Seems heavily male.Why?
Seems heavily male.Why?
Ralts supposedly being 50/50 male/female is bullshit.
Seems heavily male.
I live in Brazil and I can count in my hand the times i've seen a 3DS being played in the streets/ shopping malls.
Today I saw 3 and they were all playing Pokemon.
It's not that there is a male ralts, it's that in two hours (wasn't keeping track haha) I've murdered about 10 male Ralts, and have yet to see a female. They are a myth.
Can anyone help me evolve my Kadabra by trading him over and then back to me?![]()
I added a bunch of friend codes and so far the only person who has added me is Kenai.
It's not that there is a male ralts, it's that in two hours (wasn't keeping track haha) I've murdered about 10 male Ralts, and have yet to see a female. They are a myth.
Haha, the saddest thing is that since I know nothing about the metagame, IVs, EVs, natures or proper training, I'm probably going to ruin this mon. I'm not worthy![]()
Haha excellent, let me know when you're good to go! I think I should have you on my list from AC right?I can do it as soon as my husband finishes playing Brain Age.![]()
I thought's typing would be more of a problem than it is (specially since mine got a naughty nature), but he is quite reliable.Chestnaught
Still laughing a bit to myself that i thought the first would be any type of problemwhen he learned Rollout at level 8
Thank you very much for the Froakie!Free Froakies for everybody!
I finally got my Naive nature so I have a box full of leftovers to give away. Only got a few females though, and I'll be giving those away first.
My FC is in my profile, I've never done this before so bear with me if it takes a little bit.
Also, I'm not asking for anything specific, but if you have Pokerus GIVE IT TO ME NOW. I would also not mind the other starters or charmander/squirtle. But I'm just giving away frogs so if you don't wanna, you don't have to give me anything.
Mywould ruin yourDelphoxChestnaughtHe just learnt
and also knowsFlamethrower!Psyshock
Haha excellent, let me know when you're good to go! I think I should have you on my list from AC right?
I will do that then, thanks! But first I plan on enjoying the game in a casual way, as I did with the other games I've played.You should learn some of that stuff later on, it's tons of fun, and they made it easier than ever in this game. Plus you can reset "EVs" with Super Training so you can't ruin it, you can always "fix" it.
Haven't really been into Pokemon since Red/Blue, even though I dabbled in B&W in never really grabbed me in the same way. It's still very early days (haven't even got my first badge) but I'm loving my experience so far, and all these Pokemon are new for me
Just got the roller blades, I'm guessing I can't remove them? I don't like how fast I move now...
No worries! My FC is 2766-8382-3106 if you need to add me againI think we've added each other before but I might have deleted you at some point. My friends list is maxed out so I pretty much just delete a random person when I need to add someone new.
I was shocked how early I got an Axew. Haxorus was one of the select few Gen5 pokemon I liked.
Mywould ruin yourDelphoxChestnaughtHe just learnt
and also knowsFlamethrower!Psyshock
Mu, you're showing up on my end now too in the 3DS, just not in game
edit: now you do!
EXP share makes this much easier.Aaaaaa you encounter so many pokemon so quickly, I can't decide on a good teamI want to train everybody.
No worries! My FC is 2766-8382-3106 if you need to add me againtrainer name is Rami!
D-pad to walk normally after you get the blades.
GreatApparently I didn't delete you after all. I'll be there to send a trade request in a minute.
I have to disconnect ingame in order to add people. And my internet here is total garbage, it's this cellular crap.
Also, I've totally lost track of who I have given frogs to so far. Out of females too!
Just keep going.I thought the character movement wasn't grid based anymore.
I have to disconnect ingame in order to add people. And my internet here is total garbage, it's this cellular crap.
Also, I've totally lost track of who I have given frogs to so far. Out of females too!
I have three pokemon with pokerus. Can anyone explain how it works/what's good about it to me?
EDIT: Also, how to spread it would be nice too.
I am eager to start my hunting for one!