It says on Serebii so far, food, school supplies and TCG packs. So you could get a code and get someone with a JP game to redeem it for you.
Serial codes are region locked iirc.
It says on Serebii so far, food, school supplies and TCG packs. So you could get a code and get someone with a JP game to redeem it for you.
Serial codes are region locked iirc.
Awww yes. Curious about this clipping stuff. I've gotten Victini and Keldeo through events before, so only one I'm interested in one that I haven't gotten personally in an event which is Shaymin. Only needs 1? Not entirely sure I get idea how it's going to work, but looks like it needs the least amount. Sounds like win to me.
Edit: Just curious, is anyone else a bit sad when you transfer your Pokemon up and it removes the date obtained on it? I dunno, sometimes wish I could go back and see when I got something, then remember it removes all that info. Shows me from which region it came from. Not that I care about that. Would rather have date. Just wondering if it's only me that is anal about that.![]()
Edit: Just curious, is anyone else a bit sad when you transfer your Pokemon up and it removes the date obtained on it? I dunno, sometimes wish I could go back and see when I got something, then remember it removes all that info. Shows me from which region it came from. Not that I care about that. Would rather have date. Just wondering if it's only me that is anal about that.![]()
Awww yes. Curious about this clipping stuff. I've gotten Victini and Keldeo through events before, so only one I'm interested in one that I haven't gotten personally in an event which is Shaymin. Only needs 1? Not entirely sure I get idea how it's going to work, but looks like it needs the least amount. Sounds like win to me.
Edit: Just curious, is anyone else a bit sad when you transfer your Pokemon up and it removes the date obtained on it? I dunno, sometimes wish I could go back and see when I got something, then remember it removes all that info. Shows me from which region it came from. Not that I care about that. Would rather have date. Just wondering if it's only me that is anal about that.![]()
that reminds me to ask: Does anyone have a Bulbasaur or Gible *or Pikachu with hidden ability? I'd prefer a female, but beyond that it doesn't really matter. Alternatively if someone has a safari for them that'd be awesome.
Anybody in EU, who has spare Shiny Gengar Serial Codes left?
I would appreciate it, since I live in the middle of nowhere.
yes on the last 2
I'll trade you a couple spitbacks for 'em. I've got ghastlies (dusk/moon), aerodactyls, Laprases (dive), Mawile (Level), Scraggies (repeat) as well as a few odd others sitting around.
Friendcode in profile, I assume the one in your profile is accurate? Can you trade now?
Best thing to use my master ball on? Still need to catch Mewtwo, Zygarde, and the bird in both versions.
It's just that in Y I don't have anyone under my friend list, so I don't know how I'm supposed to trade with anyone over wifi.If you still need help I can do that when I give you your pokes.
that reminds me to ask: Does anyone have a Bulbasaur or Gible *or Pikachu with hidden ability? I'd prefer a female, but beyond that it doesn't really matter. Alternatively if someone has a safari for them that'd be awesome.
Best thing to use my master ball on? Still need to catch Mewtwo, Zygarde, and the bird in both versions.
4 more Gengar code cards. If you meet the above criteria send me a PM.
Edit: just stopped by the GameStop near me again and managed to get three more Gengar Cards, so now I have 7 to give away to anyone who meets the above criteria.
Edit 2 : 5 left
Anyone?I have a few questions for you guys, hopefully someone here has the answer(s).
1. I'm going to be upgrading from my OG 3DS to a New 3DS XL when ORAS launches. Now because I want to trade in my 3DS for store credit before the game launches I'm a little unsure on how the item transfer thing will work since the New 3DS releases here on the same date as ORAS. Is there anyone clued up on this? Or will we have to wait until the game releases?
2. Is there anyway to get a heads-up on the Pokemon plush releases? I know a few of you here are regular visitors to the stores so perhaps someone can provide some insight on how it works. The reason I ask is because I would like to know if Altaria will be getting a plush doll sometime in the near future because it's always been my favourite Poke and with it's upcoming Mega Evolution I can only assume they will be releasing one to coincide with ORAS.
It's just that in Y I don't have anyone under my friend list, so I don't know how I'm supposed to trade with anyone over wifi.
When are you avalible to trade, by the way?
Still need a HA Bulbasaur? I can breed one up real quick.
Just your copy of Y that does that? Are folks not showing up on your list at all, or are they all grayed out?
Just Y, and no one is there at all. It's the digital version, which I have on the same 3DS (I only have one) I use for my physical X copy. My friend safaris from X are all there however.
Mastersheen, if you're free I'd definitely still like that bulbasaur (assuming the issue you're having doesn't negate that). I missed your comment earlier. I have some odd issues with in-game friendslist in pokemon as well, though. It's kind of inconsistant how many people show up, seems to me.
Ok, let me work on that. This issue doesn't happen on my main X game, so no problems with that
I caught Zygarde and Mewtwo in fewer than 10 tosses.
The thrill of the hunt just isn't there anymore
I did get a beneficial nature for Special Attack and a 31 Special Attack IV. So I guess I'm going to EV train it for special attack at least for lulz. But I know it's worthless other than just blasting through the elite 4 again.
When are you avalible to trade, by the way?
Grabbed a Shiny Gengar code today and they gave me the Diancie as well. Since its a code can I get my Diancie now? I'm afraid to try in fear of voiding my code.
That serial code accesses Nintendo's network, so there is a chance you'd void it.
I'm IV breeding for my new team but I realized getting Magnezone with HP Fire and good IVs is going to be torture. Anybody have a good strategy for this?
This article from Nugget Bridge might help you out. Breeding for HP is a colossal pain in the ass, though. I am not looking forward to breeding Raichus.
Does the Pokemon Centre store website get the same stuff as the Japan does?As to your second... I'm honestly not sure there's an easy way to do it. There are browser addons that will ping you when a URL updates. Maybe you can try one of those if no one has a more elegant solution.
Does the Pokemon Centre store website get the same stuff as the Japan does?
Yeah, don't blame you. Took forever when I was breeding Pikachus. Got a new one th replace old breeder? Fantastic, now you gotta go get it to evolve. /cry Got my shiny, not going back to that. Think I'm going to avoid Pokemon I need to evolve baby form to breed from now on unless I want it for my group.
Does the Pokemon Centre store website get the same stuff as the Japan does?
I'm IV breeding for my new team but I realized getting Magnezone with HP Fire and good IVs is going to be torture. Anybody have a good strategy for this?
Anyone have a spare UK shiny Gengar serial?
I was expecting ebay to be flooded with them but they seem to be pretty rare.
Some of what I've seen is at store here. But I don't live close enough to one to see the changes. I know the Pikachu with hat and all are (or at least were) here.
Is there anybody here that could hook me up with that? I have a perfect IV ditto which has made my life 100 times easier but that won't do for getting the right HPs.If you could get a Ditto with a perfect HP fire spread it wouldn't be that difficult