Finally found a Sudowoodo in a Trevenant horde, and it's female.
Glad to be rid of that Trevenant horde frame rate.
Glad to be rid of that Trevenant horde frame rate.
Awesome, thank you!!
Speaking of shinies, I have a Shiny Regirock if anyone is interested.
Oh please. That Regi would be welcomed!
Sure. Are you on now?Also, refresher on IGN would be dandy.
Its Andi.Just toggled trade with youYay, thank you for the wailmer!
Syn, what's your IGN again?
Its Andi.Just toggled trade with you
Thanks man, it sure is beautiful. I will play with it on my 4funteam.Sorry got caught in conversation on this side. ;_;
Edit: Enjoy! I have to admit I like Shiny Regirock over it's normal version.
Thanks for the Ghastly, MasterSheen.
Alright. Remind me what your in-game name is.
I'm coming on now if you're still on.
If you have time, I'll be around if you want the second half of your Pokeymanz.
If you have time, I'll be around if you want the second half of your Pokeymanz.
Thank you so much man!, Now I feel I can actually complete this thing once and for all haha
While there is no farming at the moment, I do have two Wishmaker Jirachis up for grabs, one is Lax and the other is Impish.
I don't really want anything unless you have a badass mon with egg moves that I can rebreed into a 6iv shiny(lol? ), preferably in a DreamBall or premier ball.
Or something in the overused category or whatever is cool.
You looking for any particular shiny right now? Kind of curious what shiny everyone is looking for/trying for right now.
None at the moment, I'm trying to breed the ones I want so I can truly call then my own.
If I didn't then I would have used the shiny Axew that Ultimadrago gave me.
I'll keep that in mind tho.
Too bad game freak is lame and blocks Wishmaker Shiny Jirachis because of their own goof that undermines their law.
Yeah, I hear that. That's why I'm trying to breed a lot of my own. Takes forever, but has my ID and OT and makes me really happy.
I don't get GameFreak. I'd love to have a shiny Wishmaker one. Funny how they break their own rules and so they just ban them completely. Yep, totally makes sense. >_>
Yep, yet they allow completely bogus and hacked mons go straight through. :/
Anyone with a female HA lileep? I want to breed a competitive version of my favorite fossil.
I'm online with your Ditto but I don't see you
EDIT: weird, never got these error messages
Amen to that.
Would love to have a Surfing Pikachu again... Though on note of Pikachu, the spiky ear Pichu didn't transfer over, right?
Yeah that's blocked too. If I ever get a Wishmaker shiny Jirachi, I'm going to be sad because he will be forever stuck in Gen 5.
And he can't even participate in the PWT either.
Same. I was Wonder Trading just fine.
Thanks NPS helpful as always
I can breed you one.Anyone with a female HA lileep? I want to breed a competitive version of my favorite fossil.
I can breed you one.
Though it probably won't have good IVs.
Nice!YW, PokeGAF makes it possible. Thanks for the egg moves! I got a Breloom on WT called Punchy and I've wanted to breed it ever since learning its typing. Now I have a reason!
No, it's in a PokeBall.That would be great! No worries about the IVs, is the female in a dream ball? Also, do you need anything in return?
No, it's in a PokeBall.
I'm fine with anything that has egg moves.
Ok, got your Lileep, it was the 2nd female I hatched. Hope you enjoy it.Ok then, let me know when it's ready, though breeding a female may take you a while.
Ok, got your Lileep, it was the 2nd female I hatched. Hope you enjoy it.
FC: 3523-2245-8198
IGN: Andy
;_; Makes me sad because I want a spiky ear Pichu. And if you got a shiny Wishmaker Jirachi ... So basically is there anything that was interesting/kind of cool that we can have in this generation? Some stuff like surfing Pikachu because of the great divide.. spiky ear Pichu because GF gonna GF.
Thanks for the Shroomish!Great! Coming online now!
Thanks for the Shroomish!
Didn't have a HA one.
Thanks! They're all from a Corsola.You're welcome, nice egg moves on lileep btw
While there is no farming at the moment, I do have two Wishmaker Jirachis up for grabs, one is Lax and the other is Impish.
I don't really want anything unless you have a badass mon with egg moves that I can rebreed into a 6iv shiny(lol? ), preferably in a DreamBall or premier ball.
Or something in the overused category or whatever is cool.
Is it worth playing black2/white2 before X/Y? Or can you get most of the pokemon in just X/Y?
Is it worth playing black2/white2 before X/Y? Or can you get most of the pokemon in just X/Y?