Guys I've been playing Pokemon all day
How do I stop
You don't.
Guys I've been playing Pokemon all day
How do I stop
It's not. Mine had 2/5 Affection when it evolved.
Pretty sure it's max happiness + fairy type move + level up.
I got a Japanese Eevee really early on thanks to a lucky Wonder Trade and that was the method that worked for me.
I have a Jolly Male with Rivalry if you're alright with that.
Fighting IS super effective against Rock, I thought.
Steel, Normal, Ice...
By the way, everyone here noticed that the forest is basically a re-imagining of Viridian Forest, right? Dem nostalgia hooks.
You don't.
Are Abras ultra rare in X? I'm running around Route 5 and I haven't seen a single one.
They're rare in both versions. I spent over half an hour trying to get mine. Most annoying thing is they teleport away in the first turn :/
Guys I've been playing Pokemon all day
How do I stop
Miracle Trading is such a great feature. And I feel like it really came out of nowhere. Like, who expected anything like that?
Ok added you.That's quite fine with me! Hell, I'd take a limp male Litleo at this point.
It's a way different experience than usual, that's for sure.
I think I'm now at fourteenish rotation members. Bagon and Inkay just got added to the line-up.
really? I ran into literally like 10 in a row...made for some excellent early training as they gave a good amount of exp even manage to find on both my X and Y
Anybody know how to evolve pancham yet??
I absolutely adore pikachu's cry..why aren't all pokemon like it!?!?!?!
anyway; as posted above I have a Riolu but I also have a males Raltz on my box so...
Lucario or Gallade?
Fighting IS super effective against Rock, I thought.
Steel, Normal, Ice...
You must be around where I am. I was trying to decide between Inkay and Azumarill, and then I was like, WhyNotBoth.gif
Should be Lv35, and if the rumors were confirmed (can't recall), with a dark type in party.
It does. Pancham only evolves if a dark type is in the party, after Level 32.Pancham evolves at Level 32. I did have Krookorok with me, but I don't know if that matters at all.
It does. Pancham only evolves if a dark type is in the party, after Level 32.
Grant has a Rock/Ice and a Rock/Dragon in his team actually.The worst thing about all these new pokemon is that I can't identify types at a glance.
Just got rekt by the second gym leader cos I didn't know his pokemon type was rock/dark![]()
Isn't that the one that they call based God?This trick just called me Lil'B...
They show up in hordes with Minun if I remember correctly. Never saw one outside of a horde.What's the deal with Plusle on Route 5 on Y? Is this thing impossible to come across?
No, I did the same with my Fennekin, Honedge and I crazy for doing super training til my EV's are maxed so I don't waste them on feild pokemon since I actually want to use Greninja?
Grant has a Rock/Ice and a Rock/Dragon in his team actually.