still have some mega gengars left for my EU friends. PM if you want.
To Kalos.
Thank you and I like this form better.
You can always change the forms at Ambrette I think? The place with the fossil restoration thingy.
With that spread everything but Defense should be ok.
That's correct, in the lab.
Edit: Just curious guys, but what do yall think of the GTS? In terms of trying to find something on it. I kind of wish it would tell you how many pages of what is it 50 per there were. I imagine most of the deals are taken and what's languishing in the back is probably Scatterbugs looking to be traded for Diancie, but I can't be only one that wishes this was a little more robust, right? I also wish they'd kind of limit how long something was up. 3 days max maybe? Then it gets sent back to you. Just feels like this whole thing would clear out and maybe be better overall, but maybe I'm over thinking it.
I kind of wish they'd go as far to even separate shinies, since those are kind of a league of their own. I agree the whole thing needs a makeover. Really feel like a timer on how long Pokemon are up would help to some degree. And not allowing folks to spam the whole thing asking for Mew and Diancie. Ugh.
GTS needs an overhaul, but feel like we moved backwards from trading with strangers online too. I used to do it in Black because there were ways to communicate. Now it's one big mess. How do we move backwards?
It's gamefreak, look how we lost customization in ORAS for reasons. :/
And the current pokemon scrap promo is stupid, no store carries the sandwiches. I've only found one store so far and I was only able to get one.
Also I should check if the event mon and items are done via wonder card or pokemon link. Because if it's the latter, it's going to suck.
Man, is it really that bad with the scrap promo? They just aren't carrying them? Or are they just sold out? Guess it makes it better to wait for the TCG stuff then I guess.
Not sure why they want to nerf online trading with loss of communication tools. They must no longer want folks to trade at all.Or they're saying get moar IRL friends that do it. >_>
Holy shit! I just hatched a shiny Treecko! Oh YEAHIt even has HP Fire!!!!! Only 2-3 IVs in Defense though, but otherwise flawless. AWESOME
I cannot wait to train him up, trade him to ORAS and MEGA EVOLVE him
That was surprisingly quick. It took less than a week! Nonetheless, I have already decided on my next project: HP Ice Elektrike. I already have an HP Ice Manectric + an HP Ice Ditto, so getting that perfect Elektrike should be quite easy. Wish me luck![]()
Timid nature. Also breeding Timid Elektrikes and I already have quite a few HP Ice (w/ Lightningrod) if anyone wants one. Can't guarantee they're flawless, but they are outstanding with perfect HP, SpA, SpD and Speed. So if anyone wants one, let me knowCongrats that's awesome! Which nature?
I'm currently trying to do a Mild Shiny Latios in my English Emerald.
Unlike the Japanese carts I have where I started from scratch, the shiny spread isn't that great in my English game since the ID couldn't be abused back then. It's ok, but I'm currently debating a Mild Lugia and a Mild/Adamant/Careful Hooh (I already caught a better IV Ho-oh in one of my Japanese games).
Mild Latios is alright since he can do DD/Outrage/EQ/Draco Meteor.
And dunno what to do with adamant Regirock, right now I have Rock Slide/Counter/Focus Punch/Explosion. I'm not sold on Focus Punch, I'm thinking between EQ/Fire Punch/Ice Punch. It's the first of many Shiny Adamant Regirocks so I'd like this one to use counter.
Timid nature. Also breeding Timid Elektrikes and I already have quite a few HP Ice (w/ Lightningrod) if anyone wants one. Can't guarantee they're flawless, but they are outstanding with perfect HP, SpA, SpD and Speed. So if anyone wants one, let me know
Sure thing! Are you on now? I might have to add youCould I grab one please?
Pretty happy with the Diancie i got - Impish nature but 4 perfect IVs (HP, ATK, Def, SpDef).
Sure thing! Are you on now? I might have to add you
Sure thing, just let me know when you're ready to tradeThanks.
I'm currently at work, I wont be home until around 4PM GMT
I'll pm you in a sec
Nice Diancie!
And that finally came after 18 SRs.
IVs are 4/26/19/12/20/27
It's okay compared to my Japanese game RNG since this English game is a holdover from before I knew Gen 3 RNG.
Also it's a lot nicer getting on the island naturally than just warping there.
Here's a vid of the capture.
