I still have at least one of everything except Serene Grace Togepi/tic. I do have a 5 IV Hustle Togetic though, male.Hey Holmes, could you make an updated list of what you have now?
Sleep Clause is a Smogon thing right?
I still have at least one of everything except Serene Grace Togepi/tic. I do have a 5 IV Hustle Togetic though, male.
I should have clarified, I meant in Super Doubles, Triples, Rotation, and Multi. Already did Super Singles.
Thanks for the answers though.
I don't even remember what my Super Doubles team was...I should have clarified, I meant in Super Doubles, Triples, Rotation, and Multi. Already did Super Singles.
Thanks for the answers though.
I should have clarified, I meant in Super Doubles, Triples, Rotation, and Multi. Already did Super Singles.
Yeah, none of the in game formats use Sleep Clause.
Thanks Holmes!
edit: Also Charlie, I actually don't have any Shellder's left. The only two I have left for breeding (Kept one for ev training and another one of the opposite sex) don't like each other and won't give me a baby -.-
I have a few. All are Jolly (I have perhaps one Adamant). Unfortunately they all have 31 IVs in SpA, but I have a lot with 5 IVsAh, screw it. Does anyone have a high-IV Technician Scyther they'd be willing to trade/let me borrow? I'm offering a high-IV Adamant Poison Heal Shroomish w/ Focus Punch, a high-IV Nidoran with Hustle, or many other things. Adamant Nature would be nice as well, but not necessary!
I have a few. All are Jolly (I have perhaps one Adamant). Unfortunately they all have 31 IVs in SpA, but I have a lot with 5 IVs
Ah, screw it. Does anyone have a high-IV Technician Scyther they'd be willing to trade/let me borrow? I'm offering a high-IV Adamant Poison Heal Shroomish w/ Focus Punch, a high-IV Nidoran with Hustle, or many other things. Adamant Nature would be nice as well, but not necessary!
One of the Nidorans would be nice.Sweet. What would you like in return?
One of the Nidorans would be nice.
Just checked. I have a male Adamant Technician one x/31/31/x/31/31
Sounds perfect.That will do marvelously, thanks
You okay with a male Hustle Nidoran with perfect Defense, Sp. Def, Sp. Attack and Speed?
Don't worry about it, it wasn't urgently needed anyway!
Sounds perfect.
Also have a female one with the same IVs, it's Jolly though if you're more into that
Alright, greatNah, it's not an issue. I'm sure I can cobble something together, thanks![]()
Is battle maison single player or multiplayer? Do I have to be connected to the internet to use it?
Uh let's see
You can have this 4v male if you want. It's adamant and has rock blast. It won't breed with my female anyways.
Haha thanks man!I'd love the Zorua! It has 5vs in the right stats it needs right? What nature too?
The drillbur is adamant and has the right iv's in the stats it needs.
Nub of course u can! What you got? : D
Actually, u gave me the extra 5v Goomy you had right? Well, I have to repay the kindness so I gotchu bro, I'll trade tonight when I get back home from work.
That's be great, do you want anything for it?
Haha thanks man!
Nope, you can just have it. You ready to trade?
Alright friends, I have fixed my internet connection problems and I'm back in the game! Which means giveaway time. If you want any of the following, PM me your FC, your in-game name, and when the best times to trade for you would be. My FC is in my profile.
Some Pokemon in exchange would be appreciated, but not necessary for these ones. If you have nothing to offer then I'll give it to you for free.
3x Gale Wing Adamant Fletchling
3x Jolly Scale Jolly Dratini w/ Dragon Dance
3x Huge Power Adamant Marill w/ Belly Drum
3x Serene Grace Modest Togepi/Togetic w/ Nasty Plot & 1x Hustle Modest Togetic w/ Nasty Plot (male)
3x Guts Adamant Larvitar w/ Pursuit and Dragon Dance
5x Unaware Relaxed Wooper w/ Recover
3x Strong Jaw Adamant Tyrunt w/ Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang
4x Prankster Adamant Riolu w/ Bullet Punch, Crunch
4x Technician Adamant Scyther
2x Rough Skin Jolly Gibble w/ Outrage & 1x Sand Veil Jolly Gibble w/ Outrage
3x Flame Body Timid Larvesta
3x Sturdy Adamant Bergmite
3x Levitate Timid Gastly w/ Disable
3x Levitate Modest Rotom
3x Mega Launcher Quiet Clauncher w/ 0 Speed IVs
3x Thick Fat Adamant Swinub w/ Stealth Rock, Icicle Crash
3x Clear Body Careful Klink
3x No Guard Brave Honedge w/ 0 Speed IVs
3x Sturdy Bold Carbink
3x Clear Body Adamant Beldum
3x Natural Cure Timid Staryu
3x Skill Link Adamant Minccino w/ Aqua Tail
3x Infiltrator Jolly Zubat w/ Brave Bird, Defog
These two Pokemon require something equivalent in exchange:
1x Female Mega Launcher Quiet Clauncher, 31/31/31/31/31/0
1x Female Swift Swim Modest Poliwag, 31/31/31/31/31/31
Marz, I'll take a Fenniken. And since you quoted the list, I'll make a quick update here. No more Staryus, Gastlys and Serene Grace Togepis left (but I do have a male 4 IV Hustle Togetic).
