the holder of the trombone
Woo, got my pokemon bank on and transferred the pokemon wanted. I can basically sell the X cart and then transfer those pokemon in the bank to ruby right?
Woo, got my pokemon bank on and transferred the pokemon wanted. I can basically sell the X cart and then transfer those pokemon in the bank to ruby right?
So I keep reading up on Diancie and some people who get 3iv ones say they're playing on Y but the X version is where she's getting no perfect stats. Has that been the same for you guys?
Dragon Pulse tutor has been confirmed, no worries!I kind of want to get back into breeding, especially in preparation for ORAS. And I think I'm gonna try and breed a shiny (gasp) HP Ice/Rock Sceptile. That seems like a bit much, but just getting an HP Ice/Rock would be fine. One thing that I'm kind of annoyed by, is that Dragon Pulse is locked to BW2 tutors. Hopefully (almost surely?) I'll be able to get that in ORAS though - especially with his mega being part dragon. I absolutely love Sceptile (best third gen starter!) so I'm kind of excited to start this![]()
Nope X and 31/3/25/31/31/31 (Modest). and was also at least 3 IV's for 30 sr.
Seriously? Wtf is up with my code? I got such a bunk Diancie it's not even funny.
Oh GOD YESDragon Pulse tutor has been confirmed, no worries!
That is actually unbelievably good if the IV's really are completely random.Oh my. I reset again and I got one with still just 1 perfect IV but it's in speed and it's a modest one but these are her stats:
28, 29 / 28, 29 / 27 / 30 / 10 (WHY.GIF) / 31
HP Ground. So yeah, I think i'm done here. 10 sucks in Sp.D but my Garchomp has the same and it survives most things so yeah.
That's is actually unbelievably good if the IV's really are completely random.
So I keep reading up on Diancie and some people who get 3iv ones say they're playing on Y but the X version is where she's getting no perfect stats. Has that been the same for you guys?
Modest is the best nature for Diancie right? From what I can see, while both Attack stats are the same, Diance doesn't seem to get any decent STAB physical moves.
Diamond Storm is like a better Stone Edge, I would go with mixed personallyModest is the best nature for Diancie right? From what I can see, while both Attack stats are the same, Diance doesn't seem to get any decent STAB physical moves.
I couldn't even get one before giving up on finding a Chansey with one. I've only found them with Lucky Punch and I'm afraid that Compundeyes might actually increase that chance of happening to 100 percent.I appreciate the generosity but I actually have 7 eggs now.I guess this was the best mistake I made this week, I had no idea you could steal lucky eggs from Chanseys at the Safari.
So jealous that you have shiny weather trio. Shiny Primals look awesomeI went and got another one.
Took longer than usual at 42 SRs whereas Deoxys was 4, Lugia 3 and Hooh 10.
IVs for this Japanese Groudon.
Adamant 20/31/30/13/27/31 Ice 59
Compare it to my English (and second ever RNG) Groudon.
Adamant 23/31/19/5/4/7 Steel 39
I'm going to decide next on Adamant Mew or roaming Modest Latios.
Edit: For laughs I threw Shiny Groudon and Shiny Deoxys-S at Brendan's Treecko. It wasn't funny at all.![]()
What I did is having a dead poke in slot 1 with Compound Eyes, then Noibat in slot 2 with Frisk and taught him Thief. That way if the Chansey had no item I was interested in I ran away and continued.I couldn't even get one before giving up on finding a Chansey with one. I've only found them with Lucky Punch and I'm afraid that Compundeyes might actually increase that chance of happening to 100 percent.
I couldn't even get one before giving up on finding a Chansey with one. I've only found them with Lucky Punch and I'm afraid that Compundeyes might actually increase that chance of happening to 100 percent.
Anyone know when this maintenance period is going to end? I just want to redeem my diance code ;___;
Why would they even schedule this maintenance during a code redemption event?
If someone were to use a Diancie code, could they restart there game and use another?
Might end up with a few spare codes and I'm curious if anyone has a Pokemon X/Y that they wouldn't mind restarting or something lol
Yes, codes are once per save file.
We need to find a time to trade.So jealous that you have shiny weather trio. Shiny Primals look awesome
So you can't delete the wonder card and trick it into thinking you haven't got it? lol
Mmmm so many roaming RNG
So. I have two spare Diancie codes and a Pokémon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo‏ code. Anyone have a spare Pokemon X/Y and up to helping me out?
