Same here but I OHKO'd it and then spent an hour trying to find another.
Scared them all off. Be nice next time.
Same here but I OHKO'd it and then spent an hour trying to find another.
Another question: anyone know at what level Honedge andevolve?Doublade
Just started playing. The walking is ew... Seriously, playing with the circle pad is so awkward. Why did they do it that way... This will bug me for the rest of the game... Digital movement sucks![]()
Wow. I must be getting tired because I laughed reallllllly hard at Rhyhorn Tail Whip animation.
Really? I've run into too many Pikachu to count. Even right outside the forest.
Now Pancham? Rare as hell. I ran into one female and never again.
So the holding L to check moves thing worked once and then didn't. I don't know if my buttons are fucked or what.
Thanks for the response.1. Yes.
2. I believe it has to do with maxing its affection in PokeAmi.
I have roughly ten Pokemon in rotation right now. It's nuts.
Is there a good guide out for the game?
I wanna know when and where I can breed. I want to know when I can get facial hair. When and where I can trade.
Pikachu has Static, which has the secret side effect of calling more Pikachu, so if you manage to catch one, they become really common.
Pikachu seems to be really common on that random trade thing, so that's probably the easiest way to get one.
Vivillon is so cool. I didn't even know you could get different wing patterns. I looked it up and there were likeso far. I got Modern.9
Really, I ran into at least two or three. Pancham is probably my favorite new Pokemon so far.
Vivillon is so cool. I didn't even know you could get different wing patterns. I looked it up and there were likeso far. I got Modern.9
Really, I ran into at least two or three. Pancham is probably my favorite new Pokemon so far.
Not the first forest, butYou can get a Pancham in the first forest? Man, I might need to backtrack now. I already have way too many pokeymans.
I have a Jolly Male with Rivalry if you're alright with that.Ok, If I have to look for a male Litleo anymore, I'm going to jump off a cliff. Anyone have a spare they don't mind getting rid of?
Also, to anyone who wants to add me for future battle/trade, 3050-7800-2928
Feel free to PM to me if you add me.
You can get a Pancham in the first forest? Man, I might need to backtrack now. I already have way too many pokeymans.
You can get a Pancham in the first forest? Man, I might need to backtrack now. I already have way too many pokeymans.
Not just JapanIs Dowsing a treasure hunting term used in Japan or something?
That's not how pokemon work. Anything that you are the original trainer of will obey you forever. The badge level-limits are only for things you get in trades. It's always been that way, even in red and blue.
Pancham is a fucking boss. Wish he was an additional type though, I never remember what Fighting is good against.
I would've though Fighting would be great against Rock but nope.avi. Actually, I was kinda hoping he was Grass/Fighting.
Fledgling evolving into a Fire/Flying was a nice surprise though.
Grabbed one of those in the same grass I got a Bagon, just after leaving a cave where I caught an Axew. The pokemon spread in this is amazing.ABSOL! OMGOSH
and its ded.
2. I believe it has to do with maxing its affection in PokeAmi.
Because it's fucking impossible to find.
/still bitter
They're rare in both versions. I spent over half an hour trying to get mine. Most annoying thing is they teleport away in the first turn :/Are Abras ultra rare in X? I'm running around Route 5 and I haven't seen a single one.
Me too. This game is SO GOOD.