11 Hours in, loving it. Here are my notes:
My pokedex is 50/64. Trying to keep my ratio more than increase my numerator. EXP Share was nice for getting Beedrill and Butterfree at the same time, otherwise I don't like it.
I got my Vivillon as the Polar pattern which surprised me since I've seen it marked as "Canada" in a fanmade legend. I'm in Ohio, but my DS was identified as Massachusetts when I started the game. After getting Polar, I switched my state to Ohio, raised another Scatterbug, and got Polar again. Guess I'm locked in
Went on GTS to trade my 2nd Vivillon for another and received a Japanese one that's purple with orange squares and red rectangles. Not bad. The trade was executed within 5 minutes of posting it. These Vivillons are hot commodities it seems.
Wonder trading is... interesting. Surprised that 2/3 of my trades were quite decent.
I traded Yolo the Psyduck (Lvl. 6) for Minun (Lvl. 6)
I traded a Litleo (Lvl. 5) for a Drifloon (Lvl. 16)
I traded a Riolu (Lvl. 7) for a Fletchling (Lvl. 3); I think the guy felt bad because he used the preset message to thank me immediately after
I also for some reason decided to trade with a passerby, which gave me weird feelings. Semi-human interactions... Got a Lvl 8 Furfrou for the Minun I had received previously.
My friend and I agreed to 3v3 singles battles after every gym, but seeing how long I've played and haven't reached the second, I think we'll do battles every ~10 levels instead. We don't do the level equalizer (set at 50/100).
Our first battle was really close... He was overleveled by about 5 across the 3 pkmn, and at level 8-13, that matters! However, I had made a trade for the Farfetch'd and my Aerial Ace sent his Butterfree to the bench and Fury Attack (Hit 5 times!) did Froakie in. Rollout would have taken care of his Pidgey, but level difference and quick attack kept him alive. In the end, it was my Spewpa vs his Butterfree, each with super thin red health bars. I used protect to see what he would use: Tackle. The same as my only damage dealing attack at the time. We pitted tackle vs tackle and the match was decided.