I'm still breeding my team =/. So far only got my Froslass and Milotic.
I'm at that stage too. Got a 5IV Omanyte earlier today and I'm one egg away from the 4IV Klefki.
I'm still breeding my team =/. So far only got my Froslass and Milotic.
You need to trade one for thatIs there an NPC anywhere that gives you the dex entry for Xerneas/Yveltal or do I need to trade?
IAnyway speaking of my current giveaways, here is what is available.
Wishmaker Jirachi
+ Water Pulse
Ageto Celebi
+ Water pulse / Giga drain
I guess everyone already has the other mega stone already? I think if it was a rarer item or Pokemon people would be really up in arms over this.
Lupinko, are you either/or for 5IV/4 egg move trades our do you want both?
Actually Emerald is borked and it always seeds at 0, regardless of battery.
Can I grab those?
I can offer the following in return... if I recall from a few pages back I think you're generally looking for females with egg moves with a preference for Love/Dream balls?
Misdreavus / Love Ball / Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, Memento, Spite / Timid
Igglybuff / Moon Ball / Fake Tears / Bold
Shellos (East Sea) / Luxury Ball / Clear Smog / Bold
Cubone / Friend Ball / Adamant
Corphish / Pokeball / Aqua Jet, Superpower, Dragon Dance, Knock Off / Adamant / Adaptability
Chansey / Luxury Ball / Seismic Toss / Bold
Not sure about EVs, but should probably have some that are at least 4.
And if you'd like, I also have a female Surskit with Hydro Pump in a Dream Ball that I could breed.
I noticed, thanks.
Anyway speaking of my current giveaways, here is what is available.
Wishmaker Jirachi
I am taking an improper amount of joy in taking down entire teams of ubers with my Shuckle.
It feels decadent.
Would you take a shiny Pansage from the wild for a Jirachi? Or are you only looking for high IV stuff?
I already did my dream ball Misdreavius but a love ball is better since I can always redo it. Friend ball sounds cool but it's Cubone.
Misdreavius F
Corphish M
I'll reserve yours.
lol just figured I'd try out a Marowak on a Trick Room team against my buddyI've only recently started paying much mind to pokeballs, and this is the first set of monsters I've imported up and bred mostly with that purpose. I'm gonna figure out some more non-HA monsters I can nab with Love/Friend/etc balls in Silver.
Have 5IV monsters of your two choices, though think the 5th perfect for both is in Attack/SpAtk and not HP if that's fine.
Untrained and never used pansage? What kind of ball Pokeball? That or premier is preferred. But we can do that do trade too.![]()
It's in a normal Pokeball. I caught it on a new file in my trip through Santalune Forest. As a result of EXP share, it isn't untouched though (Got it to level 19 before I banked it.) Is that a deal breaker?
Gentle would be fine, thanks.
Nah not a deal breaker. It's fine.
We can do that trade, which Wishmaker Jirachi do you want so I can reserve it?
Ugh, I've seen everything in the Central and Coastal dex but I still need 38 for the Mountain dex because so many Pokemon are only obtainable by breeding for some reason and the GTS offers are always terrible.
Just trade a scatterbug for anything on the GTS, as long as there are crazy vivillon pattern hunters you'll be able to get anything thats not a legendary for a scatterbug,
Or do what I do, offer 5iv 4 egg move competitive pokes or crappy nature Dream Radar legendaries.
Tried the 5IV egg move competitive pokes but it's not as quick. And I'm too lazy to farm for legendaries even though I have the means lol
Dammit I just Wonder Traded ~15 4IV AxewsHey my Axews and Riolus got me like 60% of my GTS trades.