Sorry, I was doing stuff and forgot to check this thread.If I already have you added - yes, if not then I'll be about 15 minutes
Sorry, is anyone here named Markus? You offered to trade me but I don't think I remember adding someone with that name and I don't know what you even want. :? Sorry.
Yeah, it's ok. Sorry, I was getting all messed up with these trades, but everything is sorted out now!That was me sorry XO. BTW thanks much for the Beldum!
Alright friends, I have fixed my internet connection problems and I'm back in the game! Which means giveaway time. If you want any of the following, PM me your FC, your in-game name, and when the best times to trade for you would be. My FC is in my profile.
Some Pokemon in exchange would be appreciated, but not necessary for these ones. If you have nothing to offer then I'll give it to you for free.
3x Gale Wing Adamant Fletchling
3x Jolly Scale Jolly Dratini w/ Dragon Dance
3x Huge Power Adamant Marill w/ Belly Drum
3x Serene Grace Modest Togepi/Togetic w/ Nasty Plot & 1x Hustle Modest Togetic w/ Nasty Plot (male)
3x Guts Adamant Larvitar w/ Pursuit and Dragon Dance
5x Unaware Relaxed Wooper w/ Recover
3x Strong Jaw Adamant Tyrunt w/ Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang
4x Prankster Adamant Riolu w/ Bullet Punch, Crunch
4x Technician Adamant Scyther
2x Rough Skin Jolly Gibble w/ Outrage & 1x Sand Veil Jolly Gibble w/ Outrage
3x Flame Body Timid Larvesta
3x Sturdy Adamant Bergmite
3x Levitate Timid Gastly w/ Disable
3x Levitate Modest Rotom
3x Mega Launcher Quiet Clauncher w/ 0 Speed IVs
3x Thick Fat Adamant Swinub w/ Stealth Rock, Icicle Crash
3x Clear Body Careful Klink
3x No Guard Brave Honedge w/ 0 Speed IVs
3x Sturdy Bold Carbink
3x Clear Body Adamant Beldum
3x Natural Cure Timid Staryu
3x Skill Link Adamant Minccino w/ Aqua Tail
3x Infiltrator Jolly Zubat w/ Brave Bird, Defog
These two Pokemon require something equivalent in exchange:
1x Female Mega Launcher Quiet Clauncher, 31/31/31/31/31/0
1x Female Swift Swim Modest Poliwag, 31/31/31/31/31/31
I used Charizard @ Charizardite Y and Garchomp @ Garchompite as my leads with Tyranitar @ Weakness Policy and Zapdos in the back. Only the first three are really important there. Got up to 55 or so easy enough I guess.I should have clarified, I meant in Super Doubles, Triples, Rotation, and Multi. Already did Super Singles.
Thanks for the answers though.
Yeah, I have a Fletchling available. Can you PM me your details and we can maybe trade tomorrow around this time? I've done dozens of trades today and I'm burnt out.Hey man is there any chance you could trade me one of those fletchings? I have protean froakies, adamant, modest, timid, naive, I can give in exchange.
Btw people I need friends for my safari, If Anyone wants to add me just send me a PM with your code and I'll give you a protean froakieI've got tons lol
Here's my code just let me know:
5172 - 1072 - 4775
Yeah, I have a Fletchling available. Can you PM me your details and we can maybe trade tomorrow around this time? I've done dozens of trades today and I'm burnt out.
That's pretty insane, I would never be patient enough to go that long.For Triples my friend used LV1 Aron + Garchomp + Greninja I believe to hit 1000? forgot what was in back. I know Greninja and Aron for sure.
Huh, why didn't you use close combat crimson?
Still, ggs man. Honestly if I didn't get rid of your volcarona and vileplume fast I would not have a chance of winning. That chesto/rest combination on volcarona is scary.