it's Nintendo. You're guaranteed a quality experience.So quick questions, if I never played any previous games in the series will I enjoy this? And secondly, is the consensus that the game is really well made and fun?
Headed to a birthday party... and not at all happy about it. I want to play Pokemon.
is there only one chance for the Mega charizard X item? i am about to choose the Gen I starter, was going to get Bulbasaur as Combusken is my fire type, but then remembered that the Mega ChariXard is a version exclusive.
should I balance my team with a grass I dont have or take the exlusive Pokemon of the type I already have covered?
my game is halted until I decide. Help me decide GaF
Why are all the tourists Japanese.
luck you!!! snorlax that is..But I got a Snorlax! And a Japanese Caterpie!
random bunnlby over and over lolhow so? I haven't used it yet so what's wrong with it?
is there only one chance for the Mega charizard X item? i am about to choose the Gen I starter, was going to get Bulbasaur as Combusken is my fire type, but then remembered that the Mega ChariXard is a version exclusive.
should I balance my team with a grass I dont have or take the exlusive Pokemon of the type I already have covered?
my game is halted until I decide. Help me decide GaF
Yes it tells you it can't be raised anymore. You can still do the mini game but won't get any EVs.For anyone who's done super training, does it notify you when you've maxed out the EVs for a particular stat, or should I still keep track of them?
For breeders, would you say it's easier to simply breed for a nature rather than soft resetting for a wild Pokemon's nature? I'm trying to get an Adamant Honedge, but it's already rare in this area and I don't know how long I'll be here...
Wonder trade is bad.... BAD!!!
Hi guys,
Should I keep this Froakie? Female, Hasty, Often lost in thought.
Anyone have any ideas?I'm a huge newbie to this whole EV training thing. What should I be training my Chespin in? Can anybody give me some suggestions?
Attack Defense or HP.Anyone have any ideas?
For anyone who's done super training, does it notify you when you've maxed out the EVs for a particular stat, or should I still keep track of them?
Just regular attack not sp. attack?Attack Defense or HP.
Just regular attack not sp. attack?
I think it stops you at 252 because after maxing out both my Amaura's SpA and HP I gave it Speed Bag L which normally gives 12, it gave me 6.For the record, you do not want max EVs for any stat.
You want 252.
Is the music good in this game? I preordered X a long time ago and got it today but I don't have any headphones for my 3DS and I refuse to play X without them. I know I'm nuts.
Want a double check, is it possible for the Kanto starters to be female? It's a long reset to get them, and I haven't seen a female yet. Also, are the ones he uses against you the ones you get? So, if he doesn't use a female version of what you want, are you free to reset?
Better to focus on making specialties even better or shoring up shortcomings?
Have 6 Pokemon before fighting him, and he can hold onto it, allowing you to soft reset. And yes they can be female/shiny.
I don't think Chestnaught has high SpA base stat to begin with. I could be wrong though.Just regular attack not sp. attack?
Don't put anything of significant value on it. It's meant to just increase exposure and gain acquaintances.
You're EVs will be fucked up in the story playthrough (I know there is a bag that resets them but I have yet to find one). As long as it's female you should be able to breed more.