place to allow something to boost twice.
Volcarona is one of the easiest Pokemon to boost. Late-game it's even easier. Quiver Dance boosts Sp.Def and any contact has 30% chance to burn, covering both bases, it's ridiculous.
I'm not sure what you would even do in the first place to allow something to boost twice.
If only I went for something other than sucker punch.
Yeah, stealth rocks is a real pain in the ass for Volcarona.Not with stealth rocks up.
*currently runs a stealth rocks and spikes team*
I love using Volcarona so I hated its crippling Stealth Rock weakness at first, but it's such a powerhouse that I've come to regard it as fair.Yeah, stealth rocks is a real pain in the ass for Volcarona.
Just exclusives and some mega stones. Since you haven't played since the first generation, you won't recognize most of them, so might as well just pick any of the two and discover all the new Pokemon for yourself.I've just bought myself a 3DS what version do I get X or Y? I haven't played pokemon since red & blue so I hope that's not a stupid question frankly nor do i want some big debate, what's the difference between them?
I've just bought myself a 3DS what version do I get X or Y? I haven't played pokemon since red & blue so I hope that's not a stupid question frankly nor do i want some big debate, what's the difference between them?
I also just trained my 6 favorite Pokemon and it worked out great in a team. Then I got used to how easy it is to breed/train maxed out Pokemon and I'm currently making a second team of favorites. It's pretty great. Battling peeps is really fun too.Thinking about competitive play, I'm just gonna max out whatever pokemon I think looks cool and works with what I want to do. I'm not going to take it as seriously as other folks but it'd be nice, heh. I think Seattle is going to have an official tournament event in April? I can prep for that.
I think it's great, but putting all my favorites in a team means I have a terrible weakness to Fire. Good thing Houndoom is in there with Flash Fire.I also just trained my 6 favorite Pokemon and it worked out great in a team. Then I got used to how easy it is to breed/train maxed out Pokemon and I'm currently making a second team of favorites. It's pretty great. Battling peeps is really fun too.
Yes, your Eevee needs anticipation for its evolution to have the hidden ability. On the other hand Umbreon and Sylveon would prefer not to have the hidden ability.
Jolteon REALLY doesn't need its hidden ability either seeing as it can't be paralyzed
Yep! April 6th! See ya there =)Thinking about competitive play, I'm just gonna max out whatever pokemon I think looks cool and works with what I want to do. I'm not going to take it as seriously as other folks but it'd be nice, heh. I think Seattle is going to have an official tournament event in April? I can prep for that.
Yep! April 6th! See ya there =)
True, good thing I haven't seen too many Talonflame's lately. Azumarill wrecks it too with aqua jet.
You should totally catch me one, and then i'll breed some and hook you up with a 4v or 5v on later in return![]()
I need to grab a Ralts soon. Gardevoir was my go to during the Emerald campaign, more so than my Swampert. So I really like it. Blastoise is another. I kind of wanted Totodile too but it I don't know he's in this and another Water Pokemon would be overkill, lol.
I need to grab a Ralts soon. Gardevoir was my go to during the Emerald campaign, more so than my Swampert. So I really like it. Blastoise is another. I kind of wanted Totodile too but it I don't know he's in this and another Water Pokemon would be overkill, lol.
Totodile isn't available until Pokemon Bank later this year.
no Totodiles allowed, Kalos Dex only and all that
notable (i.e. viable) Pokemon that are obtainable in X/Y but banned from VGC:
Chansey/Blissey (sort of)
no Totodiles allowed, Kalos Dex only and all that
notable (i.e. viable) Pokemon that are obtainable in X/Y but banned from VGC:
Chansey/Blissey (sort of)
Friend SafariWhy are Volcarona, Metagross, Hitmontop and Gastrodon banned?
I was gonna ask the same but with Ninetales. It's banned but not Tyranitar/Politoed/Hippowdon.Why are Volcarona, Metagross, Hitmontop and Gastrodon banned?
Oh I guess that answers it.Friend Safari
Friend Safari
Oh swerve? I gotchu bro. Any specific ball u need it in?
Captured a male with hp/atk and captured a female with atk/speed and they both have vital spirt, probs wrong nature tho, I can give u them when I get back from work.
Basically, these are the rules:So that tournament is anything that's in the Kalos Dex naturally right, i.e. base X/Y? Cool. Should be easy to find a team I like. Lots of cool stuff in there.
[*] Pokémon must be found in the Coastal Kalos, Central Kalos, or Mountain Kalos Pokédex (Full list can be found here).
I would do it - I can guarantee at least 4 IVs on any Modest Eevee I breed - but I gotta beat Y first. I'm at Champion Road - er, I mean, Victory Road. Want to beat it before 8 so I'm probably going to go for it in a few minutes.Yeah, you're probably right. Anyone have an extra female modest eevee with at least 3 IVs? I got the male w/ 4 and my female has 2 but without the right nature, and I really don't have the patience to get another female.
Is Blaziken allowed? It's not part of any Kalos Dex.Eevee's on the top left corner of that search
nice, I approve
(anyway, any other Pokemon I should add to that Friend Safari list)
Is Blaziken allowed? It's not part of any Kalos Dex.
Basically, these are the rules:
With full formal ruleset displayed in non-PDF form here or PDF form here.
- All matches are played in Doubles format
- Pokemon above Level 50 will be brought down to 50 for the match while those below 50 will stay as-is
- Players choose 4 of their 6 registered Pokemon after team preview
- Species Clause: No two Pokémon can share the same Pokédex number.
- Item Clause: No two Pokémon can hold the same held item.
- Pokémon must meet all three of the following conditions to be eligible for use:
- Pokémon must be found in the Coastal Kalos, Central Kalos, or Mountain Kalos Pokédex (Full list can be found here)
- Pokémon must have been obtained in Pokémon X or Y (identifiable by a blue pentagon on the stats screen)
- Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde are banned
Thanks.It's not allowed. It's only available in-game as an event, and not able to be naturally obtained in the Kalos Dex.
Didn't see it on Prodigy's list so was wondering.
Anyone got a Paras Friend Safari?
I guess that's true.Blaziken's too fragile for VGC, you can always double team it (unlike in singles)