@MicH: Holy crap dude, you must be stealing shiny luck from other folks today.

Scatterbug and Vivilion listings I swear never actually end. It would help if non-Japanese people stopped putting up Japanese purple ones they got on wonder trade and being like Sandstorm please/Shiny please/no purple (at least put your own Vivilion up).
They don't. I'm so tired of the Elegant ones. Made sure my JPN 3DS did NOT have that awful one. Only two smaller regions in Japan have other patterns. Either one has to be worth adjusting at start to get anything but that one. Which makes me question, will region at start of creation of file on ORAS... will it take where you're region is again and set it for your Scatters in game? If so going to have do some region changing on them all to get different ones than I already have covered with X/Y and JPN X. Also means I know which region Scatterbug I want next.
I dislike the "here's a really common Scatterbug pattern, please give me one of the more difficult ones to obtain." Psssh. I don't surf the Scatterbug/Vivillon area anymore though. Too many folks want decent stuff for absolute garbage. Problem though is you can put up a Sandstorm Vivillon, ask for a Jungle Vivillon in notes, but because there are no specific tags to make sure you get that, someone trades you an Elegant one anyway. *facepalm*
On a side note, if anyone wants 5IV Timid Sandstorm or Monsoon Scatterbugs, let me know. I keep the good ones around for you guys. Ones I put up on GTS are everything but the perfect spread. Might also have a 6IV of Monsoon or two if anyone is interested.
Edit: Nicki Minaj Serviper had me cracking up...