I plan to get Omega Ruby and rather then take it from Pokemon X I'd like to have a secondary Diancie to send over. In exchange I'll give a Diancie Code, and the Special Demo, for helping me out.
What exactly do you need help on? Did you want someone to redeem you the Diancie? I can do that, I have 3 copies of the NA version, eshop X, cart X and cart Y. I live in Japan and farm events that's why. Haha
So yeah if it's that, I can help you out for the code. I can wipe either cart to redeem another code anyway.
Yes, that's what I'm looking for help on. Already redeemed a Diancie (Still resetting for a decent nature though), and I only got one copy so I can't wipe.
(That's crazy by the way lol)
What kind of Diancie am I suppose to be looking for?
I got a Sassy Diancie
"Superior potential overall"
"greatest potential lies in its HP"
"Defense stat is good, too"
"Sp.Def stat seems just as good"
"stats like those.. they simply cant be beat!"
125 HP, 113 ATK, 170 DEF, 116 SP. Atk, 187 Sp. Def, 56 Speed.
The two attack stats seem offly low, and that speed.. should I keep it or reset again?
You sure love those events lolI also have Japanese eshop Y, Japanese cart X, I'll get a cheap used J-cart Y later. Hey I farm the events, it's how I got 100+ Tanabata 2014 Shiny Jirachi this past August.
Diancie regular is better as either a Physical or Special Defensive Wall. So any defense boosting nature works except Gentle or Lax. But with its stats you can also do Modest or Adamant.
Mega Diancie with its boost in speed in reduced defense is better for Jolly/Timid or as a fast mixed attacker as Hasty/Naive.
Depends on what you want.
You sure love those events lol
Hm, I googled and saw most places recommend Sassy... now I'm not sure what kinda nature to get lol
EDIT: Would it be an okay Mega? Was planning to use this as my "main" that I send to Omega Ruby
Adamant Dianci
125 HP, 166 Defense, 108 Sp. ATK, 159 Sp. Def, 65 Speed
"relatively superior potential overall"
"greatest potential lies in its HP"
"Attack stat is good, too"
"Sp. Atk stat us equally good"
probably the best 'attacker' so far, not sure if I should keep this and call it a night lol
Adamant should be high IVs in everything but Special Attack since it's the lowered stat, so if IV guy says they can't be beat, your 3IV is technically only 2IV.
It's the reverse for Modest/Timid/Bold/Calm.
But that works too if you're tired already.
Adamant should be high IVs in everything but Special Attack since it's the lowered stat, so if IV guy says they can't be beat, your 3IV is technically only 2IV.
It's the reverse for Modest/Timid/Bold/Calm.
But that works too if you're tired already.
Still around? Whatcha think of this one?
Naive Diancie
112 HP, 120 Atk, 161 Def, 120 Sp.ATk, 144 Sp.Def, 77 Speed
"superior potential overall"
Greatest potential lies in its atk, sp.atk is equally good, and it's Speed is good, too. They simply can't be beat.
Good for a Diancie to send to Omega Ruby, ya think?
Yes, that's perfect!
The Diancie I have for you right now is Calm, I haven't saved but here are the stats.
1819 HP; 1013/2223 Physical; 3031/31 Special; 3031 Speed
Edit: Stats are HP 119 Atk 99 Def 166 SpA 120 SpD 187 Spe 70
So it looks like 3IV SpA, SpD, and Spe, well,that's based on Veekun's stat calc. I'll leave the game on sleep mode for ya to decide, I don't mind.
Oh until I can get the third gift issue to work, I can give you the other two no problems, the third one will be a rain check at this time. Lol
Nice I thought so but I figured I'd ask if you were still about.
Also, that's fine. I mostly didn't want docile,etc. I didn't expect you to spend much effort on it
Though it's 6:21 AM and I gotta get to bed, so we'll have to do the trades tomorrow. I shouldn't of stayed up this late.. damn Diancie lmao
To add a little thing. Y version owners might appreciate the X exclusive mega evolution stones* (as the cart is being sold and you can't deposit items into bank) but it is by no means necessary to give them out.Woo, got my pokemon bank on and transferred the pokemon wanted. I can basically sell the X cart and then transfer those pokemon in the bank to ruby right?