Can anyone help me evolve a few of the trade evolution guys? Mostly for Seadra atm.
I'll help. FC in profile.
Can anyone help me evolve a few of the trade evolution guys? Mostly for Seadra atm.
Honestly as far as demand goes the sleeves are way better bet than actual cards! You'll be able to use those sleeves as trade bait or for selling easily. Every year at Worlds there are tons of Japanese players hawking their merch. Though at the same time the western players try to trade away their own unique merch from tournaments. Both find their own stuff worthless and common but the other side looks at it like gold. It's pretty great.Yeah, I know they're not legal. Well, I should rephrase that. They were if you back then had a way to cover up the very different back of the card. And had a translation with you. But obviously that wasn't for tournaments, just regular playing. Unfortunately, Japanese cards were (and I'm sure still are) expensive, so I collected some on side, but never had extras to trade. Though I do always remembering folks liking to look through my small Japanese card collection. Even had some stuff couldn't get Stateside from a friend who had connections to Japan at the time.
I'm actually hoping to bring back some cards and mark 'em up to sell. If they do alright might try to get my friends who will still be here to grab some more for me. xD
Didn't realize the sleeve thing was a big thing though. I might have to pick up one or two for myself for my own decks.
As we get closer to ORAS release, getting a bit excited. But will still be a bit before my copy comes here. ;_; Think I have quick shipping on Amazon, but everyone will still get a few days jump.![]()
I'll help. FC in profile.
added you, just let me know when available.
Honestly as far as demand goes the sleeves are way better bet than actual cards! You'll be able to use those sleeves as trade bait or for selling easily. Every year at Worlds there are tons of Japanese players hawking their merch. Though at the same time the western players try to trade away their own unique merch from tournaments. Both find their own stuff worthless and common but the other side looks at it like gold. It's pretty great.
A Japanese player's merch on display for trade in the Open Gaming Room at Worlds:
You're living near the source of treasure!
Ready whenever. Just send me the trade.
Thanks for the help. Slowly taking care of all the random stuff I never did in this game.
Glad to help.
I need to figure out what, if anything, I want to breed to send over to ORAS. Part of me wants to breed something as a starter replacement/supplement. Especially since I'm planning on getting both, though I may not at launch, still undecided lol.
Can't find a code for Diancie anywhere. The stores that were supposed to have it haven't even heard of it
If anyone has an extra EU code, it would be really, really appreciated!
My brain is likeCurious, is anyone else here working on a living shiny dex?
I just started a new game but haven't played Pokemon since Red, which I played obsessively, and a little bit of Pokemon Gold.
Any quick tips or things to look out for? I'm already hearing about breeding Pokemon which is something I don't remember at all.
Don't worry during the main game, try the new pokes and enjoy the ride, If you find the games too easy turn of the Exp. Share in the bag.
Leave the breeding for post game as is not really necessary and a little complex.
Look at what I just snagged
Diancie Modest 30/31/31/31/30/31 HP Steel
Yeah the guy that Sr'ed it certainly was.
My brain is like
Don't give me any ideas..
Yeah the guy that Sr'ed it certainly was.
Caught the breeding bug again recently. Any one have random Shell Armor Turtwigs, Defiant Piplups, or Lightning Rod Pikachus (or Pikachu in their Safari) lying around? I have some random stuff including Damp Mudkips, Unburden Treecko, Iron Fist Chimchar, and Regenerator Foongus.
I can breed you a Lightning Rod Pichu real quick if you'd like.
Edit: I also have access to a Pikachu safari so I could grab one from there in your ball of choice if you'd prefer.
When I was going through collecting HA females from safaris, I didn't pay much attention to which ones I removed to make room for more so I never know which ones I still have lol.
Ain't no telling how long that took him either. x_x
Caught the breeding bug again recently. Any one have random Shell Armor Turtwigs, Defiant Piplups, or Lightning Rod Pikachus (or Pikachu in their Safari) lying around? I have some random stuff including Damp Mudkips, Unburden Treecko, Iron Fist Chimchar, and Regenerator Foongus.
