Ok. Battery going low.
1 more battle then I'll save
*A shiny pikachu appears*
3ds goes off
Ok. Battery going low.
1 more battle then I'll save
*A shiny pikachu appears*
3ds goes off
Uhh how do i move the rocks in the first cave
Ok. Battery going low.
1 more battle then I'll save
*A shiny pikachu appears*
3ds goes off
Last call for Froakies if you want one. My friend code is in my profile, shoot me a PM with yours.
Also if I added you already and forgot to trade you, just send me a trade request.
Dedenne is in Route 11.I've only slept for 3 hours since the games came out and I only have 2 badges. 14 hrs in. This game seems super long. I'm normally not anywhere near this slow. This game is just so good and if I wasn't too busy playing the game, I'd go add a lot of you guys because the online features are amazing. I guess low expectations will do that, but I'm still really impressed.
Anyway, anyone know where to catch a Dedenne? And while I'm asking, how about Skrelp/Clauncher/Klefki/Goomy?
You can't yet.Uhh how do i move the rocks in the first cave
Holy shit I just killed the first gym leader, Fennekin evolved. Sweet!
It look completely different than the 1 I already have in the party. I thought the battery had atleast half an hour left on itAre you serious? RIP
Pffft whahahaa! Why didn't you put it in sleep mode and plug in the charger?
Works just like bwDo we unlock more Boxes on the PC's later in game?
Just started playing. The walking is ew... Seriously, playing with the circle pad is so awkward. Why did they do it that way... This will bug me for the rest of the game... Digital movement sucks![]()
Meditite no longer levitates off the ground with his sprite?
Believe me, you will get used to it and you'll move faster later in the gameJust started playing. The walking is ew... Seriously, playing with the circle pad is so awkward. Why did they do it that way... This will bug me for the rest of the game... Digital movement sucks![]()
I was more upset about sentret not on his tailMeditite no longer levitates off the ground with his sprite?
Dedenne is in Route 11.
Skrelp/Clauncher is in Route 8 but you need a Good Rod.
I was more upset about sentret not on his tail
use the D pad then
Believe me, you will get used to it and you'll move faster later in the game
Do we unlock more Boxes on the PC's later in game?
Roller skates suck.
Man. I had to turn off exp share. My Pokemon are all 28-29 and I haven't hit the second gym yet. They'll stop obeying me in one level. :X
Because it's fucking impossible to find.I squealed when I got Pikachu. Don't ask me why.
After you beat Viola, her sister is hanging out at the entrance to Route 4, talk to her.Where do you get the Exp Share? My friend is asking me, and I already forgot, lol.
Where do you get the Exp Share? My friend is asking me, and I already forgot, lol.
where do you find your FC.?
I wanted to post it so if someone wanted to they could add me.
Do the shinies sparkle like in the previous games?
Also, I've just got past the second gym, I have a meadow pattern Vivilion, and I chose Fennekin and Squirtle as my starters.
Also, I got an Eevee, anyone know how it evolves into Sylveon?
Because it's fucking impossible to find.
/still bitter
There's Day/Night, Night starts at 8PM in the Pokéverse. Seasons are dead, though.
PM'd you.Last call for Froakies if you want one. My friend code is in my profile, shoot me a PM with yours.
Also if I added you already and forgot to trade you, just send me a trade request.
Because it's fucking impossible to find.
/still bitter
Because it's fucking impossible to find.
/still bitter
Same here but I OHKO'd it and then spent an hour trying to find another.Heh Pikachu was the first thing I encountered in that forest.
Really, I ran into at least two or three. Pancham is probably my favorite new Pokemon so far.Really? I've run into too many Pikachu to count. Even right outside the forest.
Now Pancham? Rare as hell. I ran into one female and never again.