It's mostly a 2D game, only using 3D during some special moments IE selecting your Pokemon, in battle, and apparently in caves.Um, no 3D in this game? How come it only works sometimes and not all the time?
No 3D during gameplay?
It's mostly a 2D game, only using 3D during some special moments IE selecting your Pokemon, in battle, and apparently in caves.Um, no 3D in this game? How come it only works sometimes and not all the time?
No 3D during gameplay?
Ralts is a hyper-rare encounter on Route 4, I believe (same route with all the Flabebes). Probably 5% or lower.Where do you find Ralts and anything in the Gengar line?
Shellder is exclusive to Y while Staryu is exclusive to X.Can you tell me where to find a shellder?
Where do you find Ralts and anything in the Gengar line?
absent.Stereoscopic 3D absent? Or is my 3DS broken? Am I going crazy?
Ralts is a hyper-rare encounter on Route 4, I believe (same route with all the Flabebes). Probably 5% or lower.
Stereoscopic 3D absent? Or is my 3DS broken? Am I going crazy?
If it's the Flabebe evo i think it needs a shiny stone.
Shellder is exclusive to Y while Staryu is exclusive to X.
Stealth rock and whirlwind would not be kind to that teamWow I'm a little disappointed Fletchinder is, didn't think there'd be so many of that type. Maybe I should make a full team lol.Fire/Flying
Ah, thanks!
Anyone knows if it's possible to get one at/before the city with the 3rd gym?
Son I started this herdyou joined the pokemon herd!
Stealth rock and whirlwind would not be kind to that team
Yeah, it baffles me people are going for it. Going for certain natures, OK, and going for a female one can pay off greatly in the long run (or at least the short run when you want other starters), but Shiny? You won't get a Shiny from breeding, and the effort for little gain just isn't worth it.Do you people going for shiny starters realize that the odds of that happening are 1/8192?
Just forget about it and use breeding to improve your chances to 1/1024 (assuming the Masuda Method and shiny charm are still in the game).
The only one I've found was after the 3rd gym.
I got a Shellder. Can you not catch them in X?
My friend code is 2320-6152-0406.
Not sure how trading works in this game.
Son I started this herd
Wonder trade sounds awesome. I'm definitely going to be a bro and give away version exclusive pokemon or bred starters.
How did you get a shiny starter?
Wonder trade sounds awesome. I'm definitely going to be a bro and give away version exclusive pokemon or bred starters.
So at my university GameStop, there are at least 400 pre-orders. I'm standing behind ~100 other people right now.
And the line keeps growing.
Why do my pokemon randomly start holding items? My Zigzagoon has gotten random potions and now my Bunnelby has a full heal.
Zigzaoon has a pickup abilityWhy do my pokemon randomly start holding items? My Zigzagoon has gotten random potions and now my Bunnelby has a full heal.
Why do my pokemon randomly start holding items? My Zigzagoon has gotten random potions and now my Bunnelby has a full heal.