Yeah I figured it would be hilarious to see it Seismic Toss Lugia or Groudon. lol
Hahaha yes this so much. Or Kyogre
or Wailord
Yeah I figured it would be hilarious to see it Seismic Toss Lugia or Groudon. lol
Edit: Well damn. Just realized none of the Scraggy I have have their HA. Does anyone have a Female HA Scraggy for trade? (Moves, IVs, natures don't matter. Have a male to breed her with that have the important stuff.)
I might have one
Does anyone have some spare female Squirtle?
That would be amazing if you did!
I do, 5IV, four egg moves
Didn't have it but I went and found you one in a horde![]()
Yessssss, thank you! Spent last bit trying to get a Rain Dish Squirtle (which I have now), so really appreciate you going to get one for me! Are you on now?
Looks like a Ben 10 alienI guess this is the most relevant thread for it - I made a submission to Smogon's current Create-A-Pokemon concept, an electric / poison-type that's supposed to make the enemy want to keep it alive.
Yep yep
It gave me a reason to finally catch/breed/train Audino in preparation for the Mega
Oh snap, already cancelled. Did you not need/want that Eevee? :O
Also, thank you sooooo much for Miss Scraggy!
YW! If you'd like shiny Eevee, he's all yours
Looks like a Ben 10 alien
Oh snap, I'll gladly take Eevee! Anything you want for it?
Really just saying thanks for everything. Do you have shiny Conkeldurr? I have an extra Gurdurr but it will be forced to evolve.
Yeah I gave up on leaving my DS Lite on trying to run away Rayquaza. Looking at the rng reporter my earliest decent stat shiny is only 3 minutes and like 44 seconds or something. Trying to reset that is easier I guess. *shrugs*
Also,I haven't brought up the Colosseum Pikachus yet, and I'm farming Light Balls in my FS now.
Lol this is taking away from my VGC time haha.
Just let me know when you're available to trade if you want your shinies and Pikachu today. (Breeding offline, so have to get notification through GAF.)
We can do it now, I have the megas for you to clone, three gift pokemon (that hold stones that I asked to be cloned), and your omega ruby.
You can return the megas and the finished cloned stones whenever.
JP 3DS btw.
I'll probably jump on the cloning tomorrow morning when I have a bit of time. Will have to swap 3DS.. cuz pretty sure you're JPN one isn't on this one. Hell I wish I had a list of everything on each. Too late to effectively do that well.
Edit: Hell, did I even add your JPN? I have no clue. ;_;
Yes you did, I can see you online right now.
Oh really? 'Cuz I don't see ya. Am I wearing a green or purple shirt?
Green shirt, and my jp one has me but older with a Gray fro.
Sure do. Anything else?
That's what I thought. You are on my list just not showing up then as online...
Edit: hopping online in-game and hoping for best D:
Edit 2: Not sure about online list on 3DS, but glad you show up in-game.
You can also clone Feb PC Scizor and Gengar.
I think you had an Inkay clone too?
I'll take a male Bagon timid or Jolly, just a male since I need its egg moves.
Hmm not reallyDo you want the Houndoominite? Or the Aggronite?
Have a Shiny Rayquaza for trade if anyone is interested.
All right, I'll send one over when I see you online. Might be a couple of days, though.
Anyone else want anything from the list?
Sweet, thank you! Was wondering about those two.
I do.. sorry had to dig out which box it was in. So much crap I gotta sort though some of this stuff soon.
Edit: *squeal* Tanabata JIrachi!
Nah just that is fine, I'll bring up a list of pikachus later, but your colosseum one will have a light ball reserved. Take your time.
Zomg Pikachu outbreak, and eventually Colosseum Champion Mega Kick, Thunderpunch, Iron Tail, Seismic Toss Pikachu will join them!
I'm going Female and Jolly because the heart shaped tail. Lol
Hmm not reallyDo you want the Houndoominite? Or the Aggronite?
Glad both sets of Outbreakchu have homes now. You're going to be a Pikachu Rancher soon, LOL! All dem Pikachu...
Though most proud of that female Pikachu. Pacifico isn't bad either since only two of the days.
I'll hold on to this Inkay for you when I return your Pokeymanz. Will put it in same box this time.
Edit: Man... JIrachi is so awesome. Never had a shiny one.. and this one is special.Want to use.. but then shiny collection calls... LOL damnit.
Aggronite please, need to clone it and then I can return it or pass it onto Blue Ninja
Still got my stones? I have your omega ruby too, and I need the stones because those Korean Megas Aveyn and I got don't have their stones. Lol
They can't hustle events as awesome as me. Haha
Aggronite please, need to clone it and then I can return it or pass it onto Blue Ninja
Oh, you can clone? Would you happen to have any of the other Y megastones you can clone? I'm still looking for a Houndoominite and Heracronite as well.
Apparently there's an adamant build for Kyogre, I guess I'll catch an adamant shiny of it too.
Adamant Weather Trio.![]()
The only Y stones I have so far are Houndoominite and Charizardite. IDK if I'm going to bother LameStop for the download codes (to get Hera in X).
Aggronite please, need to clone it and then I can return it or pass it onto Blue Ninja
Ok! I'm online now
What's your in game name again?
Thanks for the Shiny Stone! And what a nice Gastly![]()
Nintendo, I've added your friend code, mine's in my profile. Let me know when you've cloned that Aggronite (and Houndoomite), I'll send something (hopefully) nice your way. I can potentially hop on now.
Oh, there is an Adamant build for Kyogre? That... is awesome. :O
I'll add you and let you know when the stones are ready. Probably be in around 10-12 hours from now. I work graveyard but I should have Sunday night and Monday night off if not tonight.
Apparently it's not an uncommon glitch."Mystery Zone" ???
yesterday i made this egg using Tyrantrum as the father
then put the egg in the box , then shut the 3DS off
now , i decide to hatch it
got it from PC and found this
after 5 minutes it hatched normally
I can help you but since your list is quite long, for now I'll just target the ones that you can evolve yourself for other entries. I'll get back to you.
Actually since you can catch quite a bit of those within your game I'll just help out with the ones that aren't obtainable.