Camphrier Town in the PokeCenterAnyone know where the name rater is?
Camphrier Town in the PokeCenterAnyone know where the name rater is?
How does Inkay evolve? Level 30 so far and nothing.
How do I get a Reset Bag in Super Training?
My Floette is level 35 and it's best Fairy move is still Fairy Wind.
How does Inkay evolve? Level 30 so far and nothing.
Camphrier Town
Camphrier Town in the PokeCenter
Keep punching the normal training bag.
For how long?
I was hitting it for like 2 minutes (before doing any Super Training tutorials) and I got nothing.
For how long?
I was hitting it for like 2 minutes (before doing any Super Training tutorials) and I got nothing.
What's the method to evolve Honedge? Lvl or bullshit like having another one in the party during a moonless night while rollerskating clockwise for twelve minutes?
What's the method to evolve Honedge? Lvl or bullshit like having another one in the party during a moonless night while rollerskating clockwise for twelve minutes?
I don't understand. Trick Room opener.Eww now I got a Kecleon
God damn, even if I could literally back out and do it again instantly to be sure I STILL wouldnt' do it, odds are terrible there. I settled for just going for a female Froakie.Spent 6 hours resetting for shiny chespin. Finally gave up![]()
Double that!Is anyone a super bro/sis and have a a spare Froakie or Fennekin egg?
2 questions!
1 - What old game starters can you get in this game?
2 - I saw a sweet gif of the grass starter final evolution, is there any more sweet gifs of the starters in final form?
Alright, managed to reset my stats.
Now, I still don't understand Super Training.
So do I get stats upon completion of the Super Training Balloon thing?
Or do I have to follow up with the item that I get with that?
Can't offer any gifs but as far as starters, you get a choice of the gen I starters as well as Torchic with a mega stone for getting the game before January
Does Floette evolve normally or do I have to do something? I want it to evolve so I can try a new Pokémon lol
was last post of last page so reposting
Got pokemon X with no research. I need a Cloyster in my life. If anyone is feeling generous enough to make my dream come true, please pm.
I got a Shellder. Can you not catch them in X?
My friend code is 2320-6152-0406.
Not sure how trading works in this game.
After 12 hours of playtime on the first day of the release, I have seen 181 Pokemon and I have 5 badges. I don't think I have ever played that much in a Pokemon game ever in one day. I absolutely love this game and enjoying it. I'm kind of sad how there is a little bit post game but I am enjoying it now. This is my team so far. I love exp share and amulet coin.
Greninja lvl 49
Blaziken lvl 50
Venasaur lvl 42
Alakazam lvl 42
Aurorus lvl 39
Krokorok lvl 33
Hope everyone had a great day today too. Pokemon is back ladies and gentlemen.
Can you tell me where to find a shellder?