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Pokémon XY |OT4| Don't Bank On It




Forgot to post this in here. Took a bit longer than I wanted thanks to work, but happy to finally finish it.


The final trainer card is golden, right? That's the one I have

I'm thinking about breeding a physical Greninja. Seems to be pretty fun to use!
The final trainer card is golden, right? That's the one I have
I think Grand Duke is part of the requirement for that. I remember the nurse in the Pokemon centre said something different to say and now has different dialogue (I honestly usually use the PC these days though). Kind of like how the battle institute says "The master has returned" if you got master rank on any of the modes.


Total Pokemon n00b question: Those training bags in the super training, uh, training...I have like five HP-M bags but not sure if I can use them all on one Pokemon to beef him up or is it the type of thing where once, let's say, Picachu uses an HP-M, using another one won't have an effect!?


Total Pokemon n00b question: Those training bags in the super training, uh, training...I have like five HP-M bags but not sure if I can use them all on one Pokemon to beef him up or is it the type of thing where once, let's say, Picachu uses an HP-M, using another one won't have an effect!?

Yeah, you can use the bags as many times as you want. As you get EVs from battling , vitamins and bag-punching you'll see the bar on the right begin to fill up, as the hectagon grows in size. You'll know when a pokémon won't accept any more EVs because the vertical progress bar will stop filling up, and once you fill that bar you won't be able to give it any more EVs at all.


Yeah, you can use the bags as many times as you want. As you get EVs from battling , vitamins and bag-punching you'll see the bar on the right begin to fill up, as the hectagon grows in size. You'll know when a pokémon won't accept any more EVs because the vertical progress bar will stop filling up, and once you fill that bar you won't be able to give it any more EVs at all.
thanks. The whole EV's thing is taking me longer to feel comfy with than I anticipated. Really need to read up more on them or is that something I shouldn't worry myself too much about if I don't plan to compete online?


Quick breeding question guys: I got a malen Riolu with vacuum wave and bullet punch through wonder trade a while ago, I'm now levelling it until it learns nasty plot. If I breed it with god dito will the offspring have all 3 of these moves (after evolving to Lucario ofcourse)?


Quick breeding question guys: I got a malen Riolu with vacuum wave and bullet punch through wonder trade a while ago, I'm now levelling it until it learns nasty plot. If I breed it with god dito will the offspring have all 3 of these moves (after evolving to Lucario ofcourse)?

Nasty Plot's not an egg move, so it'll not transfer over.


So I finally got my shiny Charmander (yay!)

only to discover I lost my Charizardite. I can't find it anywhere! I think I gave it away during a wonder trade by accident.

I am now a sad panda. I hear I can buy the stone at lumiose city for 140,000? ughhh


So I finally got my shiny Charmander (yay!)

only to discover I lost my Charizardite. I can't find it anywhere! I think I gave it away during a wonder trade by accident.

I am now a sad panda. I hear I can buy the stone at lumiose city for 140,000? ughhh
No, there's only one Charizardite per game. If you got Charmander from the professor they won't be selling Charizardite.


For the love of...

Magcargo is the worst. A good 2 hours down the drain.

"On your 20th match in the Battle Maison? LOL, imma use Shell Smash and sweep both your Swalot and Mega Blastoise. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.

GAF, how do I kill it?


For the love of...

Magcargo is the worst. A good 2 hours down the drain.

"On your 20th match in the Battle Maison? LOL, imma use Shell Smash and sweep both your Swalot and Mega Blastoise. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.

GAF, how do I kill it?
The real question here is: why you were using Swalot?


For the love of...

Magcargo is the worst. A good 2 hours down the drain.

"On your 20th match in the Battle Maison? LOL, imma use Shell Smash and sweep both your Swalot and Mega Blastoise. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.

GAF, how do I kill it?

Bubble would probably kill it.


thanks. The whole EV's thing is taking me longer to feel comfy with than I anticipated. Really need to read up more on them or is that something I shouldn't worry myself too much about if I don't plan to compete online?

IVs and EVs don't actually matter unless you plan to battle competitively.

We'll be holding a little GAF-league soon, with gym leaders for each of the eighteen types. Perhaps you should give it a try as an added challenge once you're done with the main story.

Personally, I'll try to have a B-team I can bring out against non-competitive players to make things more fun for both me and my opponents.

I think we should do some exhibition matches before we launch and upload the videos here. Perhaps we could even do multi-battles to showcase four leaders at once.


For the love of...

Magcargo is the worst. A good 2 hours down the drain.

"On your 20th match in the Battle Maison? LOL, imma use Shell Smash and sweep both your Swalot and Mega Blastoise. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.

GAF, how do I kill it?

I got a similar thing on my 18th battle, where the AI used a freaking Manget Pull Magnemite to absolutely wall my banded Scizor's Bullet Punch. Battle Maison makes it seem as if the AI always metagames against you, ending up with a team of pokémon that resist yours and have abilities and items that do so as well.

However, you should use this loss as a lesson to pack at least a priority move or two in your team (or using Focus Sash) to avoid being sweeped by a single pokémon after some stat-up moves.


The real question here is: why you were using Swalot?

The Yawn/Acid Spray/Gunk Shot combo was working pretty well up until that point. I have Swalot as my lead, Blastoise as my 2nd, and Garchomp as a closer.

Bubble would probably kill it.

Ha, that's true. I need an opening combo that takes less time to set up.