Holy shit! I just hatched a shiny Treecko! Oh YEAHIt even has HP Fire!!!!! Only 2-3 IVs in Defense though, but otherwise flawless. AWESOME
I cannot wait to train him up, trade him to ORAS and MEGA EVOLVE him
That was surprisingly quick. It took less than a week! Nonetheless, I have already decided on my next project: HP Ice Elektrike. I already have an HP Ice Manectric + an HP Ice Ditto, so getting that perfect Elektrike should be quite easy. Wish me luck![]()
Haha, thanks! Yeah, those were a couple of crazy hours! I still can't quite believe I managed to get two shinies within two hours, not to mention an Electrike so damn fast!You got your Treecko? Congrats!
*Edit: How the heck did I miss your shiny Electrike?! Double congrats!
Haha, thanks! Yeah, those were a couple of crazy hours! I still can't quite believe I managed to get two shinies within two hours, not to mention an Electrike so damn fast!
That's awesome! I actually bred a shiny Chespin way back in May or something like that just before I stopped playing, and I was gonna EV train him now along with my Treecko and ElectrikeI hope I can get your luck with my latest project, bulletproof Chespin. I was gonna name him Kevin Costner (cause you know, the Bodyguard?) and it just fits with no space but I might go with Eastwood instead.
I'm sorry for the double post, but I Have to!
I just hatched a shiny Electrike! I cannot believe it! It took, what? 2 hours? Holy shit, that's insane!
I remembered to take a photo this timeIt might be hard to see, but it really is blue!
AND it has Hidden Power Ice!! Unfortunately, it's IVs are not ideal:
Electrike - #309 (Timid)
HP: 31
Att: 0
Def: 30
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 4 - 5
That Speed makes me all kinds of sadAND it has Static, but an Ability Capsule can fix that. That Speed though
But YAY anyway! Can't believe how quick that was
Pretty rad! I've done like <0.5 hours flawless shinies a couple of times so it's not *that* fast, though.I'm sorry for the double post, but I Have to!
I just hatched a shiny Electrike! I cannot believe it! It took, what? 2 hours? Holy shit, that's insane!
Shiny charm + a JP/foreign Ditto. It's still down to luck hough. I have encountered quite a few shinies om my X and Y copies:How are you guys breeding shinies so efficiently? Using shiny charm or what?
Does anyone have an Intimidate Scraggy/Scrafty with egg moves to trade? I want to add Scrafty to my team, but I don't want to spend a dozen years breeding a ton of egg moves into him.
Might have to seek out a hacked foreign ditto, then. Gonna have to breed my lotad eventually.
I do. Should have a spitback for you with egg moves.
Cool. My FC is 0001-3764-1620, IGN is PBalfredo
Timid nature. Also breeding Timid Elektrikes and I already have quite a few HP Ice (w/ Lightningrod) if anyone wants one. Can't guarantee they're flawless, but they are outstanding with perfect HP, SpA, SpD and Speed. So if anyone wants one, let me know
Good luck on the Latios! I really like shiny Latios and LatiasAlso some of my favorite legendaries!
You sure can! Let me add you - my FC is in my profile as well. Are you ready to trade now?Would I be able to get one of those HP Ice Elektrikes?![]()
You sure can! Let me add you - my FC is in my profile as well. Are you ready to trade now?
All the shiny talk here has made me kinda want to start MMing again. But at the same time I don't. lol
Speaking of which, yesterday I got a shiny Beedrill through WT. Level 100, 6iv, Jolly, non-Kalos native. Preeety sure it isn't a natural pokemon, but what the hay, I wanted to try out its mega when ORAS releases.
Give me a minute and I'll be readySorry, just went to eat. I can trade now.
Give me a minute and I'll be ready
Luxury ballsWhat pokeballs are they in?
Ah yes, Japan strikes again. Lets see, I'm available now the next couple of hours if your still on, or around this time tomorrow, or most of Saturday if you prefer.We should find a time to trade, I have your Mild HA Hooh and Impish Jirachi still. Lol
Man you're on fire dudeAre you kidding me?! I was in the friend Safari trying to find a HA Lillipup when a shiny Loudred appeared. I don't even know anymore. This say is crazy
EDIT it's Modest. My god. Soundproof though
Luxury balls
Though I didn't do this one, every time I edit a Zog article I need to Google half the words to figure out if they're offensive or just British.This is the best report ever to grace Nugget Bridge: