Sounds good; I'll try and post a few hours before I have to leave for the night.OMG really? I'll probably be on all day tomorrow unless I decide to try and go see The Giver, so I'll look for you on here.
Can someone catch me a female Eevee in a Premier Ball with its hidden ability, Anticipation? I have the following IV bred pokemon in return:
You sure about that?
Just out of curiosity, does anyone here collect the Pokemon TCG stuff?
Not anymore, but I used to a long, long time ago. I think I stopped around the Ruby and Sapphire sets (which was almost the time I stopped playing the games).
I did pick up a promotional Pikachu card this spring though and I was very tempted to take the Sylveon Collection home... Mmm...
Ahh. Yeah, last English set I stopped at was the e-reader stuff. (Forever ago, LOL.) I started back again last year or year before with Japanese sets. Mainly because I love they have 1st ED now and the US got rid of that.More out of a curiosity thing though. Was just wondering if I'd be able to trade stuff with anyone on here. Got extra Pikachu cards at the event (they comes with a tretta piece too, though don't think that is usable outside of Japan). But don't think many would be interested if anyone at all.
Edit: Now I think about it, didn't really know anyone in person big into it like I was either back then. Though I probably should go on a hunt to find a place to trade some stuff, including some SRs I have extras of from past sets as well as some promos.
Haha, I was kind of sad the e-reader never came in Europe. Those e-reader dots always teased me...
I'm sort of interested in the Pikachu cards, but I'm kind of wary of the shipping rates. Also, I have a feeling those cards are pretty rare, so you might want to save them for keen collectors ^^
But if you do have some spares left over to trade, I have one spare promo Pikachu card (this one in English) if you don't have it and/or want it.
Funnily enough, I have it already wrapped up and ready to ship off. It was meant to be a gift for somebody, but I made an improved container and shipped my other spare with it instead XD
Oh come on now, seriously? I go 10 years without ever encountering one and I get 2 in the space of an hour?
Admittedly I am using a foreign Ditto but still.
Anyone got one of those heracross? I have Y but pincirs are not as cool
Just want to publicly post that my request has been fulfilled.
Thank you, Aveyn Knight for helping me out with my Eevee request.![]()
Cool. Just PMed you.Sounds good; I'll try and post a few hours before I have to leave for the night.
I received the Keldeo in a trade a long time back and I found out it was a clone very recently. Which isn't really a bad thing for most people, but I'm not particularly fond of them : P
(I wasn't scammed, as the trader didn't really know where it came from, so I took the risk.)
Thank you too for the Nidoran : )
I like catching Eevees for some weird reason, but I definitely need a better capturing setup (maybe involving Sleep) since there's the risk of Eevee killing itself with Take Down...
You could use heal pulse on them Eevees until they're out of Take Down pp?
Just out of curiosity, does anyone here collect the Pokemon TCG stuff?
Used to be a bit of a collector back when I was a kid, but never played the TCG except for the gameboy game. Sold all my cards as I got older, only have around 50 left that I fancied, crappy cellphone picture:
Bottom left and top right are the cards they gave out at the first pokemon movie.
I like catching Eevees for some weird reason, but I definitely need a better capturing setup (maybe involving Sleep) since there's the risk of Eevee killing itself with Take Down...
Talking about ability capsules... do they work on a Pokémon that has its HA? I've just realized my Crobat has infiltrator as its ability, so I can't be using it for my doubles team.
Apparently not. They only switch between two normal abilities.
And if your Pokemon has it's hidden ability you can't even switch to one of the normal abilities. It's stupid
How do you mean?anyone know if you can soft reset for the Pinsir/Heracross event in the U.S.?
Picked up the game from the eShop after I lost the cartridge a while ago so I've got to start from scratch. How difficult is it to get Blazikenite now that the event is long over? It's the only Mystery Gift I care about.
Is that worth going to get? I'm sort of crazy sick at the moment, but there is a Gamestop not too far from me that I could hop on the subway and go to.anyone know if you can soft reset for the Pinsir/Heracross event in the U.S.?
Is that worth going to get? I'm sort of crazy sick at the moment, but there is a Gamestop not too far from me that I could hop on the subway and go to.
Oof. Yeah, while I'd love the Megastone if someone clones it at some point, I don't care to make a trip just for that. Thank you for saving me! Haha.You can download the actual Pokemon via Wi-Fi ^^
The stones (which are "exclusive" to Gamestop) you could probably ask for somebody to clone. TBH, I haven't asked for any cloning for a while, so not sure if any active cloners are still around.
How do you mean?
Do you mean saving before the delivery girl and resetting for stats/abilities? If so, you can, but they're always Adamant in case you're not aware.
You'd probably have to ask for somebody to clone one for you.
Or wait till ORAS maybe? (Okay, it is a long wait...) : P
Hey! Can someone help me trade 3 pokemon back and forth? dont have any friends that's playing Pokemon .... :/ FC:4742-5435-5426
Need to do some trade evos or something? 0044-2848-0291 / Ulysses in-game.
I decided to breed a few egg moves onto the Eevees I'm hatching. Serebii says that I can breed Tickle onto Eevee, so I paired an eevee with an Aipom.
Tickle has not been passed down to the offspring.
Is the site wrong with Eevee unable to learn Tickle?
Wishmaker Jirachi
+ Water Pulse
Quirky x3
Gentle x2
Rash x2
+ berry / vanilla
Impish x3 Salac
Quirky x3 Ganlon
Gentle Ganlon
Vanilla only
Impish x2
Ageto Celebi
+ Water pulse / Giga drain
Gentle x3
Naughty x2
Careful x2
Breeding an Aipom♂ and Eevee♀ to pass down Tickle did not work.
Breeding a Minccino♂ and Eevee♀ to pass down Tickle did work.
I'm still growing more berries since I want all Wishmaker to hold them when traded.
But yeah those are available for giveaways, well the ones with the Gen 3/4 only TMs.
Unless you want Vanilla that's ok too.
Just offer anything up for trade like anything breedable so a poke with 5ivs or with 4 egg moves or both! Or maybe in a fancy ball for female like love / dream / premier.
Or any shiny rejects from kalos work too.
And I do get ones with beneficial natures but they are sitting in LG and Pearl, and two are being used in W2.![]()
I can offer up a 4 Iv Wailmer I have for a Jirachi? Any way I can get two of them? I know I have something else in here that has perfect IVs.
Since I'm trying to get an Adamant Rayquaza (hopefully Shiny) in Emerald, I just wanted to know what's a good alternative to V-create since that is an event only move.
I know of Overheat which was used prior, but I want to go all physical with this one. Should I bother or just go with DD/Earthquake/Xspeed/Outrage?
You want two Jirachi or did you want a Jirachi and a Celebi?
Yeah we can do that trade, FC is in my profile and ign Black Mamba. I'm at work right now but no rush on the trade, the Jirachis and Celebis aren't going anywhere.
Also which ones from the list did you want?