"This Pokemon (Diancie) has outstanding potential overall. That's how I judge it anyways."
"Incidentally, I would say that its greatest potential lies in its HP. But its Attack stat is good, too. Hmm. And its Defense stat is good, too. It's Special Defense seems just as good, though. And, well, its Speed stat is good, too. Stats like those... They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it."
*Checks Nature*
I should have one and I might have a female in a luxury ball if you're into thatHeh, knew it would be too good to be true.Funny enough on my Diancie's when I was SRing them this summer, I'd get to same point and going "Oh yes, this is good..." and nature would almost always be Naughty.
Edit: On a side note, anyone have a HA Aerodactyl? Still in need of one.
I can hook you up if you still need those.I'm offering my Japanese Movie Event Diancie for both a Charizardite Y and Mewtwonite Y.
best nature for diancie is Naive ...right ?
I was linked to this: http://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/diancie
So I just assume Naive is the way to go if you want it for Ruby/Sapphire, spent hours resetting for it. Think mine has Ivs in Atk, Sp.ATK, and Speed. Don't recall now... lol
I should have one and I might have a female in a luxury ball if you're into that
best nature for diancie is Naive ...right ?
I have a question.
So if I breed a Lopunny in X/Y and transfer it to OR/AS, will it still be able to learn its new moves in that game (mainly, High Jump Kick)?
I feel like starting all over on X but at the same time I don't want to lose all my good Pokemon which is about 30 out of the 300 or so in pc. I don't have Pokemon Bank nor a second 3DS and game to trade with. I really want to start all over but the reasons above are stopping me from doing so.
Also, quick question:
If I start all over, will I lose my shiny Gengar (I haven't picked him up from the guy yet) or will I still be able to get him? I just want to know the answer to this before using my Dancie code.
I know this, I'm just wondering if I'll lose the wonder card if I decide to delete my current save data to start all over. I personally don't care much about Shiny Gengar so if lose the WC, I really don't care.Adding the code just adds the wonder card. The game goes through the WCs when it comes to picking them up. So if you added the Diancie one, and go to pick it up at a PC, you'd get the Gengar, then the Diancie. You can swap WCs if you'd rather pick up Diancie first. Just swap the place of the cards to do so.
Edit: If you want to SR both, save before picking either up though. That way you can SR through first one (only pick up first one, don't worry about second one), until you get it right. Then save and then SR the second one.
I know this, I'm just wondering if I'll lose the wonder card if I decide to delete my current save data to start all over. I personally don't care much about Shiny Gengar so if lose the WC, I really don't care.
Why wouldn't it? If anything since it's a newer game it would could get more moves.
FRLG gave Metal Claw to Charmander as a level up move after RS but Emerald onward it became an egg move only again.
In gonna have to make sure I have one in my game, so I'll check when I get home in two hours. I don't really need anything in returnDoesn't have to be anything fancy. Want one to breed with, but unfortunately all the ones I've gotten are anything but HA. Folks don't read on GTS. (Surprise, surprised, haha.)
You looking for anything specific?
On side note, started breeding Phantump today. So much nicer breeding in X/Y compared to FR.
GameStop Fail #2. No Diancie for me. Living in New York sucks. Haha.
Got an outstanding sassy Diancie with perfect HP, Special defense, and Speed, Special attack is 30, attack is 23/24, and defense is 17/18. Hidden Power Water. Offensive Trick Room setter? (I stupidly saved after getting it and can't reset for Quiet or Brave)
Got an outstanding sassy Diancie with perfect HP, Special defense, and Speed, Special attack is 30, attack is 23/24, and defense is 17/18. Hidden Power Water. Offensive Trick Room setter? (I stupidly saved after getting it and can't reset for Quiet or Brave)
I didn't even think about that. I thought it was a GameStop only thing.You'd think the NY nintendo store would carry such things.
TR isn't a good fit for Mega Diancie, and a straight out bad fit with Max Speed, decide on your play style first then reset.
I realize it isn;t "optimal" but I actually think max speed is pretty good for most trick room pokemon. They're naturally slow, and max speed tends not to make a big enough difference that you lose the speed advantage against very many threats, but it sometimes allows you to get outspeeds outside of trickroom which allows for a bit more versatility. Generally I try to be lower speed than every serious threat, and faster than everything else I can be.
Well that maybe work with Diancie but Mega Diancie as a Speed base of 110 there aren't a lot of pokemon that wouldn't out speed her in TR.
In gonna have to make sure I have one in my game, so I'll check when I get home in two hours. I don't really need anything in return
But then you get outsped by other slow pokemon (which plenty of threats are) within TR. Unless it doesn't know it, I'd think one would immediately set it up.I realize it isn;t "optimal" but I actually think max speed is pretty good for most trick room pokemon. They're naturally slow, and max speed tends not to make a big enough difference that you lose the speed advantage against very many threats, but it sometimes allows you to get outspeeds outside of trickroom which allows for a bit more versatility. Generally I try to be lower speed than every serious threat, and faster than everything else I can be.
Why wouldn't it? If anything since it's a newer game it would could get more moves.
FRLG gave Metal Claw to Charmander as a level up move after RS but Emerald onward it became an egg move only again.
But then you get outsped by other slow pokemon (which plenty of threats are) within TR. Unless it doesn't know it, I'd think one would immediately set it up.
It'll have its XY level up moveset while in XY and its ORAS level up moveset while in ORAS.I meant because it can't learn High Jump Kick in X/Y, I thought maybe I'd have to catch one in OR/AS to get that move. I guess that's not how it works, though.
It'll have its XY level up moveset while in XY and its ORAS level up moveset while in ORAS.
So you just trade it over, have it learn the move, and there you go.
Morning Gaf
I'm back and slowly getting back into Pokemon again after taking a break from it over the summer
Good to see this thread still going strong
Sorry for not getting back to you until now, but I do in fact have an extra Unnerve Aerodactyl you can haveWelcome back onslack.Nothing wrong with a break. You ready for ORAS?
Edit: Thank you sooooo much to Rimon! Gonna rock Alpha Sapphire with this little guy. Wasn't sure if I was going to bring any Pokemon over to it, but this guy will be the star of my team now.
Welcome back onslack.Nothing wrong with a break. You ready for ORAS?
Sorry for not getting back to you until now, but I do in fact have an extra Unnerve Aerodactyl you can haveLet me know when you're ready to trade
Let me know when is a good time. Just got back from Halloween party so probably not really "ready" until morning. LOL. Won first place in costume though with my Pikachu costume. Pokemon FTW in Halloween party in Japan.
Thanks! I actually ordered the big Klefki keyring without realizing how huge it was so couldn't use it =( Now I can at least use it as a prize for my next local tournament =)Claimed.
That's cool, did you post in any of the cosplay threads?