To celebrate Deoxys/Ep Delta info, I can catch a Deoxys for anyone in FRLGE.
It would just be regular though, shiny since shiny takes more effort.
Can I have it? I am working on my Pokedex and Deoxys are not very common.
Ok I can catch you one, I'll just get one with a generic trainer name.
Ok, thanks! Do you want something BTW?
I have some HP Ice Electrikes. I haven't checked their IVs, but they all have HP IceAnother request:
If anyone happens to have a HP Ice Manectric (31/E/30/31/31/31) and can slap a Power Belt on it and breed it for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Or any spare 30 Def IV Field pokemon. Thanks!
I have some HP Ice Electrikes. I haven't checked their IVs, but they all have HP Ice
Alright, give m a minute and I'll be readyCool, I just added your FC. Here's mine: 0404 6068 9410
Alright, give m a minute and I'll be ready
Good to hear!The Electrike is perfect, thanks!
I've got a Marill I want to super train. It's not a very good Pokemon, but I want to use it in ORAS because it's the only legit shiny I've ever caught (not counting that shiny Haxorus from whatever game it was).
What should I focus on? Here are its stats:
Lv. 40
HP 112
I've got a Marill I want to super train. It's not a very good Pokemon, but I want to use it in ORAS because it's the only legit shiny I've ever caught (not counting that shiny Haxorus from whatever game it was).
What should I focus on? Here are its stats:
Lv. 40
HP 112
In The Games Department
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Japanese Charizard Event
A new event has been announced. To commemorate the new Pokémon Center in Tokyo, two Pokémon are set to be distributed. From December 12th to January 16th, at the Pokémon Center in Tokyo, you can download either a shiny Charizard holding the Charizardite Y or a shiny Pikachu. The distribution is given based on the hour of the day, with them alternating. Details of the event Pokémon are not yet known but the Event Database has been updated with these events
New Shiny Pikachu and Shiny Charizard event:
from serebii:
I got a shiny Clauncher for you then!.Nothing really but if you insist any gen 6/Kalos native uncloned/not powersaved shiny or any breedable with high IVs and egg moves. If you can't do either it's not an issue. I'll send my other FC by pm since my profile is full already.
To celebrate Deoxys/Ep Delta info, I can catch a Deoxys for anyone in FRLGE.
It would just be regular though, shiny since shiny takes more effort.
I'm assuming this is the Tokyo Bay one? Though it's been around a while now, so seems weird. The whole Inkay thing was supposed to be celebrating that one's opening and all. Unless this is an anniversary thing?
Edit: Am curious why Pikachu and Charizard as their selection out of all the stuff though.
Hot damn though. They allow X, Y, OR, and AS at least.
Edit 2: Okay, actually taken a look at the page. Am I reading that right? Sunshine City section of Ikebukuro? Hmmm... opening a lot in Tokyo these days it seems then. Wish it was added to the PC location page. Though glad to see it as alternating hour kinda promotion.
Also, says all Pokemon Center stores? So it's probably not even centralized to that one.
Aww snap, tomorrow is 15th. Corocoro day.
I'm going to run into a massive debt with all these foreign Pokemon events, aren't I?
Still trying to SR the PAL Diancies I promised people.
C'mon RNG, complaining to GAF always works.
I got a shiny Clauncher for you then!.
Also I wanted to ask you if you still give Jirachis away?, if you do please, I would appreciate one.
Can I have one? As I said in the Episode Delta thread, I have not been able to get a Deoxys before, so this would be my first one.
To celebrate Deoxys/Ep Delta info, I can catch a Deoxys for anyone in FRLGE.
It would just be regular though, shiny since shiny takes more effort.
Yeah it says all stores, and I picked up Corocoro today too! I guess it's good I have a bajillion gen 6 games haha.
Reminder for JapanPokeGAF, which I think is only three of us anyway, Eon serial code is out on the 15th in Corocoro iirc.