Ugh after a week, I may finally get my 2ds+X today. So hyped to finally get started.
Well I'd like to have something in return so it's not exactly a giveaway. Any breedable poke is fine, something with at least 4 egg moves or 5IVs.
I should really change the world giveaway to swap meet. Lol
I can give you a perfect female and a perfect male Ferroseed. You'll have a perfect foreign Ferroseed in no timeYou can keep the Ferroseeds of course. They are in Dusk Balls though. I love that ball
Then, do you happen to have any female HA pokemon in dream balls? I'm not looking for anything specific right now, so I guess it'd be best if you just posted a list or sent it to me by PM.
Nope. I usually put my Pokemon in just regular PokeBalls. Or Premiers at time. I tend to not bother with other balls generally, for whatever reason.
Are you looking for a list of HA Pokemon I have? Or just 5/6IV stuff in general? I tend not to keep much extra of stuff in general. Usually give out the decent stuff here. But it's okay, don't worry about it. Thank you though.![]()
That's the thing, I've done very few HA Pokemon. Normally I don't feel like, at least what I've bred so far, HA is a requirement for mine. Think Eevee or Charmander were my last go with HA.
Just going to take my luck on GTS. Though so far the amount of folks that can read notes is astounding. Hint:No one has obviously read it.
I guess I'll just take an Eevee, then (preferably female, if you happen to have any left). Do you happen to have an HP-reducing berry you could throw in as well (or any of them besides -Def, since I just realized that's the only one I've come across so far)?
It's cool man. I just don't want to give you something you don't really want. I also don't have any HP reducing berries either. Haven't had as much time to put into the game for a while now. I'm in no rush on the Aerodactyl right now anyway, so it's no biggie. Thank you though.
I just got one of those Dittos off and I'm pondering whether to use it or not.
Why wouldn't you? It makes breeding easier. It's the one major exception I think most folks have made. Even with 3 Ditto's .. still takes a while.
I guess it does make it easier, feels a bit like cheating though.
I guess it does make it easier, feels a bit like cheating though.
All of those feelings will be gone once you start hatching those sexy legit 6IV pokemon you always dreamed of (or 5 if you're not OCD like me)
Yeah, wonder trade is the best. I got an adamant marill with Aqua Jet, Superpower and Belly drum the other day, which is so convenient considering that was next on my breeding list.
I admit I have a wonder trade addiction. Stlll it got me a shiny Purrloin, Ludicolo and lvl 100 eevee.
Yeah, wonder trade is the best. I got an adamant marill with Aqua Jet, Superpower and Belly drum the other day, which is so convenient considering that was next on my breeding list.
Did you still want to start your game with level 5 genies, dragons, guardians and Jirachi in addition to level 10 Celebi?
hey guys, i was wondering if anyone of u kind and fellow trainers is willing to trade me a corphish/crawdant with the hidden ability adaptability. I have a few good iv pokemon i can trade u, also if ur safari zone has corphish that would be cool as well. GTA is dumb so no luck with that.
got 5 iv larvesta, eevee, helioptile,sneasel, ralts, cherubi
got a bunch of others random pokes if ur looking for anything, also my safari is braxien, growlith, and i think charmelon
Plz help i need u pokegaf
if anyone has hidden ability helioptile that would be cool as well
I admit I have a wonder trade addiction. Stlll it got me a shiny Purrloin, Ludicolo and lvl 100 Eevee.
I like Wonder Trade, but the entire process takes too freakin' long. That's the only reason I stopped doing it.
Battle test does auto level (you know to help check IVs and hidden power...oh how I despise hidden power both as a move and how it becomes expected*). At the same time it allows for cheese Battle Maison with level 1 Aron (even in doubles it can take the role of a decoy using protect since AI will generally go for it as it is a easy kill).Urgh, I thought I was done with training my team but I didn't realise Battle Spot didn't level Pokemon to 50. A few hours of Restaurant Le Wow incoming!
It saves twice actually for each wonder trade. Once to start and once when trade is done.Agreed. Takes forever in some cases. I stopped though because of all that saving every time. Good lord. I understand why each time you enter you must save... but I became paranoid once folks started reporting issues with their saves.
Battle test does auto level (you know to help check IVs and hidden power...oh how I despise hidden power both as a move and how it becomes expected*). At the same time it allows for cheese Battle Maison with level 1 Aron (even in doubles it can take the role of a decoy using protect since AI will generally go for it as it is a easy kill).
*-As in using an electric type without HP Ice is doing it wrong and not to its full potential is most cases.
It saves twice actually for each wonder trade. Once to start and once when trade is done.
It saves twice actually for each wonder trade. Once to start and once when trade is done.
My very first wondertrade and I get a Pokerus fletching. Is Pokerus that common now?
I think I got my first Pokérus from you, Muku. Can't imagine going without it now. :lol
Aw yiss, just hatched a 6IV Fletchling. No HA, but Flame Body is more than good enough for me.
Alright, so Jumpluff is almost ready (still gotta grind a few levels)!
Now, could anyone help me evolve Scyther? I want to evolve it now while it's still level 1, so that I can teach it bullet punch without having to smash rocks until I get more heart scales.
I'm online if you still need to. Also, steal Heart scales from wild Luvdisc instead, with Compoundeye lead.
Guys guys guys!
I just hatched my own shiny Gastly and it's only missing attack iv's. I gotta do the happy dance right now.
I've been streaming Pokemon XY and doing viewer battles for the past few weeks. As well as doing giveaways of Shinies, 6 IV Ditto, competitives and legendaries.
Also recently got my hands on Hoopa and Volcanion, both normal and Shiny versions. Have to say, not that impressed with either of them. Hoopa is pretty technical and has low defense, and Volcanion's defense isn't great.
80/120/90 seems decent to me given that it serves as a bulky attacker.
Guys guys guys!
I just hatched my own shiny Gastly and it's only missing attack iv's. I gotta do the happy dance right now.