I would love it if you haven't given it away already.
I would love it if you haven't given it away already.
I can totally help you out, but not for about 45 minutes or so.Anyone willing to help me out? I would like to complete my Y pokedex, and I am in need of the following:
Trade my Rhydon with Protector
Trade my Electabuzz with Electrizer
Trade my Magmar with Magmarizer
See Dialga
See Reshiram
See Xerneas
Would anyone be willing to help me out with this? I will be on here throughout the day, so a PM would be cool.
I can totally help you out, but not for about 45 minutes or so.
Can 2 kind souls help me with code redemptions PAL and NA, I can offer a couple of perfect shiny charmander X for the help.
(KB not cloned)
did someone help you out? You need someone to redeem a code for you and then trade the poke to you, right? I could do that.
I have one I can give to you.Anybody have a Kabuto? I'll trade you for one.
I have one I can give to you.
yeh but it's a bit more than that (Date/region/nature) so it's o.k if you can't.
Mine's in my profile4940-5593-3389
Thanks, I'm trying to breed a Cloyster with Rapid Spin and apparently I need to breed a Kabuto with Squirtile or something.
NA? Can I get one if so?I have 5 of those Shiney Gengar codes for anyone that hasn't gotten one.
I have 5 of those Shiney Gengar codes for anyone that hasn't gotten one.
I might be able to later tonight. Send me a pm later if you don't find anyone. I'm currently occupied but I don't have anything going on so I would be willing to help you out.
I have 5 of those Shiney Gengar codes for anyone that hasn't gotten one.
I have 5 of those Shiney Gengar codes for anyone that hasn't gotten one.
Thanks a lot Aiustis. Hope I'm able to go to GS before the Diancie event ends. To bad the distribution doesn't overlap with ORAS release, could've picked them both up at once.
see, that sounds awesome, but I know that the first team with cresselia/smeargle/klefki/sableye/etc. lead I would ragequit.
Thank you very much, my friend who couldn't get one was so happy.Sorry I didn't say what region: They are NA codes.
For a shiny 3rd gen Ho-Oh those IVs are sooooo sexy. Great job!
I haven't posted in a while, just going to ask why I'm trying to hatch 10k egg step shiny pokemon? Even with o-powers and flame body it takes forever.
Are you available right now to trade? We agreed on the shiny shroomish for this Jirachi.
Edit: Trying to RNG Adamant Deoxys-S, the theme music for Deoxys is crazy.
i've been waiting to catch you online for a while now. Yeah lets do it.
Turning on my 3ds now, what's your in game name again?
Oh is it possible for you to remove the nickname? :/
Yeah I can do that. I forgot I had nicknamed him xP
Thanks man! Enjoy the Jirachi and hot damn this just happened.
NICE! Yellow Deoxys is pretty cool lookin.
Sure is!
Adamant 20/31/30/13/27/31
Edit: The real test is to see if Deoxys and later Mew can transfer up, since warp codes were used to get on the islands. I still did Emerald's broken PRNG to get these.
If people can still gen pokemon and get them through bank i'm sure you can get yours through.
Gen 3 Events and Dream Radar Legendaries Swapmeet Update
All Jirachi are Level 5 and untrained unless specified otherwise
Wishmaker Jirachi
+TM Water Pulse
+TM Water Pulse, G3 MT Exclusive (Body Slam, Mimic, Nightmare)
Mild Lv10 Salac or Ganlon
-vanilla +berry
Impish x2 Salac
Quirky x7 Ganlon
Gentle x2 Ganlon
Relaxed Salac
Docile Ganlon
Serious Salac
Lax Salac
Reserve: BlazeBreak - Quirky TM, 7echnicolor - Rash Ganlon, Blue Ninja - Gentle TM, MasterSheen - Impish Salac
All Celebi are Level 10 and untrained unless specified otherwise
Ageto Celebi
+TMs Water Pulse & Giga Drain
Naughty x2
Reserve: BlazeBreak - Bashful TM, 7echnicolor - Careful, Blue Ninja - Mild TM
Colosseum Pikachu (comes with Light Ball) *Remains "Pikachu" even when evolved, Note: Do Not Evolve to Raichu
Dream Radar Legendaries (ask for any what I have available or I can do a complete set for you with your OT name (cannot exceed 7 characters) and gender)
CorvoSol - Landorus, Tornadus
MasterSheen - Hooh/Mild
Sure is!
Adamant 20/31/30/13/27/31
Edit: The real test is to see if Deoxys and later Mew can transfer up, since warp codes were used to get on the islands. I still did Emerald's broken PRNG to get these.
Wow awesome, barely see any legitimate shiny deoxys going around and great spread to boot.
:O you farm Ageto Celebi can I get one, I would like to give you something back
I'll take a shiny Charmander, feel free to pick any of the Ageto Celebi on that list.![]()
Thank you, I would like the Decoile one are you available to trade., oh and my list is wrong ,one of the Charmanders is blaze so i'll trade you that one since it goes better with the spread/nature.
Thanks, I can trade now if you want.
Thanks, I can trade now if you want.
Thank youlook at that pokeball.