GAF, I need some ideas for a good lead 'mon. Any ideas?


The Yawn/Acid Spray/Gunk Shot combo was working pretty well up until that point. I have Swalot as my lead, Blastoise as my 2nd, and Garchomp as a closer.

Ha, that's true. I need an opening combo that takes less time to set up.

GAF, I need some ideas for a good lead 'mon. Any ideas?
Some lead Pokemon I really like are Greninja, Noivern and Rotom-W. You already have those types covered though, so that's probably not a good idea. Greninja soloed the 50th battle for me, though. So powerful!

Some options I would consider would maybe be Gale Wings Talonflame, Gengar, Aerodactyl, or, some kind of Fairy type Pokemon. You can also use a Vivillon for great success with Sleep Powder and Compound Eyes. Or a Volcarona perhaps


The Yawn/Acid Spray/Gunk Shot combo was working pretty well up until that point. I have Swalot as my lead, Blastoise as my 2nd, and Garchomp as a closer.

Ha, that's true. I need an opening combo that takes less time to set up.

GAF, I need some ideas for a good lead 'mon. Any ideas?

For setting up, you should consider something that boosts your pokémon's stats rather than lowering your opponent's, since thos boosts won't matter once they switch or get knocked out, while a swords dance would stick as you continue to sweep the opposition.

I'd say that you use whatever you like, but remember that you most likely won't have too long to set up and that you should try to pick your attacks so that you can hit many things and hit them hard. Packing a pokémon with two moves of the same type is often a hindrance, since your current Swalot build could be stopped in its tracks by any steel-type.

Like I said before, it's also vital that you pack some priority moves to get through opponents after they have set up, or that you use a focus sash or something with the unaware ability to put a stop to them, since you're likely to come accross and AI opponent that forces you to switch right away, giving it a chance to set up on you.


I'll get the rest of the badges done and set up a thread hopefully later tonight. Got some schoolwork to finish first.


Wow, after over one decade and 1000+ hours of play across Gen 3, 4, 5 and 6, I finally got my second ever random shiny, the first one being a Rattata back in Pokemon Silver.

This one's a female Frillish, got perfect IVs in Def, Sp. Def, Sp.Atk and Speed, unfortunately it's HP IV is just a 4, so it will probably just sit in a box for a long time.


I'll get the rest of the badges done and set up a thread hopefully later tonight. Got some schoolwork to finish first.
You're awesome! Thanks for doing all this hard work, you deserve the first challenger!

I'm in the middle of a terrible cold, but hopefully I get better soon so I can take on some challengers :D

Homework on a Friday? :( :p


Wow, after over one decade and 1000+ hours of play across Gen 3, 4, 5 and 6, I finally got my second ever random shiny, the first one being a Rattata back in Pokemon Silver.

This one's a female Frillish, got perfect IVs in Def, Sp. Def, Sp.Atk and Speed, unfortunately it's HP IV is just a 4, so it will probably just sit in a box for a long time.
Perfect IVs in 4 stats? That doesn't seem like a random encounter


Coming up with layouts for the league thread, starting with the leader info sections:

Poison-type Gym
Leader: Wichu
Available Formats:
  • 6v6 Smogon Singles
  • 4v4 Battle Spot Doubles
  • 6v6 Battle Spot Triples
  • 6v6 Smogon Rotation
Friend Code: 4811 6964 2701
In-Game Name: Vivian

Available: 10:00-18:00 GMT

and similar for the other leaders. The banner is a link to the leader's GAF profile; the information in the banner is briefly repeated below for the benefit of mobile-GAF.

There would also be sections explaining the rules of the challenge, links to the different rulesets in use, links to competitive battling guides etc. Am I missing anything?

What should the title be? Something simple like "Pokémon X/Y: NeoGAF Gym League"? Do I want to get it OK-ed by a mod first?


I meant a bigger version.

I haven't finished all the larger versions yet, sorry :(

It's taking me a while longer than expected (I'm busy with other things too), so I might not have everything sorted until tomorrow... Hope that's fine with everyone.

My original idea for a subtitle was to quote the anime theme: NeoGAF Pokémon League | To Claim My Rightful Place

But I'm loving the Gym puns. NeoGAF Pokémon League | Rustle My Gymmies
yeah it sucks :(


Is everyone OK with the league using the Smogon banlist for 6v6 singles? (i.e. Blaziken is banned, Zygarde is allowed, Kangaskhanite/Gengarite/Lucarionite are banned). Battle Spot singles and all doubles/triples formats would be unaffected.


Wichu that looks amazing!


Is everyone OK with the league using the Smogon banlist for 6v6 singles? (i.e. Blaziken is banned, Zygarde is allowed, Kangaskhanite/Gengarite/Lucarionite are banned). Battle Spot singles and all doubles/triples formats would be unaffected.

I thought we said Kalos Native only?



there is new event pokemon for japan only

a Darkrai ?
even i have one
but i want one an Kalos origin

A Darkrai, eh? Why Darkrai? Ugh. I guess the real question here is, where would you put that special code? Because if I could buy an early ticket and get a Darkrai that isn't someone else's initially, I'd be game for that. Plus get a move on it that it can't get elsewhere would be awesome. Curious how that is going to work. Going to go and see if I can get this months CoroCoro today anyway.

That's true. I don't really want to be a bother though :\

You looking for Charizardite X or Y?
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