I'd forgotten how much fun Rotation Battles are. I had one on Random Matchup as I was cooking dinner.
I didn't save the battle video because I'd forgotten I'd filled up all 100 slots... I led with Florges up front with Carbink and Sableye supporting, and Snorlax as backup. My opponent used Raikou, Sableye, Talonflame, and Aegislash (go go Sableye users!)
Carbink basically stopped him rotating in Talonflame in fear of a Rock attack, which was great for my other team members who aren't massive fans of Brave Bird. Florges just spammed out Moonblasts, taking off most of Raikou's HP and eventually taking out Sableye as well. Snorlax didn't really do much except finish off Aegislash (who was about to faint from a burn anyway).
But Sableye was definitely the MVP. Rotated into Raikou Aura Sphere and finished it off, took a big chunk out the opponent's Sableye, forcing it to Recover (and eat a Moonblast), took Talonflame's Brave Bird and finished it instead, and nearly OHKOed Aegislash, then burned it. Foul Play OP.