If it's for breeding, we have 6IV Dittos here. We used to pass out clones in vast quantities. Still can and do, just not on such a large scale.
Anyone here got Pokerus? I'll be available to trade in like 3-4 hours.
I've been looking to breed some 'mon for doubles but I can't get the starting parents by myself. Does anyone here have a Kirlia or Clefairy Friend Zone? Or alternatively, a female Kirlia with Telepathy in a Luxury Ball or a Female Clefairy(preferably no friend guard) in a Luxury Ball?
I was just breeding some Cleffa in a luxury ball with their regular ability and wish as an egg move. I'll keep one on the side for you if you want.
That would be great, thanks!
Got one on the side, FC is on my profile and IGN is Serena.
I'll infect a few Pokémon and send them over, shoot me a PM when you're ready. FC's in my profile. IGN is Kenneth.
Added you, and sent a PM![]()
Didn't receive a PM, but I can hop online whenever you want the coming hours.
Oh, weird. I sent it through GAF mobile, maybe that's why.
Are you Alex? Making sure I'm sending my infected 'mon to the right person.![]()
Yep! Thanks.
Anyone have a Gible with rough skin?
Yes! Male or female? (Dusk Ball).
The Gible knows Outrage and Iron Head. 5IV. Jolly nature.
I'll take a female. I don't have much, what would you want?
A Japanese 5IV Ditto (0IV Speed)But that Ditto is pretty rare I think.
You can have it for free![]()
No problem! Thanks for the Torchic![]()
I'm looking for a HA Amaura. I don't have much to give in return, but i can breed a 5iv savannah vivillon or a 5iv modest eevee.
Anyone about who can help me evolve my Poliwhirl into a Politoed?
I'm looking for a HA Amaura. I don't have much to give in return, but i can breed a 5iv savannah vivillon or a 5iv modest eevee.
Isn't Snow Warning Amaura currently unobtainable?
Congrats! Don't worry about the Defense, it can't take a hit anyway![]()
Congrats, Julian!
Not really used Aerodactyl before. He's actually next on my list after Fletchling (on my very long list) that I am currently breeding. So he is a bit weak on taking hits, eh? Might need to find someone good to pair him up with then. Hadn't gotten around to reading up on him yet since Fletchling is being a pain in the rear.
*sigh* Why is shiny Aerodactyl PURPLE
Hmmmm. Now I think about it, don't think my Aero has its HA. Not at home to check at the moment. Only way to get HA on Aero then would be to transfer, yeah?![]()
Shy of GTS or anyone else who can hook you up, yeah.
Hmmmm. Now I think about it, don't think my Aero has its HA. Not at home to check at the moment. Only way to get HA on Aero then would be to transfer, yeah?![]()
Yeah meant except them. GTS I haven't trusted in months and it doesn't seem like a good choice anyway. Never gotten anything off there that resembles what I was going for.
Though, I don't mind transferring up. Just not sure which game to go to for it. Will have to look that up later.
On another note, does anyone here bother with Shellos? For fun or something more serious.