Oh shit that's exactly what I'm looking for at the moment. I'll post a list of things I have bred (alternate natures and Pokeballs possible).Corphish / Pokeball / Aqua Jet, Superpower, Dragon Dance, Knock Off / Adamant / Adaptability
Axew - Mold Breaker
Bunnelby - Huge Power
Charmander - Blaze - Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power
Croagunk - Dry Skin - Great Ball - Drain Punch
Dratini - Marvel Scale - Dusk Ball
Fletchling - Gale Wings - Repeat Ball
Froakie - Protean
Gible - Rough Skin - Luxury Ball - Iron Head, Iron Tail, Outrage
Golurk - Iron Fist
Kangaskhan - Scrappy
Klefki - Premier Ball
Joltik - Compound Eyes
Lapras - Water Absorb - Dive Ball - Freeze Dry, Ancient Power
Magikarp - Swift Swim
Mawile - Sucker Punch, Elemental Fangs
Noibat - Infiltrator - Dusk Ball
Pawniard - Defiant - Luxury Ball - Sucker Punch
Piplup - Torrent - Icy Wind, Yawn
Raltz - Synchronise/Trace
Scatterbug - Compound Eyes - River Pattern
Shellder - Skill Link - Luxury Ball - Icicle Spear, Rock Blast
Shroomish - Quick Feet - Bullet Seed
Slowpoke - Regenerator
Snorlax - Thick Fat - Curse
Starly - Reckless - Double-Edge, Roost
Swinub - Icicle Crash, Stealth Rock
Venipede - Speed Boost
Vullaby - Knock Off, Foul Play
Whismur - Rattled - Luxury Ball
Give me a few minutes to set this experiment running and I can do it. I have a box full of Foreign Pokemon I need to trade evolve so I'm always happy to help out.Is there anyone available now that I can please trade/tradeback my haunter with?
Just trade a scatterbug for anything on the GTS, as long as there are crazy vivillon pattern hunters you'll be able to get anything thats not a legendary for a scatterbug,
Oh shit that's exactly what I'm looking for at the moment. I'll post a list of things I have bred (alternate natures and Pokeballs possible).
I can't do Premier since it's not from a Safari I have access to. Only Luxury or PokeA female Rough Skin Gible in a Premier Ball would work great. I was actually just about to try and find one.
You want a male or female Corphish?
I can't do Premier since it's not from a Safari I have access to. Only Luxury or Poke![]()
Give me a few minutes to set this experiment running and I can do it. I have a box full of Foreign Pokemon I need to trade evolve so I'm always happy to help out.
Female Corphish then, and what nature Gible do you want?Oh whoops, must've misread. Luxury's fine.
Female Corphish then, and what nature Gible do you want?
Shiny Lugia
Lv 100 ~ Modest ~ 31/31/31/31/31/31
Shiny Regirock
Lv 50 ~ Impish ~ 31/31/31/31/31/31
Yeah, I'll send you a PM when I have it. Do you want it ASAP or to wait until I get one with 5IVs? I'm still trying to get Deadman his Gengar back at the moment because the stupid WT Japanese Machoke had Strength and he can't trade it away from his party <.<Actually, I completely forgot that I have a Gible safari from a buddy, just caught my initial batch before he had beaten the E4 lol. I'll take a Marvel Scale Dratini. Female, whatever nature's fine.
(Edit: Will need your FC though)
60% accuracy's not worth it IMOI would like to hear opinions. I can do both move sets on separate Gallades. Since they would do different things. I'm divided on Hypnosis vs Thunder Wave though.
Yeah, I'll send you a PM when I have it. Do you want it ASAP or to wait until I get one with 5IVs? I'm still trying to get Deadman his Gengar back at the moment because the stupid WT Japanese Machoke had Strength and he can't trade it away from his party <.<
60% accuracy's not worth it IMO
I am taking an improper amount of joy in taking down entire teams of ubers with my Shuckle.
It feels decadent.
Please elaborate.Also, don't avatar quote
Can I get one of these Male JP Scatterbugs?Okay, so for a large-scale nearing the end of summer kinda thing, going to toss up a list of stuff I'm looking to get rid of. Can give me whatever you'd like for the stuff. Just trying to get some of this stuff out.
Monsoon Scatterbug (JPN 3DS)
All Timid ~ Compound Eyes ~ 31/X/31/31/31/31
x17 Male (x6 with Stun Spore)
x06 Female (x2 with Stun Spore)
Can I get one of these Male JP Scatterbugs?![]()
That's not a problem.Sure. Only thing is you'll have to add my JPN FC on my profile.![]()
That's not a problem.
Are you available to trade soon?
Right now is fine.Can hop on now or whenever works for you.
Congrats!fffffffffffffff of course I hatch a Shiny Gible (without noticing and almost releasing it lol) in my first batch of eggs when I was quickly breeding for nature before adding egg moves. Perfect Atk/Def/SpAtk, Rough Skin, Premier Ball. Tempted to raise it, or maybe I'll see if I can hatch another shiny and trade this one.
Right now is fine.
Edit: Thanks for the Scatterbug! Monsoon is my favorite pattern.